View Full Version : I'm getting my third tattoo on...

11-26-2006, 07:41 PM

I'm sure some of you remember a while back me posting about it. I decided since I didn't know what that chinese symbol ment it would be a bad move to get it permnently done one me.

So I remembered a Pit Bull tattoo in the shop of a white one covered in with a wrap of flowers around it (I'll try and find the picture on Saturday or Friday night) I still want it. But my dad is really close with the owner of the shop , he always dose his tattoos they go out together alot. We usually get discounts on everything too (peircings and tattoos). My dad told him about the Pitty I wanted and he said no. He said I might change my mind about them and that I dont even have one so no. I personally KNOW I will NEVER change my mind about them. Even if I was attacked (of wich I'm sure would never happen) I would still love the breed. He said to wait till I'm older to get it done.

So I was on the quest yet again to look for a new tattoo. In September I saw a fairy costume of Tinkebell. And on the package was this really modern raver kind of Tinkerbell. My friend works in a toy/book store and said she had some books with her and the other fairy people in it.
So I went there and found a fairy who I really liked. On her little biography it says she love art wich I do . I'm constantly drawing and before I got my job at the groomers I wanted to become a tattoo artist. She is also really cute looking and I like the fact that shes a cartoon because I've been told I do cartoon drawings better then anything so it all ties in. I also love fantasy things I love fairies,butter and dragon flies and unicorns.

Anyways I'll stop blabbing. I have picturesI took from in the book.
I'm getting it on my side (the same side as my butterfly)



11-26-2006, 07:43 PM
Cool, will it be in colour, like the picture, or black and white?

11-26-2006, 08:32 PM
I love the faerie.It is really cute.Is it going to be done it those colors?

11-26-2006, 08:40 PM
Ya it's going to be done in those colours. I'm saving the balck/grey and white for portraits, I think a cartoon would look silly in balck and white. But that's just mho

critter crazy
11-26-2006, 08:46 PM
I love it!! I just love tattoos!! 3 huh??? he he he he he!! thats how many i ave rigt now, hoping to get many more tho!(well not crazy many, just cool many!):D

11-27-2006, 11:24 AM
Aww looks so cute lol,

How big is it going to be? cause I think it would look better small.

11-27-2006, 02:32 PM
It's going to be that size. With tattooing if you want something with detail you can't have it small.

11-27-2006, 07:27 PM
It's going to be that size. With tattooing if you want something with detail you can't have it small.

I would use detailed tatoo's large and cartoonish small ... just the way I would do it. :)