View Full Version : Belgians in the snow *pics*

11-27-2006, 01:21 PM
Here are some pics of the dogs in the snow yesterday. Solo turned 3 months and 24 pounds on Saturday -- exactly half the size of Visa (48 pounds). I haven't measured him yet but he's probably about 15 inches.

I know Visa looks terrible. That's not even the end of her shedding, she won't stop until she looks like a malinois with a few tufts here and there.
Pup-pup watching the momma

More coming..

11-27-2006, 01:22 PM
This is my foster, Sheba..

That's all! Visa and I missed our rally-o trial a couple of months ago so we ae making plans for next year and I'm going to try to stick with them. I have a couple rally-o trials planned for both dogs in the spring, some obedience trials, and some shows for Solo. Probably won't be showing Visa again until the fall. That's when we'll have the outdoor shows with agility which she will do much better in. A few agility trials of course, and our first herding ASCA herding trial which I am very excited about.

I'm most excited about Tradex (the biggest show in Canada). Solo will only be a year old and it's a BIG, indoor, scary show, so I really have to work on getting him ready for it. Visa's cousin took a Group 1st at Tradex this year. Solo is turning out so beautifully...I think he could really make it. He's only 3 months, but if he keeps doing what he's doing he could be a BIS dog!! Just have to keep socialising him and he'll do well.

I also want to enter a couple of dogs in the Brace. I don't know which ones though -- I'm thinking Solo and Loki will probably look more alike than anything else.
Marla had such ambitions for Loki, he's the most stable Belgian she's had in a long time so she thought she could Special him in the ring, but he has a gay tail, so while he could finish no problem, he probably wouldn't Special very well. Right now she's talking to a golden retriever breeder that she's been following around for 15 years...Marla used to breed Goldens but got out of them when one of her goldens passed away in an accident, and the other came up OFA fair -- then she got into Belgians. Big personality switch. Belgians are difficult to breed -- it's hard to get a good one and it's hard to find a suitable mate. Breeders can try and try and come up with a "freaky" litter every time. I think she's just tired of worrying about it. Wants to take a break from Belgians and focus on her toy poodle and possibly a new golden puppy. If she decides not to, she's going to try with Jaguar -- send her off to Europe to be bred. Only thing is that she doesn't believe in breeding unless you keep a puppy so if she does do it, she wouldn't be able to get her golden in a long time.

Heck, if she doesn't take the opportunity to send Jag over, I'll send Visa. I worry about European temperaments but she'd be going with a friend of mine who knows what I like -- Can't stand shy-sharp dogs. I do want to breed her to Loki next year but there's always another chance to do that. Speaking of European dogs, not getting a puppy from the breeder in Europe afterall. I was excited about it as they had produced a very nice dog back in the 80's with a wonderful temperament and conformation -- hard not to find him in any American pedigree -- but my friend just got her puppy from them, and it turned out to be a complete freak. Happens now and then but this was supposed to be one of the best in the litter. I'll still get one from Europe, I'll just wait until my friend finds something she likes over there.

Anyways I could go on and on and on...lol. :o

11-27-2006, 01:28 PM
"mom- Whats All This White Stuff??" Lol

critter crazy
11-27-2006, 01:30 PM
Great Pics!!!!! Looks like doggies are having fun!!!:)

11-27-2006, 01:59 PM
Wow! For some reason I always thought Visa was bigger than 48 lbs.

Solo is such a handsome little man. And Visa is pretty, regardless of whether or not shes shedding.

Looks like they were having tons of fun. :)

11-27-2006, 02:03 PM
Solo is so big! Visa looks gorgeous as always, even if she doesn't have a full coat right now ;) I hope the doggies do well in all of the shows :) I'm going to start showing Nova and possibly Buck in rally-o in February.

11-27-2006, 02:07 PM
Wow! For some reason I always thought Visa was bigger than 48 lbs.

Exactly what I was thinking.

Visa is always gorgeous, and always will be, shedding or not. :p And of course Solo is always *melts*

11-27-2006, 02:07 PM
AWWW Visa and solo are so cute int he snow!! It makes them look like JET balck hey... Uber cute, we got ALOT of snow too.. And more is coming.. I took some pics of my girls outside today :D. I'll have to post em'. Your new foster is a pretty girl, so whats goingon with her now?

