View Full Version : Nat.Borzoi Resc. Foundation-. Lost Dog alert!!! UPDATE

11-24-2006, 06:53 AM
The problem with this breed, is they run, and can all day. Here is the Most recent lost dog with a fellow lost dog as well.. Please Read!! http://www.nbrf.info/lostfound.htm

11-24-2006, 07:58 AM
Everyone here I would safetly bet, lives near a shelter they can check their lists.. Also- most people dont know what a Borzoi is ... Often mistaken for other breeds or grayhound crosses..

11-24-2006, 09:08 AM
i'm checking petfinder and pets911 right now. i really hope all those dogs are safe and out of harms way!

11-24-2006, 09:10 AM
Thank you.. The owners were in the process of moving when this happened I understand.

11-24-2006, 09:17 AM
that is one of the worst times to loose your dogs. :(

11-24-2006, 09:18 AM
Ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhh I know... jeez!!

11-24-2006, 02:51 PM
no word yet- the dogs are still gone. Please check your local shelters and remember- a borzoi can go far in one day and they have a partner a lab mix.

11-24-2006, 09:45 PM
Wishes that they are found safe and sound. I'd check my local shelter if I lived anywhere near them, but I don't. It also does make it hard that it is a Borzoi, lots of people I know think they are either a Collie, Collie Mix, or Greyhound/Whippet mix.

11-26-2006, 12:14 PM
OH MY GOD!!! ONE OF THE POSTERS ON MY OTHER FORUM- WE THINK WE FOUND THE DOG! If its not- its another borzoi in a shelter!!!!
Extra eyes are fabulous to help at least with pure bred dogs get into the breed rescues!!!
God Bless that poster! We are on a roll!

11-26-2006, 06:40 PM
OH MY GOD!!! ONE OF THE POSTERS ON MY OTHER FORUM- WE THINK WE FOUND THE DOG! If its not- its another borzoi in a shelter!!!!
Extra eyes are fabulous to help at least with pure bred dogs get into the breed rescues!!!
God Bless that poster! We are on a roll!
THAT IS GREAT!! Do you have the link to the shelter dog?

11-26-2006, 06:42 PM
Its ready for tomorrow! Two white borzois are missing- one a male the other another state female. Either way- a caring person that thought to contact me and the rescue is going to get this dog HOME!!!!!! I am thrilled! I have never gotten so much out of a forum.. The poor dog gets to go HOME!!!

11-27-2006, 06:53 PM
Wishes that they are found safe and sound. I'd check my local shelter if I lived anywhere near them, but I don't. It also does make it hard that it is a Borzoi, lots of people I know think they are either a Collie, Collie Mix, or Greyhound/Whippet mix.

Wishes from Chicago too. Keep us posted (oops, pun NOT intended)! :) :)

11-30-2006, 07:40 AM
This ended up being some sick minded hoaxster, and the search is back on. The poster sent a picture of a show dog belonging to someone else, and lead the entire club on a wild goose chase. ( she is now banned from the other site). ( dispicable behavior!)

I am moving this back up as shelters do not always know what a Borzoi is. The Rescue in our breed will go get any borzoi out of a shelter. .. Please just keep your eyes open.

11-30-2006, 11:22 AM
I can't believe someone would do something like that. Is there nothing better for people to do other than make up ficticious stories and throw people into panic? IMO some people reallllly need a hobby. And a time consuming one. Just unbelievable. :mad:

11-30-2006, 01:57 PM
that is rediculous! keeping my fingers crossed that the dogs are found!