View Full Version : A few photos from training today... *More added*

11-18-2006, 06:41 AM
I did not get many photos at training today but here are a some i would like to share with you all. And also a photo of our possible new pup (Jack Russell Terrier) who is due anytime now ;).

Miss Clover.


Baby Flite.. he is so darn cute.. nothing sweeter than a BC pup :D.


Couple more to come...

11-18-2006, 07:13 AM
Clover again.

Our puppy lol ;).

Lil Bailey
You would not believe it was snowing a few days ago :eek:.... and it got to about 27C today... crazy Ballarat weather.

Few more of E & T to come...

Ginger's Mom
11-18-2006, 09:02 AM
Oh Clover, you look as beautiful as ever. Gordie is a cutie. :D
Okay, I know it is around midnight over there, but where are our Tinny and Elvis pictures? ;)

11-18-2006, 05:57 PM
Wow,Baby Flite is the cutest ever! Clover is as pretty as ever and a new pup? ;)

11-18-2006, 08:35 PM
Thankyou both :D. Elvis and Tinyn photos are just uploading now, my computer crashed last night and would not let me upload/ post them.

New pup you ask Annette? well a friends JRT (Pedigree/ has been shown and done well) is expecting pups any day now, we thought by the end of this weekend. And because Penny does not play anymore we thought a small pup would be good company for Theodore and Mum could train him for Flyball. He has been named for a good month now and we always talk to him.. poor Polly (Mama dog) must think we are mad talking to her belly lol.

I am not sure if i shared the following photos or not, sorry if i have already done so...

3 Stooges


Little Tinny girl!

11-18-2006, 08:39 PM
These are excellent, Rhi! I love your Clover girl. She's so pretty, as are your Elvis, Tinny, and the other dogs pictured.

11-18-2006, 09:21 PM
I love all your doggies but that Miss Clover has always held a special place in my heart. I just love this one.
Give her tons of hugs from me.

Ginger's Mom
11-18-2006, 09:43 PM
Great pics. Look at that Tinny run!

11-18-2006, 10:46 PM
ohh what cute pictures! :D you know how much I love Clover! give her lots of kisses for me, please. :)

11-18-2006, 10:49 PM
Aww, great pictures Rhi, I love your dogs!!

And Miss Polly's belly is too gosh darn cute! :D ;)

11-19-2006, 12:36 AM
Super photos of your super pupsters!

11-19-2006, 05:30 AM
Good, more pics! ;) I swear Rhi, if I could swim that far, I'd be stealing Clover! :p I'm so happy to hear you're getting a new puppy! The picture of him in his mommys belly is too cute. :cool:

11-19-2006, 09:26 AM
I love seeing your dogs! They get to have so much fun. I bet you are excited for the new puppy. I can't wait to see him, either. :)