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View Full Version : Massive Dog Massacre in China

11-18-2006, 01:48 AM
hope I have posted it in the right place this time.....

*warning* graphic pictures ahead *warning*

in china, everyday people are slaughtering dogs because of rabies and the upcoming olympic games.....

i hope the massacre can be over soon.....

Lady's Human
11-18-2006, 02:06 AM
This was discussed on a military forum I frequent.

It is truly disgusting, and I hope the WOC is looking at this.

11-18-2006, 03:52 AM
I can't look at the site but I've seen articles from CNN and other news outlets. Other "host" countries did same in past (olympic) Unless we sign petitions on "petition site" or write ambassador and even a boycott of Chinese products, it'll will be a slow process. There are groups in the country changing peoples view of dogs (& cats). But there is also an export problem with dog & cat fur:


Voice your opinion, take a few minutes, make a call or send an email


they want our trade, tell them your views

11-18-2006, 10:16 AM
the country is absolutely disgusting
I am saying this altho I am Chinese, glad that I was born in HK.....where HK would not go into that extend of killing..........

Dog and cat furs are creepy too
I have a dog at home, if I am wearing some dog furs on me......god.......can't imagine what is it going to be like.........

China should be boyscotted
Olympic should even be chosen to hold in another more developed and civilized country...........

and I am glad to see the petition has a lot of people signing, even more than the expected number

11-18-2006, 08:03 PM
Olympic should even be chosen to hold in another more developed and civilized country...........
I agree.

That's sick. I don't care if they 'don't have money'. That's no excuse to be doing that, in my opinion. Ugh. Boycott them and everything they make.

11-18-2006, 08:31 PM
Oh God these pictures.....
I have had to stop typing and wipe the tears........
This is so horrible........
This must be stopped, please pass this along to everyone you know. Not just people on this website, but everyone. If we all pass it on to ten people and they pass it to ten and so on......
Never could I hurt an animal this way.....
Being human is not something I am proud of..........

11-18-2006, 10:21 PM
Okay, I agree that this dog massacre is cruel, horrific, and needs to be stopped immediately. However, some of you need to realize where China is coming from.

China is not a happy place to live. The average family barely has running water. You will find many families that do not have flushing toilets. My second cousin does not have the luxury of a flushing toilet and her family is forced to shower over the toilet. This is the norm in China. Most Chinese people barely make enough to feed themselves and partake in little luxuries like buying clothes every now and then. Thus, most Chinese people don't have dogs and cats, and, if they do, they usually only have one.

China has a severely mislead government. As a result, people in China are more concerned with corrupt politics, socioeconomical poverty, and making ends meet! To refresh your memory, many women are still forced to undergo abortions to fit the one-child policy. It's difficult to pinpoint the source of these misfortunes and how to fix them (although I personally blame Mao).

That said, it's easy to understand why China needs the Olympics to boost its economy and why Chinese natives can only do so much. Before you suggest boycotting Chinese products (almost impossible and detrimental to both countries, in my opinion), try thinking about a *better* solution. Before Chinese people can turn their attention the the humane treatment of dogs, they're still searching for humane treatment of HUMANS. Just my two cents. I'm tired of seeing comments like "Boycott China!" (not PT, specifically, just anywhere).

ETA: And wow, I saw some of the comments in the first link and I'm appalled. I'm Chinese and I'm darn proud. I can't believe anybody would post something as subhuman as this:

i am fully aware of what these horrible crimes against animals are in asia. for that reason i have nothing else to say except these are not human beings who possess any type of conscience, heart or soul. there are too many of them on this planet, and should suffer and die in the same manner to give them a taste of their own medicine. it is they who are the dirty vermin.

And you wonder why the Chinese government ain't listening!

11-18-2006, 11:24 PM
i am fully aware of what these horrible crimes against animals are in asia. for that reason i have nothing else to say except these are not human beings who possess any type of conscience, heart or soul. there are too many of them on this planet, and should suffer and die in the same manner to give them a taste of their own medicine. it is they who are the dirty vermin.

Ugh, I'm sorry that you, Giselle, had to read that. How utterly digusting. You do need to remember though that people have similar opinions about every country, race, and religion. You just need to be thankful that you don't live such a simple minded and cruel life as the person that wrote this does.

I'm not really sure where I sit on the Dog massacre in China. I'm glad that Gisselle chimed in as she really gave me a different outlook on this. I do see her point however, just because there is so much poverty and awful conditions for humans in China does not make this a justified action. They're digging the country farther in the hole by doing this. They certainly do need to concentrate on human conditions before the conditions of animals, but that still is not reason as to why this is such a large problem.

11-19-2006, 12:10 AM
That's how I feel about this whole situation, too, CagneyDog. I was reading up on some Chinese articles and it seems like they're just numb to all the tragedies that are so common in everyday life. It's always difficult to fix these horrible crimes, and, frankly, I don't think anybody has a good solution. This is why the government isn't giving the day of light to the HSUS. $100,000 isn't going to do anything. The dog population in China is rampant because neuter/spays are unheard of and "veterinarians" are simply people who suggest what food to buy. It's tough, but my personal opinion is to improve life in itself. If the Chinese people were not subjected to so much neglect, I'm sure they would not inflict the same horrors upon our beloved companions.

China is just such a conflicted country. Sometimes I don't know whether to side with my compassion for animals or my love for my own people =/

11-19-2006, 10:25 AM
China is just such a conflicted country. Sometimes I don't know whether to side with my compassion for animals or my love for my own people =/

Human beings make their own problems and unfortunately make terrible
problems for animals.

11-20-2006, 10:56 AM
B******s..Those people doing the killing have NO heart whatsoever. The look of fear in them dogs faces is heartbreaking Im in tears. Beating a dog to death?! how the HELL is that helping things? sure there are problems with dogs out there as Giselle pointed out but its sick and twisted to beat up a dog in the middle of the street I hope them people get whats coming to them :mad: I disagree with the whole killing the dogs but if it MUST be done then humanly! Ugh im so mad right now this is sickening. I hope they went quickly and didn't suffer too much pain :( Poor babies. Seriously Im getting sick of what the human race is becoming.

Im not racist in anyway, but is those B...... can go out and kill animals like that they deserve to be called every name under the sun and deserve to have the same done to them.

11-23-2006, 01:45 AM
This is so sad.....I feel terrible for those poor dogs and I'm furious at those people who beat them and took them from their owners, ect, but you do have to feel bad for that whole country. It's all sad.