View Full Version : Extremely Important! - product alert for your cat

06-13-2002, 06:03 PM
I feel like I need to alert all of you who have cats about a product. I purchased flea treatment for my cat that is made by Hartz, a brand I actually trusted. Like many others, I just did not have the money at this time to purchase a prescribed flea treatment. So, I figured that since Hartz has been around for many years and I have used other Hartz products, that this flea treatment must work and must be safe. I never could have been more wrong! The flea treatment is in a liquid form that is applied to the skin on the cat's back. Today my cat, Squirt, was hospitalized due to poisoning from this product. He currently has a 50/50 chance of survival. The veterinarian discussed other cases such as this that they have seen due to this product. In most cases they have seen, the cats were comatosed or seizuring by the time their owners realized something was seriously wrong. In these cases, the cats usually do not survive. Luckily, my cat had not had seizures nor was he comatosed. He had been throwing up for a few days and was not eating or drinking. Please be aware of these symptoms, which are not stated in the warning on the box of this product. The warning only states that it may cause skin sensitivity or redness and that it is toxic to fish. Well, it is also toxic to your cat. Please spread the word to all of the cat owners that you know. It is a shame that a well-known name like Hartz distributes such a harmful and deadly product. I hope this was helpful to everyone who read this. I felt like I could do nothing to help Squirt, but felt that this is what I could do. If you would like to look up more information on this, the name of the toxin in this product is called phenothrin. You can look up "phenothrin poisoning" on the internet to get more info. This toxin causes major liver damage!

06-13-2002, 06:11 PM
Thanks for the warning. I would never have though there would be a problem with Hartz products either. I'll keep Squirt and you in my prayers for his recovery.

06-13-2002, 07:01 PM
I am so very sorry to hear this terribly sad news. I hope that Squirt will pull through. It is unconscienable that such a product could be marketed!!:( I believe we had a Pet Talker here a while back that had a similar incident with a commercial flea treatment product for cats. I hope that some action is being taken to remove the product from all store and some action taken to hold the company liable. I am truly heartbroken for you. I will pray for Squirt's full recovery.

Sara luvs her Tinky
06-13-2002, 07:23 PM
Poor Squirt... I will keep you in my prayers sweet kitty...
When Tinky had fleas the vet warned me against Hartz... she didn't elaborate on the consiquences of using it though... how scary!! Thanks for the warning... :(

06-14-2002, 03:38 AM
Poor thing !!! :(
Hope you pull through dear Squirt !!!! Your mommy did well warning us !!!! THANKS for letting us know !!!!

It is intolerable that such products are sold !!!! I also have a cat-shampoo somewhere ; I washed Sydney once (NEVER AGAIN:rolleyes: ) ; I still have the bottle , but i will throw it in the bin , right away !!!

Paws , fingers and tails crossed for Squirt !!


06-14-2002, 09:43 AM
Khoyman thank you so much for the warning. How sad you had to discover this the hard way. Have you thought of contacting the company and complaining? This should be brought to their attention ASAP.

Poor Squirt - I hope the little guy pulls through. I'll be thinking of him - and you too {{{{{}}}}}}.


06-14-2002, 01:40 PM
THIS IS CRIMINAL. :mad: I did a search of "hartz flea treatment" on the web and came up with plenty of references to this very problem. (Do the words "Ford Explorer - blown up tires" sound familiar?) Apparently, Hartz had a similar problem with their "blockade" product back in 1987.

It's so scary because just yesterday I was at the grocery store, going down the cat food aisle, when I saw this very product and thought to myself "hey, I could save a few bucks - expecially with four cats to treat". I'm so thankful now that I didn't purchase it.

Poor little Squirt - you will be in my thoughts today. Take care Khoyman. You may have just saved my kitties from this horrible fate.

I will now go email every cat owner that I know to warn them of this.

Sid, Jan, Joxer, and Quicy send their regards.

06-14-2002, 02:15 PM
My daughter just put some of this on her cat last Saturday! And he has already been to the vet one in his 2 years for liver failure. He survived that time even though the vet didn't expect him to .

Thank you for the warning. We will be watching Stormy very carefully!


06-15-2002, 01:01 AM
Thanks for the warning. I'm so sorry to hear about Squirt. http://pages.prodigy.net/rogerlori1/emoticons/cryhug_1_.gif I've used this product before and luckily my cats have been okay. I now use advantage. You should complain to the company. My thoughts and prayers are with you, Squirt, and your family.

06-15-2002, 04:16 PM
I just found out today that Squirt will make it! He still is hospitalized until Monday. They are hoping that he starts to eat again before they send him home. He, of course, has permanent liver damage, but at least he came out of this. Thank you everyone for your support, thoughts, and prayers. It meant so much to me. I am still on a mission to fight this pesticide poisoning issue. I am expecting Hartz to hopefully give me a full refund on my expenses due to this whole ordeal.

Thanks again!!:D

c:My Documents\Pictures\squirt.jpg

06-15-2002, 10:19 PM
Originally posted by khoyman
I just found out today that Squirt will make it! He still is hospitalized until Monday. They are hoping that he starts to eat again before they send him home. ...

What wonderful news. I'm crying for joy for you both!

06-16-2002, 09:31 PM
Thanks for the alert, and I'm SO glad Squirt will recover from this . . . I remember the Blockade controversy, so you would think Hartz would thoroughly test for any negative reactions from their subsequent products before releasing them to the public . . . :mad:

I hope you give 'em hell and that Hartz agrees to compensate you for Squirt's medical bills. Maybe if enough people whose cats were adversely affected by this product get on the warpath, it will make the company think twice . . .

06-16-2002, 10:12 PM
I'm glad to hear that Squirt will be okay. I sure hope that Hartz will pay for his medical expenses. If enough people come forward about this problem then hopefully they will discontinue the product and pull it from the shelves so that no more animals are killed or injured.

maxx's mom
06-19-2002, 06:57 PM
[QUOTE]Originally posted by catland
[B] (Do the words "Ford Explorer - blown up tires" sound familiar?) Apparently, Hartz had a similar problem with their "blockade" product back in 1987.

I have a Ford Explorer AND Hartz Flea Shampoo.:eek: :eek:
I don't think Maxx has had a reaction to the shampoo, but I will definitely throw it out the minute I get home! Thank you so much for the warning. How terrible that a company that makes pet products would continue to sell such a harmful product!

I guess I'm on my own with the Explorer problem, huh?

06-19-2002, 10:44 PM
Thanks for waring us!! I was going shopping for anti-flea products tomorrow and...Well thankyou, I will be very careful. I hope Hartz gives a refund. They owe a very big ONE! I hope they cancel the product. I hope Squirt is okay.