View Full Version : Quotes/Lyrics/Words

06-12-2002, 02:23 AM
I'm maybe strange, but I love quotes...lyrics...etc. Just words that really have meaning to you, or stick in your head. What are some of your favorite quotes, lyrics, or even lines from books/movies? They don't have to be animal related. Most of these were probably my former signature quotes, or quotes on yahoo...

I need to start like an entire archive here, but here's a few of mine....


This is from a book called "The Loop." I think I left out the names of the people talking, etc. but I just love the words here. Especially the last line.

"What is it, do you think, about these animals, that makes people hate them so much?"
"About wolves? I don't know. Maybe they're too much like us. We look at them and see ourselves. Loving, caring, social creatures who also happen to be terrific killers."
"Maybe it's envy too."
"Of what?"
"That they're still part of nature and we've forgotten how to be."

"To look into the eyes of the wolf is to see your soul... just be prepared for what
you may see."~~unknown

""The Strength of the Pack is the Wolf, and the Strength of the Wolf is the Pack."~~Rudyard Kipling

"If you take a dog which is starving and feed him and make him prosperous, that dog will not bite you. This is the primary difference between a dog and a man."

- Mark Twain

"To his dog, every man is King;
hence the constant popularity of dogs."


Ok the next will all be U2 lyrics...I admit I may be obsessed, but I still think they have great lyrics...and well I could come up with a lot more then this but I've only been listening to a couple of cds today.......and I could come up with lyrics by a dozen other artists too...

(Kite) "Life should be fragrant
Roof top to the basement"

(Stuck in a moment) "And if the night runs over
And if the day won't last
And if your way should falter
Along the stony pass
It's just a moment
This time will pass "

(Zoo Station) "Time is a train
Makes the future the past
Leaves you standing in the station
Your face pressed up against the glass"

"One life
With each other
One life
But we're not the same
We get to carry each other
Carry each other

(The Fly)
"It's no secret ambition bites the nails of success
Every artist is a cannibal, every poet is a thief
All kill their inspiration and sing about their grief"

(Summer Rain) you can see my other favorite quote from this song in my siggy
"When you stop seeing beauty
You start growing old
The lines on your face
Are a map to your soul
When you stop taking chances
You'll stay where you sit
You won't live any longer
But it'll feel like it"

OK stopping with the U2 lyrics or I'll be here all night!


Homer Simpson: "What are you gonna do? Release the dogs?! Or the bees?! Or dogs with bees in their mouth so that when they bark
they shoot bees at you?"

Aww crap I'm too tired to think of anything else.......there's some sort of storage bin at the back of my head that stores little quotes that come into my mind a lot.....everything reminds me of a song or movie..........but unfortunately that little storage bin has just decided to shut down for the night. There's other lines from books and movies that I have but I can't seem to find them in my head here lol....there was something I remembered when reading The Lord of the Rings but I'm not reading it all again to find it, heh.

I'll have to go find more on the net, I need to make a quote archive on my computer.

06-12-2002, 02:48 AM
My favorite lyrics and song that means something to me.... are the following.. i check it ahead of time to make sure theirs no bad words or sexuality in it... sorry its really long...

They just gave up on our entire generation
So we were all pushed to the side cuz we didn’t see the world through our teachers eyes
When all we needed was a little bit of motivation
But because we wore our pants saggin’ y’all labelled us gangstas
And said we wasn’t worth the time

There are so many things I never asked you
There are so many things I still don’t know
There are so many things you never told me
And still so many things that I will never know
and why, cuz I went to City High

A school with more drop outs than sign-ups at registration
And the pregnancy rate is at an all-time high, we all know why
Now you would think the classroom’s the place for mental stimulation
But it’s some brothers outside sellin’ that stuff, that’ll really stimulate your mind, (talk about gettin’ high)

There are so many things you never showed me,
There are too many things you let slip by,
How can I face a world that doesn’t know me
A world that doesn’t care whether I live or die,
And why, cuz I go to City High

So, We don’t need your education
We don’t want no pacifier
We are the leaders of your nation
We’re gonna make sure the world survives
There ain’t no justice there’s just us
What happened to the meaning of “in God we trust”
So as we get older and our children grow up
We ain’t gonna teach them what y’all showed us

There’s too many babies dyin’ before they’re born (Lord ain’t that the truth)
Too many young ladies cryin’ with a daddy in the house but not a father in the home (now y’all know there’s a difference)
And what about all our young soldiers being led astray (by this negative music)
What happened to the Isaac Hayes, and the Curtis Mayfield’s and all the Marvin Gayes?
Man we really need ‘em today

And there were so many things that needed explaining
But you said it was too late for me to learn
You were suppose to be my shelter when it was rainin’
But instead you left me out here all alone, so I gotta make it on my own

We don’t need your education
We don’t want no pacifier
We are the leaders of your nation
We’re gonna make sure the world survives
There ain’t no justice there’s just us
What happened to the meaning of “in God we trust”
So as we get older and our children grow up
We ain’t gonna teach them what y’all showed us

For people who did believe, what we could do to change our future, you knew the world was in our hands, help build them strong so they can withstand, all the pressures, all the war, all the prejudice, and the others who were sure we couldn’t fight the stress in life, for those of you who didn’t believe us, listen to my words for you, listen to your children sing to you

We don’t need your education
We don’t want no pacifier
We are the leaders of your nation
We’re gonna make sure the world survives
There ain’t no justice there’s just us
What happened to the meaning of “in God we trust”
So as we get older and our children grow up
We ain’t gonna teach them what y’all showed us

It's called City High Anthem by City High.

i like the part that says "just because we wore our pants saggin yall labled us gangsters"...... I get dirty loks from people allllll the time because i wear somewhat baggy clothes.

06-12-2002, 08:34 AM
Amy: hehe, I reconize The Loop one, thats a great book!!

06-12-2002, 08:56 AM
My mom has a magnet that says:

"Raising kids is like being pecked to death by a chicken"


I gave that to her for mother's day. That counts as an animal related quote, right? ;) :D