View Full Version : Continuation of Trial of Cat Murderer

06-12-2002, 07:30 PM
Hi everyone!

Just wanted to let you know that tomorrow is yet another appearance of the murderer of Adonis. I posted a little while back the story about Adonis and how his purrson's roommate tortured and killed Adonis for revenge.

It should prove interesting as Connecticut chapter of PETA is also planning on being there. Somewhere near 100 people from PETA alone will be having their own little peaceful demonstration to demand the maximum sentence for this witch and her two accomplices.

I will keep you posted on the outcome.


In Memory of Adonis

06-12-2002, 09:56 PM
yes please let us know what happens. I hope they string them up and leave them.

I haven't heard any more about whoever tortured & killed the puppy here a couple months ago...

06-13-2002, 04:00 PM
It got real ugly today. PETA was there. A woman who was there on her own (not a member of PETA) assaulted one of the men that was involved in the torture. She was immediately arrested and charged with breach of peace, illegal restraint and assault. I'm angry because one person's stupid actions made the whole group look like a bunch of raving lunitics. And I believe that she had every intention of doing what she did. It was shameful. We were supposed to be there for a peaceful demonstration.

There were close to 100 people there today. I am emotionally drained. I want to go home and hug my cats.

The State Police, City Police and Judicial Marshalls were there to protect the cat killer!!!! They escorted her and her family out of the courthouse. I kept yelling "Where were you when Adonis needed protecting???" Some guy shoved me and told me to stay on the lawn. I shoved him back and told him to keep his hands off me. He did it again and I proceeded to whack him with my Adonis sign on the shoulder. Well...when the perpetrators were gone, he called me over and asked me for identificaiton. When I asked him why, he said he was a plainclothes police officer and I should have listened to him. I told him I had no way of knowing that without him identifying himself. I'm lucky I didn't get arrested.

The really bad news is the trial is continued to August 16th. The good news is this thing is now NATIONAL news, like the jerk that threw the dog on the California Freeway.

In Connecticut it is a felony to abuse, torture or kill any animal. We are there to make sure that she gets the maximum sentence, 5 years/$5,000. It may take a while, with the "court russian roullette" game they're playing, but I will be there at every turn.



06-13-2002, 08:36 PM
Yes i remember that horrible, horrible story. I hope that sorry excuse for a human being gets what she deserves.
I'm glad you didn't get arrested either Moosmom and i would have reacted exactly the same way you did. No body has a right to put their hands on you. He could have asked you to stay on the lawn while identifying who he was. Some people just get to power hungry.

06-13-2002, 09:38 PM
It's good you didn't get arrested, and I do not envy those policemen the job they do. They may be just as angry at the cat-killer as you, but it is their job to keep the peace. That, of course, shouldn't include pushing YOU, but at least you walked away and home to hug your kitties!

06-14-2002, 12:06 AM
GOOD for you Moosmom!!!!!!
I/we are so proud of you! I hope this witch gets the max for a punishment. I'm glad to hear animal cruelty is a felony in Conn..............alot of states it's not. :( :mad:

You go girl! :)

06-14-2002, 01:18 AM
You are VERY lucky!! :eek: Please keep us posted!

06-14-2002, 07:43 AM
Hi everyone!

Thanks for all your support. Yes, I was very lucky I didn't get arrested. And everybody that was there understands that it is the job of the police officers to keep the peace. The officer was very nice and I did apologize to him. Things were very heated yesterday and although I don't scare easily, I have to say I was a bit overwhelmed by the whole thing. The first time I went, the crowd wasn't HALF as big as yesterday. But when I got home last night, I watched the news reports that I had taped while at work. I actually felt better knowing that I was there to possibly do some good.

They interviewed my friend who said that she understood why the woman went after one of the "felons" and she also said that people are tired and angry at the system that needs to change.

I can tell ya one thing though. Whatever the outcome of this case, this girl (the one who killed Adonis) is going to have to move because her family has been getting death threats and I'm sure it's not going to stop once the case is closed.

Stay tuned!!

Donna the Activist :p

06-14-2002, 08:44 AM
Donna, thanks so much for the update and I'm glad you didn't get arrested.


06-14-2002, 08:58 AM
Originally posted by moosmom
Whatever the outcome of this case, this girl (the one who killed Adonis) is going to have to move because her family has been getting death threats and I'm sure it's not going to stop once the case is closed.

That's sad... No matter if her parents are partly to blame because of her upbringing they shouldn't have to receive death treats because of her acts.

Anyways, thanks for keeping us posted. I'd like to know what her punishment is too and I'm of course rooting for the maximum too, but I was a bit confused... You wrote "5 years/$5,000", does that mean she has to be in prison for 5 years or peay 5000 dollars every year for 5 years???

06-14-2002, 11:52 AM
No, I meant $5,000 fine AND 5 years in prison. That's still not long enough in my book. One woman remarked that she should get 9 years for 9 lives. How appropriate.

06-14-2002, 02:46 PM
Thank you so much for being there on the front lines, showing your support of defenseless creatures for all the world to see! And I am so thankful that you weren't hurt, or arrested!! I so admire your tenacity, spirit and the strength of your convictions! Way to go! I can only hope that person who commited this unimaginably cruel, unconscienable act meets the fate she deserves! After all, she showed Adonis no mercy:mad:

06-14-2002, 06:03 PM

Thanks! I never thought I'd turn into an animal rights activist at my age. But, I believe in it with my whole heart and soul so I must be doing something right.

Donna :D

maxx's mom
06-14-2002, 06:27 PM
What a coward that woman is! To do that to a defenseless animal. I would love to get my hands on her!

Thank you for sticking up for our furrbabies, and my prayers are with you.

06-14-2002, 07:12 PM
maxx's mom,

Thanks. But I'm afraid that you'll have to wait in line to do that. There are quite a few people ahead of you who would love to ring her pathetic, unremorseful neck. :mad: :mad:



06-15-2002, 02:42 AM
I'm glad you were there to keep us updated on this tragedy and that you didn't get arrested. I also hope that the girl gets the maximum sentence for this unspeakable act.http://pages.prodigy.net/rogerlori1/emoticons/catmad.gif

06-15-2002, 07:05 AM
I found out today that the woman who attacked one of the perpetrators IS a member of PETA. I was furious. Her actions made the whole group look bad. I hope she shows up at the next hearing because I'm giving her a piece of my mind. While I do not condone what she did, I understand her frustration. But she needs to let the court do it's job.

06-15-2002, 01:46 PM
I considered joining PETA at one time, but decided against it because of some of the people like that involved with it. I think that they do alot more HARM to their cause than good. :(
Up here in Seattle they show up occasionally to stand outside Nordstroms during a fur sale. Quite often someone has red paint thrown on them. Now, I would never even think about wearing a fur :eek: ........ but there is no call what so ever for that type of behavior. :(