View Full Version : Whole Lotta Shakin' Goin' On!

11-25-2006, 10:32 AM
Just finished giving cat baths - all 7! First time I did this, last time I did 6 and 3 days later Ebony arrived so I did just her. Took a bit over an hour to do all 7 and clean up the kitchen again. Cuddles and Sparkle did real well at avoiding bath time, so they were last. Couldn't find Cuddles just before I started, then Dad searched and announced, "This is too much like work!" Eventually, that kitty curiosity did her in. She was tucked way back on theh bottom shelf of the entertainment center. After I had done 5 cats, I was walking into that room and she stuck her head out to see what the situation was; got her. Sparkle just kept running back and forth behind 2 chairs, took me a few moments to get her.

Now the back leg dance is all the rage here For some reason, front legs don't shake, they get licked. But back legs, look out!

I'm exhausted, going to take a little nap before I get lunch.


Maya & Inka's mommy
11-25-2006, 11:05 AM
the back leg dance

Ha ha, I love that description!! It is so funny when they do that, hey ;) :)

11-25-2006, 03:02 PM
I think that bathing 7 cats in a little under 1 hour is great.:) It would probably take me much longer than that. It takes me a while just clipping 6 cats nails and Sky still won't let me do most of his. I think I'd be exhausted too.

11-25-2006, 03:18 PM
7 cats and 7 baths all before lunch? Wow, do you rent yourself out on the weekends? Only kidding. I must commend you on a job well done! Enjoy your well deserved nap.....

11-25-2006, 07:54 PM
The Found Cats Would Do Me An Injury If I Even Thought Of Bathing Them.
We Have Tongues Dad, Thats All Thats Needed.
All 7 Cats At Once.
You Are So Good!!!

critter crazy
11-25-2006, 08:07 PM
I am so blessed all i have to do is jump in the shower, call for Loki and he comes right in for his bath!! The only cat i have ever owned that was so willing to take a bath. I evened owned a Turkish Van who is renowned for its liking of water, and even she was not so willing!! but she wasa good girl about it just the same. All my other cats would tear me to ribbons if i even ran the faucet!!:D

11-26-2006, 08:25 AM
Crazy About Cats: I trim all the nails the night before bath day. It is a part of the routine "Saturday chores," but several of them still do not cooperate for nail trims.

Momcat: sorry, not renting myself out, ha ha.

I give them a bath every other month. WHY? Because I am allergic to cats! Most people who are allergic to cats, it is an enzyme in their saliva which causes the problem. Since they are so good at grooming, they get the saliva all over them. You pet the cat and have that enzyme on your hand. Then you brush hair from your eyes, whatever, and the enzyme comes in contact with your mucous membranes - eyes, nose, mouth. Voila! Allergic reaction begins.

By bathing them I wash off that enzyme. I also coordinate changing my bed things with bath day. That first night I always sleep better, no allergic reaction. Hmm, could be because I am too tired to sniffle and sneeze?

Critter Crazy: I do hope you realize how lucky you are with Loki! Jumps in the shower, whoa, that is wonderful.

11-26-2006, 11:17 AM
I am so bad! After I give Cocoa his bath I say, "You poor thing! What happened to you?" Like I don't know it was me. He needs sympathy, cuddles, and brushing afterward to restore his dignity.

11-26-2006, 11:41 AM
When we bathed our 4 cats (this was a while back) it took 2 of us to do it. Jeff rigged up a board w/carpet on it that we stuck in the laundry sink for them to hang on to. We'd brush them, corral everyone, and grab the first willing victim. He held, I shampooed and rinsed, we both dried with a towel, then out in the backyard sunshine to dry and shake those legs!

We don't bathe our two boys now. We might get away with it with Archy, but 4 people couldn't do Binky!

I'm amazed that you did all of this yourself. And, very impressed!

critter crazy
11-26-2006, 11:41 AM
Critter Crazy: I do hope you realize how lucky you are with Loki! Jumps in the shower, whoa, that is wonderful.
I do relize how lucky i am!:D i just hope and pray he dosent grow out of it!! But I figure if i make it as pleasant as possible he will coninue to do it! Besides he must be having fun, in order to jump in all on his own!;)