View Full Version : AAAARRRGGG!!! People make me SICK!!!!

11-27-2006, 04:45 PM
Last night when the hubby and I were walking the dog, we saw a kitten of about 3-4 months old running across the street and into the back laneway.
I was like, "OMG, that's just a little kitten." So we headed into the laneway and found the kitten under a dumpster behind a restaurant. While I was bending down and putting some food down to coax the kitty out, which he did, this guy came along and asked if we had the kitten. I asked him if it was his and he said no. BUT, he did pick it up and tried to clean it as it's back end was so full of caked on poop. The kitten did smell like you wouldn't believe. Get this, he tried to clean it with dirty puddle water and then put it into a plastic bag, but it got out. I aked him what the sam "H" did he plan on doing with it. He said he was just trying to clean it. Anyway to make a long story short, my hubby said under no certain terms were we going to bring this kitten back home as he didn't want to jeopardize our cats getting sick since we had nowhere to put it. Deep in my heart, I knew he was right. With a heavy heart we walked away. My hubby gave me the old speech about not be able to save them all. I know what you are all thinking, but please keep reading. Needless to say, I didn't sleep well last night just thinking about this baby out in the cold. This morning while walking Buddy, I detoured into the laneway and was calling to see if the kitten would come out. It didn't. BUT this afternoon, while going outside to check my mail, I spotted it running across the street about half way down from my place. I grabbed my coat, put on my shoes, went and got one of my cat carriers and out the door I went.

More in next post. I'm sorry this is longer than expected.

11-27-2006, 04:52 PM
He came to me right away and I put him in the carrier, brought him upstairs and put him in the bathroom. Called my vet and made an appointment. It's for this thursday at 5:30 p.m. I figured I would deal with the hubby later when he got home. The kitten's butt was much cleaner today and didn't smell too bad. Upon trying to clean his widdle bum, I noticed that his rectum was quite swollen. He did nothing but purred all the time and didn't once put his claws out. I don't know what the heck could be wrong with him.
I called my vet back, but unfortunately there are no vets today but I am to call back tomorrow morning in hopes that they will see me sooner.
The hubby got home, talked to him about it and all he said was, "Why am I not surprised."
I'm sure that someone dumped him :mad: as he is just to tame.

Anyway, here is a picture of him. Actually I don't really know if it is a him or a her, as his rectum is so swollen. Poor baby.

I'll keep you posted on what is what with this one.

11-27-2006, 04:54 PM
Oh my goodness he/she is absolutly gorgeous. Bless you helping.

11-27-2006, 04:57 PM
Poop baby! He may be having problems because of eating out of trash cans. That will give them the poops.

He doesn't look too bad from his picture. His eyes are bright and clear!! That's always a good sign. Did you notice, he's another gray and white?
Makes me wonder is someone in that neighborhood is dumping them on purpose, eh?

Prayers on the way for the little one be he a he or be he a she!

11-27-2006, 05:17 PM
What a stunning baby! Thank you Lorraine for saving her despite hubbys protesting. It is most likely severe worms that are causing the rectum to be inflamed and protruding. That combined with eating who knows what for who knows how long. :( She (I'm guessing on this one) is such a lovely kitten. :) Chances are she'll end up fine after a few doses of nasty worming meds. ;) She looks like an "Elsa" or "Molly" to me for some reason.... :D I shudder to think of how many more kittens that jack- in -the -behind actually managed to "clean" inside of plastic bags! :mad: :mad: :mad:
Edit: for some reason the little ditty "Molly, Molly Mugwump" just popped into my head lol! :rolleyes: :p :D

11-27-2006, 05:26 PM
Thank you for your replies. :)

Jan, thank you for that info. I pray that it is just from worms and nothing more serious. This kitty has clean ears and yes it's eyes are clear and no runny nose. Good appetite, drinks water, but hasn't gone in the litter box yet.

The bugger part of this, is that I am having problems finding a new home for adorable P-Pod and Sweetpea, what am I going to do with this one now.
*SIGH* I am going to ask one of the rescues that are helping me out right now if someone else can take this one.

11-27-2006, 05:27 PM
Lorraine you are a godsend to that Poor Little One.
This is one of the reasons that I love coming on Pet Talk, is that there are people like you who will go that extra mile to help the Helpless.
We pray that you can get that Gem of a Cat a Good Furr Ever Home.
What a sweet Kitty.

