View Full Version : I miss.

11-28-2006, 05:50 PM
Biddy, who totally melts into me when I hold him on my lap.
Simba, with the endless purr.
Monte, who is a total mama's boy.
Rutherford, who can be petted or brushed for hours straight.

I have:
Jim, who sleeps right next to me each night.
Jasper, who always greets me at the door.
Fern, who yells at me for "pets".
Willow, who licks my fingers as his expression of affection.

and yet............
Lucas, waking me each day by licking my nose.
His delightful purr therapy.
The way we played "chase" every night before bedtime.
The way his eyes looked deep into my soul.

I miss that boy. And I find myself looking at all the oragnies posted at petfinder.com. But there is no "replacement". Lucas was one of a kind (as are they all, aren't they?)

Who do you miss?

11-28-2006, 05:57 PM
I miss my golden girl, Goldie,

The way she would flop on the floor the minute I came home, begging for belly rubs.

The way she would flop of the floor when I dried my hair, begging for me to "dry" her belly too.

The way she let me do "puss ups" with her when I worked out.

and yet

I have Mishi, sleeping next to me every night.

Mitzi, purring in my ear when I wake up.

I still miss my golden girl :(

Russian Blue
11-28-2006, 06:59 PM
I miss Kissa (means 'cat' in Finnish) -a mixed breed Siamese beauty. My family adopted her when I was 5 years old. She was the first cat to steal my heart. She was my best friend, my secret keeper, my comfort through childhood pains, my defender of evil monsters under the bed and my intuitive emotion teller. She passed away at 23 and I will *always* miss her.

Recently, I miss Phoenix. She stole a piece of my heart as soon as I saw her and the 28 days was too short a time to be with her. Hope you are enjoying your new home Phoenix. :(

11-28-2006, 07:09 PM
I will always miss My First Cat Pouncer who was such a sweet Little Girl.
She was a dear Cat, and a Real Pal.
Mr Scrappy who used to sit on my chest and nuzzle my neck.
Moose The Magnificent with his Flock Of Pigeons Purr.
Shemp, the Clown Prince of the Siamese.
Me Fluffy, my Big Warm Hearted Surrogate Mother to all the new Cats.
BJ the Senior Meezer who was simply a Joy to have as a Companions.
Scrathy, Nugget and Karina the Porch Cats who are there no more to greet me as I would come up the street.Freddy, Rascal and Roadblock too who share so many meals and good times with me.
Muchkin and Buster who went too soon when they were so young.
I hope that I will be worthy enough to see them.
One Fine Day.
And Lester, Missy, Sinbad , Frisky, Frosty and Geoerge and Charles my Boy hood Cats , I cant forget them.
And Bosco the Boston Terrier.
Angel Pets All.

11-28-2006, 07:24 PM
I have:
My Tuck-who loves me for me no matter what.
Mopar-My quite kittie that seems to know the exact time that I need her.
Chloe Girl-The sweetest little meezer I have ever owned.....Such a sweet little soul
Little Paris-The closest to perfect a kitty could be...We haven't been together real long but a lifetime of companionship and love is a for sure with this amazing little girl.

Yet I truely Miss.....
My little Pricilla Sue: I miss her loyal heart, her tenderheart and the way she would kiss me gentle on the cheek each night before I went to sleep...... She gave more than in love than I could ever replace in my entire lifetime.. Till we meet again at the bridge my Cilla Sue........

11-28-2006, 09:07 PM
I Have:

My beautiful bengal baby Eve: a spirited, intelligent, ever affection baby doll who chose us and stole my heart completely - thank you sweetheart :) for coming into our lives and for making our days with you so much fun

I Miss:

Sammy: my first kitty, a copper eyed, irresistable blonde lion who taught me how to love and respect the kitties of the world; he stayed with us for 22 years and each day was a special day with him in it

Toba: the only pupper I've had in my life; truly my heart dog; for all her shaggy sheepdog goodness and a heart of pure gold - she was my best friend; my heart still breaks on the anniversary of her death