11-27-2006, 02:25 PM
Thanks everyone! :) Yeah Visa is only 22.5 inches. :)

Your new foster is a pretty girl, so whats goingon with her now?
I have no idea -- I'd really like to send her back to the rescue as she's too difficult for me to care for right now, and with their procedures she will take forever to adopt out. But they are still out of room. :( She's becoming a huge liability. She attacked Visa while Visa was sleeping the other day, and of course Visa easily took her down --I wouldn't like to be responsible for getting her stitches. She's also gone after Solo a few times. If you discipline anyone, she growls at you. If she's doing something wrong and you try to make her stop, it's basically pointless. She was on top of the coffee table today eating out of a bowl -- I was SCREAMING, trying to get her off but she was completely ignoring me. Ignored the water bottle when I sprayed her. Finally I smacked her on the bum and she turned around and growled at me. I can't bring her to work as she can be cage aggressive and she does the GSD whine when I'm not there. But when I leave her at home she pees on the carpet (I thik she may be diabetic) and counter surfs. I came home the other day and all of my cupboards were open, ALL of my food eaten. I can barely afford food, it's ridiculous. Can't put her in the crate because the cat I'm sitting is in there (another animal that is driving me nuts, peeing everywhere). I am training and socialising a 3 month old pup, don't have the mental capacity to deal with Sheba. :(

11-27-2006, 02:41 PM
Thanks everyone! :) Yeah Visa is only 22.5 inches. :)

LOL, all of my dogs are shorter than that (Buck and Nova are 22, Luka is 21, and Mandy is 19) and they all weigh 55-70 lbs! :p

I guess Visa's coat makes her look stockier than she really is!

11-27-2006, 02:44 PM
oh man Jordan, I knew it wasnt going to be a good idea for you to take in so many animals.. it sounds fun and All till you actually get the dog/cat... You barely have enough room in your house for you and the pets you do own, not to mention the fosters that are coming in all the time.

11-27-2006, 03:58 PM
Solo is getting big so quick! They are both so beautiful!

11-27-2006, 04:46 PM
Solo is absolutely adorable! what a fluffy puppy! Looks like he & mom had a blast in the snow. Sorry your foster isn't working out so well. Maybe another foster home can take her?

11-27-2006, 04:56 PM
Solo has to be the cutest pup I've ever seen. He's so suspicious looking in one of those pics, but he's growing into a fine young boy. Visa will NEVER look horrible, I love her to. I love both your dogs, wolfsoul. I'm sorry to hear that Sheba is causing so much trouble for you. She's a very pretty girl though.

11-27-2006, 05:03 PM
Visa may be blad, but I still think she's as beautiful as ever! It was nice to see her again, it's been a while. Solo is beautiful! Sorry to hear about Sheba though...I hope everything gets sorted out with her.

11-27-2006, 05:11 PM
Solo is so adorable as ever! In the second picture of the first post, it looks like Solo as a fluff ball hehe. Too cute, Great pictures, glad that it seems he is loving the weather. Thanks for sharing.

11-27-2006, 05:56 PM
Awesome pics! God bless you for fostering that beautiful dog. Black dogs in white, Black Dogs in White (get it, the movie Men In black?) lol. Sola is getting even more adorable. Visa is such a great mumma :)

11-27-2006, 10:26 PM
Wow, Solo really is growing! Visa still looks as pretty as ever! Sheba is gorgeous too - when did you start fostering her?

11-27-2006, 10:28 PM
Gorgeous dogs! I love the black of their coats against the white snow! :) Solo sure is growing up fast, he's going to be one handsome dog full grown!

11-27-2006, 10:38 PM
Thanks everyone! :)

Sheba is gorgeous too - when did you start fostering her?
I gother a couple of weeks ago. She was in the Penticton SPCA and then a rescue, but the rescue ran out of room and desperatly placed her with me. I know that they recently placed another of their dogs though so I'm hopign they can take her back. I enjoy fostering but don't have the time to take in dogs needing as much training and behaviour modification as Sheba.

11-27-2006, 10:53 PM
I LOVE Solo and Vi! :D Eeee! I can't wait til I get to meet the little guy. I still have that photo of him at a couple days old on my phone.. it's hard to believe he has gotten so big, so quick! :eek:

11-28-2006, 12:28 AM
your dogs are stunning, they look so pretty with the snow white background. Bless you, Bless you Bless you, for taking in a foster, and one with behavior problems, wow I pray they have a spot to take her back soon a provide you with some relief, but you are doing such a wonderful thing, you have to know, even though it seems quite a handful for you, (and you need a break) just know you are doing something amazing. :D

11-28-2006, 02:44 PM
I can't believe how big Solo is and oh so cute. Thanks for the pics of momma & son.