11-27-2006, 05:37 PM
What an adorable little baby that is!!!! How could you not fall in love..... Sometimes I think husbands just don't get it???????? But my husband would say the same..... I think. You know that little kitty could have Coccida???? My little Chloe baby had that really bad when I first got her and her little bottom was very red and inflammed just like you mensioned. Does it have really runny poops??? I would guess yes if it is sticking to him. I actually had to give Chloe baths because being kittens they don't slow down long enough to clean and it keeps getting stuck in their fur. I am sure the bad diet would be part of the reason also. Thank you for taking care of this little guy!!!! YOU ARE A SAINT!!!!

11-27-2006, 05:50 PM
Yes, you are truly a saint. When I kept reading and came to the 2nd post, I was afraid you were going to say you found a little body. That little one knew where to go and hide!

Bless you for taking this little baby in and looking after him/her. Looks like a potential beauty.

11-27-2006, 05:57 PM
Oh my dear God, I hope it isn't Coccida. :eek: That's all I need is for that to run through the house. Then my rescue days would really be over in the hubby's eyes.

I have had him/her in the bathroom now since about 2:30 this afternoon and he hasn't done anything in the litter box yet. So is this a good sign that it isn't from Coccida? Oh I hope, I hope, I hope.

Thank you for your nice comments. :) Like one of my neighbours told me, "The cats around here are lucky to have you." :) But, I'm not the only one on the street. I found out this summer that there are a few people who live on the other side of the street from me, who are taking care of the strays in their laneway and one guy has taken in 4 kittens, vetted them and is keeping them for his own. AHHHHHH it's nice to know I am not alone. :D

11-27-2006, 05:59 PM
Oh goodness Lorraine! I'm with hubby -- why am I not surprised? ;) :D

I think you are the Mother Theresa of kittens now! :D

Keep us updated on this pretty little one.

11-27-2006, 06:02 PM
It's people like you that help save all these poor unfortunate ones. He/she sure is a darling. Keep us posted.

11-27-2006, 06:09 PM
It a good sign if it hasn't gone yet. Chloe kept going....and going......and going. So maybe it was the food it was eating......Lets hope!! The kitty looks really healthy to have that also.....

11-27-2006, 06:39 PM
I have the feeling that little one just KNEW that you would be back!!! You did a truly wonderful thing!!! Please keep us posted.....

11-27-2006, 06:43 PM
What a beauty baby little doe eyed "Bambi" (my name for her) is. I really hope the swollen bummy is nothing too serious and can be treated easily. It is sooo good to know you are not the only saint in your neighborhood. And that these babies have been given a chance by you and your cat loving neighbors. Good Luck with this little munchkin and be sure to keep us updated.

11-27-2006, 06:45 PM
She's GORGEOUS!!!!!!!

Hope she can get into the vet soon, but don't worry, coccidia is not going to run rampant through your house. Just keep her separated and don't let the others near her litter (including the scooper).

And if she hasn't eaten on a regular basis she won't poop on a regular basis (if you know what I mean). So just monitor her until she can see a vet.

And thank you for not turning your back. Good luck finding a rescue to take her.

11-27-2006, 07:17 PM
God bless you.

Thank you so much for taking the kitty in.


K & L
11-27-2006, 07:45 PM
What a cutie and thanks so much for taking him/her in. Boy can we relate to your problem of finding homes. We do have better luck with the kittens vs. the adults.

You are wise to seclude him and be sure to wash everything when you leave the area, including you clothes. This will help prevent any spread of anything.

Lorraine have you thought about asking the neighbors if they would be interested in helping TNR the cats in the neighborhood? This would sure help cut down on the population!

Good luck with this little one.

11-27-2006, 07:55 PM
I am so happy for this little one! Bless you for taking on another one at this stage.

Humph to hubby! At least he didn't say NO, once the kitty was in.

If it is worms, then here is tip (though you probably know this, having had more cats then I have had). When we found Dazzle, and took him in to the vet, he had worms and got the dewormer. Dad held the little boy on his lap on the way home and . . . the dewormer did its job and quite well I may add. Um, those trousers just went in the trash, Dad said it wasn't worth the bother. Since then (3 years? maybe 4?) Dad refuses to hold anyone coming home from the vet, ha ha. :D

Love that long gray hair. Hoping for the best at the vets.