August: a magnificent black tabby with the biggest green eyes :) I so loved your cat kisses and the way you always knew when I needed a hug and the way you always had that hug waiting for me; you had a surreal old soul and I cherish the time we had together

Roxy: our flirtatious little maine coon - daddy's girl and August's best buddy; I miss our morning time baby girl - you were always there with me leaving precious memories and making me laugh as you wrestled your big fluffy tail into submission; I'm so sad that you had to leave so soon - 9 years was not long enough :(

11-28-2006, 09:41 PM
I Have:
Allen who has the sweetest face on earth, he just looks so trusting, like he knows I hold his life in my hands
Pouncer who is the eternal kitten and makes me laugh with his silly activities
Harry who is hubby's special boy (and I have come to terms with that ;))
Abby who is my lover girl, my lap kitty, my bed warmer.
Flutter who is my sweetheart, little miss innocent, my squeaky girl who has me wrapped around her little paw.

Angel. Why did I let her go? I know she has a wonderful life with Flutter's sisters... I let her go and I miss her so much that it feels like my heart cracks each time I think of her. I only had her in my life for 6 months yet she touched me in many ways during her short stay. I constantly am looking out for her replacement -- I wanted Puff and I know she is a mere shadow of who Angel is.

11-28-2006, 10:25 PM
Jen, I know exactly how you feel! I have even brought other B&W kitties in, hoping to bring back my Tucker. NONE of them could EVER be what he was to me!


I must add that I am crazy about all of my kitties, and a few of them are pretty darn near to my heart. I guess if one came the closest to my Tucker, I'd say it is my big red guy, Redfurd! ;)

11-29-2006, 12:54 AM
I Have:
Storm: He's the first cat that I've ever owned on my own and is my heart kitty. We have a very strong bond.
Sunny: He's my original baby and an eternal kitten and he always keeps me laughing with his antics.
Sky: He's such an outgoing charming cat and is my kitty dog.
Starr: He's my needy baby boy and my lap cat.
Pearl: She's Miss Personality and quite a talker.
Ziggy Stardust: She's such a sweetheart and melts me with her eyes.

Who I Miss:
Pepper: He was my gentle giant, my little black teddy bear, and my lap cat. He would knead me every night and then get so excited that he'd drool on me too. He would also let me know when it was time for bed. He's still very much alive in my heart and I feel his presence often. He also still visits me and I've seen him before. He was only with me from 9 weeks old until he was almost 6 years old and this was still not enough time.:( We'll be together again though some day.

Cirrus:He was my wild child and loved to be brushed and petted. He was also very intelligent. I had him for a little over 2 years but things just weren't working out. He was very stressed and nervous and would fight with Storm on a daily basis.:( I knew that he needed a much better home so I had to rehome him. I gave him back to his rescue group and they found him an excellent new loving forever home. Even though I've recieved a few e-mails from his new meowmie and a few pictures of him, I still miss him very much and I always pray that he'll remain a happy and healthy cat.

Maya & Inka's mommy
11-29-2006, 03:48 AM
Maya: my gentle sweetheart, always interested in a treat, asking to be petted by moving the top of her tail
Inka: my unhandy loud girl
Zazou: my loving soft and sweet purr-machine
Snoopy: my monkey-like 3paw, always ready for trouble

Sydney: my beautiful soft black cat, always napping, loving to be around me....
Jasper: my cute little guinea pig..... Billie's buddy

11-29-2006, 07:41 PM
I miss my Katie, Katie Pretty Lady. :(
She was my little velcro girl. My heart kitty.
I miss hearing her little brrp, brrps as she ran up the hall to me. I miss her sleeping in the crook of my arm every night. I miss her putting the boys in their place. I miss her laying on the newspaper while I was trying to read it. I miss her sleeping on me while I was watching T.V. I miss her laying on the chair behind me while on was on the computer. She literally had me sitting on the edge of my seat. I miss HER!!! :(

K & L
11-29-2006, 07:59 PM
I miss my Hazel. I think of her so often and wish I had more time with her.

Kevin misses his buddy Porch and we both miss little Calvin.