View Full Version : Gray's Anatomy

11-23-2006, 09:24 PM
Is tonight a 2 hour special? Cause I started watching part 2, and it suddenly cut out like 15 mins into the show? It started playing ER instead... It's sorta annoying cause I really wanted to watch it....

11-23-2006, 09:44 PM
They changed it to 1hour and 10mins :rolleyes: I think for the mel gibson speical on primetime

11-24-2006, 01:48 AM
What, it was supposed to be a 2 hrs special? Dangit! I wish.. I wouldn't care if it was 2 hours.. well that's a shame, if that was the original time slot, but an hour and 10 mins was alright for me.

Anyways.. what I thought of it:

I enjoyed seeing Meredith and Derek back together, they act so much like a couple already - - and that's great. I liked the whole bedroom scene - how Derek wanted sex but Meredith wouldn't let him, haha. And how Derek brought that part up with Meredith to Burke - Ooh. AND that scene where Meredith did a girly "pose" and Derek kinda growls with a "Yes".. Ha I cracked up.. too cute.

George, George, George... He really made me feel REALLY bad for him - Everything is just not going right in his path - Callie trying to apologize; but not getting a chance; she just should wait until after the whole ordeal w/ his father in the hospital, I think. George and Izzie will always have their own fights; but in the end, they are okay. I love them both. Great chemistry.

NOT too sure about Alex & Addison - just not sure yet.. there's still Mark.

Christina & Burke - WOW! But they had it coming. They both have dug the hole they've been in, way too DEEP for them to get out; that everyone knows the truth. Kind of sad to see it happen like that; but what do you expect from two stubborn people like them? Can't wait to see what's going to happen to them, though..

The Chief is retiring; such a shame. I love the guy. Wonder if Derek is going to be offered the position since he was in the running along with Burke 2 seasons ago and nothing was even mentioned of it til' now; when Burke was offered the position, but he knew he didn't deserve it.

God, can I just say.. I LOVE Grey's Anatomy and i can't get ENOUGH of the show?! Shonda is one amazing writer, along with the writers that works with her, of course! Also, the actors/actresses; so amazing they pull it off as the characters they are on the show.. and Grey's is going to be one unforgettable show someday.

11-24-2006, 01:36 PM
Ok good. I was freaking out thinking I missed the whole episode.

11-24-2006, 02:02 PM
When Burke shut the door on her last night.. I felt realy bad. But atleast she told the one dude the truth.