11-27-2006, 07:56 PM
My dog casey had cocciada when I rescued her from the shelter..she had been there for 10 days so very likely could have gotten it there. She showed no signs at all so maybe it was early on but the antibiotic they gave her made her very ill, I stopped giving it after 5 days and had her stool rechecked and it was gone.

At the time my kitty never got it...of course they didn't use the same litter areas. I don't think cocciada is that big of a deal...I worry about ring worm, now that is a pain!

11-27-2006, 08:09 PM
I am so glad you rescued this adorable little baby! He/she is beautiful!! How could anyone dump a sweet one like this? I just don't understand. Thank you so much for helping this little angel. I have always wanted a gray kitten but unfotuantely I have quite enough already.

11-27-2006, 08:47 PM
Send him on over to me. He is just adorable how could someone dump him!!!

11-27-2006, 09:31 PM
I'm so glad that you went back out to look for him and he came running to you. He knew he needed rescuing, and looks very warm, safe and comfortable in his foster home. I don't want to think about the guy with the plastic bag, it curdles my stomach. Please tell your husband that we all admire him for being willing to adapt. It's good that you have other rescue-oriented people around you, that must be very heartening.

11-27-2006, 11:30 PM
You did the right thing. Thank God for you and your hubby. (Even if he complains) lol
That kitty is beautiful. Prayers coming that all is healthy. Please keep us updated.

11-27-2006, 11:42 PM
Thank you all for your nice comments.

He is resting comfortably and has done little poops here and there. I just wish it was in the litter box mind you. At least I know that he isn't completely blocked from the swelling. He did finally make a nice big pee in the box though.

Lisa, I did mention to the guy who took in the 4 kittens about us all getting together and trapping the cats to get them fixed, but unfortunately, I haven't seen him lately and heard that he had a heart attack and stays in his house most of the time now. But that is a good idea and I will look into it.

Yeah, hubby wasn't too happy about bringing him in, but when he goes into the bathroom all I hear is, "Hi there little kitty, what's ya doing" in his sweet voice that he uses. I've been through it before with Poppy & Willy. :D
Let's just say that he is definitely a keeper. The hubby, not the kitten.

Buttercup, Ontario isn't that far away from me you know. :)

11-28-2006, 12:08 AM
Oh Lorraine, I'm so glad you went back for this beautiful baby! He /she looks so happy to be inside and loved and fed GOOD food!!! Bless you for having the heart to tackle another baby in need!

Kim ;)

11-28-2006, 01:35 AM
Lorraine, I'm so glad that you went back and found this little kitten again and were able to take him/her in.:) The kitten is adorable and I hope that it's in good health and doesn't have anything serious. Please continue to keep us updated about him/her.

11-28-2006, 05:24 AM
Lorraine, I am once again so inspired by the people on Pet Talk, people like you who have a heart to share with cats in need. This little one was in such a way how could you possibly have left it behind.
I will pray that you will find a home for this one, and sweetpea and pea pod.
Can you advertise in your local newspaper or in say the local shops for homes for them? But make it clear that you will have to visit the house of the new prospective owner to ensure that it's a suitable environment, and also check out the people and how they live secretly obviously.
Just and idea.

11-28-2006, 05:26 AM
Oh I'm just reading this and so happy that you saved this beautiful little boy or girl.Make sure when they do a poopy test that they check for Giardia too.My Rufus and Skye had it and passed it to everyone in the house.It was tough to get rid of.(because I had to treat all my cats).I knew to deworm right away and to check for coccidia but did not know they had giardia which is very contagious too like all the other poopy things.So you might want to ask the vet about that as well.
Fish-zole or fish-cilon at revivalhealth.com gets rid of giardia.It's the same as metronidizole that the vets give you and charge you much more.It helps diarea and bloody stools also.
Sorry for the mispelling.
Your a very special lady :)

11-28-2006, 04:58 PM
It's a good thing this adorable furbaby is in Montreal and I'm in Chicago because she (he?) would never leave my house. What a precious kitty and what a wonderful story. How is kitty doing today (Tuesday)?

When I brought Cassie home one of the other shelter cats (HH is no-cage as well as no-kill) had giardiasis. they sent us home with metronidazole, but her stool studies came back negative, so I ended up not having to pill her after all.

11-28-2006, 10:09 PM
Thank you everyone for your lovely words.

Please see update here: :(