View Full Version : Helping our furry friends

06-12-2002, 03:06 PM
A few weeks ago, I started this thread:

Love thy sweet animals!
I have request of everyone on the board. This week, please do something to help an unfortunate animal. I know we can't all go out and adopt every single homeless pet, but there's a lot we can do to make a sweet animal's life a little less painful. Here are a few easy ideas to help out your local animal shelter:

- When you're at the store, buy an extra bag of food or a toy and donate it to a shelter.

- Save up all your old newspapers. Shelter's need them to line cages.

- Donate all of your old worn-out leases, collars, dishes, etc.

- Take an hour and go walk the dogs and play with the kitties.

There are a ton of things you can do to help. I sure all you animal lovers already do your part. If we all do something this week, our animal friends will be forever greatful. Thanks.


I was hoping not only to remind/inspire others to do even more to help animals, but to remind myself of all the simple things I can do. I can't take in another pet, but I can do a lot.

The week I posted this message, I went to our humane society with food and treats and walked a couple of the pitiful lonely pups. I have always been afraid to do this, but I conquered my fear, and made two dogs lives more bearable for a short time. These pooches went from overly anxious to calm and friendly within 20 minutes.

I have sort of been wrapped up in my own life, and forgot about this message. Last week, I unknowingly fufilled my week's animal helping goal, when my pups and I participated in a Paws on the Pavement fundraiser. Now that I have reminded myself of my previous goal, I can get back on track.

Thanks to everyone for listening. Having a place to post my thoughts really helps to remind me of the things that are important and special in my animal-loving life.:)

Sam's My Baby
06-12-2002, 03:42 PM
There are some really great ideas that people can do to help animals, and I think they should also do them more often!Actually Right now I am trying to save a kitties life, he is a stray and is very skinny, I feed him and give him lots of attention and am hoping he will accept my family and live in my house one day. He is just the sweetest thing!:)