View Full Version : Weird

11-23-2006, 05:56 PM
I just found out yesterday when I cleaned Kishii's cage, that she doesn't like shavings, I had noticed that when I had shavings in her cage she always kicked them up into her water and food and everything and then when she went to lay down she would kick them away so that she wasn't laying on anything but the bottom of the cage. Maybe she just doesn't like the feel of them. It was kind of weird because my previous bunnies didn't mind shavings lol. Oh well It means I don't have to buy them. All she likes in there is her nice big litter box in the corner. Is this weird, or do bunnies just all together have different likes and personalities?

11-23-2006, 06:38 PM
IMO all animals have a different personality, dependsing on how they were raised etc... Its it fairly warm in your house?... that may be why she doesnt like shavings, because she is too hot.. also what type of shavings is she on?... Some bunnies just like to digg as well so that might be another thing, insticnts may be kicking in

11-23-2006, 08:06 PM
Most bunnies will clear a spot in the middle of their cage to lay it. Imagine having akwardly shaped things poking into you while your trying to sleep?

Also shavings arent good for bunnies anyways especially if they are directly on them. It can cause seriouse upper respratory problems.
You can just use ripped up news paper (like the strips). Dont just lay news paper down or else thge bottom of their feet will turn green.

11-24-2006, 02:30 PM
Yeah I had pine shavings underneath her and her cage is in my room and I keep my room fairly warmer than the rest of the house because I like heat and get cold easily so she is probably nice and warm too. But don't worry its not so hot that she pants or anything. I think she's perfect temperature, but yeah ever since I took the shavings out she is using her litter box too! :) I guess I did a good thing for her!:) Thanks for the advice guys!