View Full Version : What are your cats favorite treats?

11-25-2006, 04:08 PM
Zippy and Pumpkin both love greenies,pounce treats,whiskers treats,and love wet pouchs of food like the iams,nutro,whiskers,ect...They both love turkey and chicken lunchmeat.Zippy goes crazy for Tuna. :D

What treats do your cats love?

Maya & Inka's mommy
11-25-2006, 04:14 PM
All 4 here rush to me when I shake the box with Felix Alphabeth! Last week the box was on the kitchen counter, and Maya pushed it enough to make it fall on the floor..... . Poor Maya, the box stayed closed ;) :D

11-25-2006, 04:25 PM
Phoenix doesn't eat treats at all. They offend her delicate palette. But Vixen on the other hand is mad for all GIMPET treats. She also goes mad for olives, shrimp, pumpkin and bread.

11-25-2006, 05:16 PM
My two go nuts for Greenies (I love the little cat shapes!), Pounce Chicken & Turkey tartar control treats, and, of course, Temptations!

11-25-2006, 07:05 PM
Bu they like Whisker Lickings, the Deli Treats in the resealable Bag, and the treats they got from England in the cone.
And the Danish fish treats went over so big.
The Found Cats are so cosmopolitan.

11-25-2006, 07:40 PM
Crystal: if it's edible, I will eat it. If it's not edible, I will eat it. :rolleyes: If it's on the floor, I will eat it. If it's in your hand, I will eat it. [ouch! those are my fingers, Crystal!!!]

Vita: just give me the Science Diet light formula and stop bothering me with all that other stuff. :cool:

Chestnut: Hmm, let me see, What does this side smell like? And this side? [sniffs ALL 6 SIDES] we-ell, I guess I could lick it and see if I like that sample. OH it's shrimp? Why didn't you say so, I'll eat them all. [hand him another shirmp] Oh, is this another treat? What does this side smell like? . . . .

Sparkle: anything except beef flavors; no beef and liver or liver flavors,either.

Cuddles: you're coming to get me? oh no! [jumps off he bed and hids for 3 hours]

Ruffles: if it's soft, I'll take it. I don't have all my molars, ya know?

Ebony: put it there and when I am ready, I will check it out.

11-25-2006, 08:42 PM
They'd probably like almost anything but I only give them greenies treats and they love them. I used to also give them temptations but not any more because Storm needs to be on a fairly strict diet.

critter crazy
11-25-2006, 09:45 PM
Loki is a big fan of tuna and lunchmeat!! Our last kitty Cinamon went nuts for Microwave popcorn!!! as soon as she heard the bag open she would run onto your lap, and wait for you not to look, then she would sneak a paw in and grab a piece!! it was quite funny!!:D

11-26-2006, 10:08 AM
Hmmmmmmmmm!!! Let me think.........
Love the greenies of any flavor, I give the meezers both dental CET treats that we picked up while we were at the vet... Paris LOVES THEM.. Pounch soft chews... Mopar loves Tuna!! Chloe loves Taco Bell........ Nacho Cheese... Tucker loves cheesy popcorn......or any popcorn......And they all really love Paris's kitten food canned!!! Even though its making them all rather chubby!! Luckly we only have a few more months until she is an adult!

11-26-2006, 10:09 AM
Binky doesn't like anything.

Archy LOVES Temptations and Whisker Lickins.

11-26-2006, 10:56 AM
Cocoa loves his greenies dental treats! He will also accept tuna, chicken, turkey, and steak. His favorite is bananas but he's not allowed to have them because I'm trying to keep him from having any more teeth pulled. Before I got him he ate doughnuts and bananas and he wants a banana so bad he knocked one out of my hand and was mad when I didn't let him go get it!

11-26-2006, 01:19 PM
Groucho has recently discovered the taste treat of Temptations but his ultra favorite treat is a taste of fried chicken.