View Full Version : Panther is acting wierd..updated..not good

11-16-2006, 11:56 PM
Tonight he threw up his food which isn't that uncommon. Periodically if he eats too much or too fast he will throw up. But tonight he was meowing very wierdly. I've never heard him meow like that before except when he is at the vet.

Right now I'm keeping an eye on him to see if I need to take him to the emergency vet. He has me scared. I don't know if he is in pain or just not feeling well. Normally he bounces right back after he vomits but this time it seems different. Thoses meows are not his normal sounding meows. It's midnight here and I'm tired and scared. I have a feeling it is going to be a long night.

11-17-2006, 12:12 AM
Has he started a new med really recently?

We know when our babies don't sound right....I hope Panther just has an upset tummy and he will be ok!

Does the emergency vet have his records?

Prayers for your beautiful Panther! And you too!

11-17-2006, 01:04 AM
My Ted used to make the most horrible yowling noises when he had a hairball that he kept trying to throw up; it could take him several tries over the course of a day to bring it up. Hopefully, your Panther is going something similar and not something serious. Is there any way he could have eaten something he shouldn't?

11-17-2006, 02:33 AM
Well its 2 a.m. and I just got back from the emergency vet. Maybe it my paranoia but I had to take him in just to be sure. The vet took some xrays and there are no obstructions. She gave him and an injection of Pepcid and an injection of fluids to keep him hydrated. She really couldn't find anything wrong except he has gas pockets and stool in his colon. She doesn't know if he is having any trouble passing his "stool." She said that the gas maybe a little painful for him so that is possibly why he is sounding so funny. He is still vomiting too.

I will see how he is in the morning but I just don't like the way he is acting. He is hissing at my other cats and even at me which is something he never does. His meowing sounds like he is is pain but the vet couldn't find anything wrong. I feel so helpless. I know he is not feeling well but I don't know what else to do now. I have a funny feeling I am going to see my regular vet later today. I'm also wondering how this is going to affect his radiation treatments which he is supposed to start Monday. In the all the years he has been with me this is the worst I have seen him. His meowing seriosuly sounds like nothing I have ever heard before. My poor baby.

What a shitty month. Between the vet bills and health problems I need some serious good karma or something.

11-17-2006, 04:18 PM
What a miserable night! Panther continued to throw up saliva/foam all night long and mostly on my bed. I was up literally all night long cleaning up vomit and trying to comfort Panther. This morning I took him into my regular vet. She ran a lot of tests and thought it would be best to keep him there overnight so he could be monitored. They did more xrays and found he has a gas pack that will not pass for some reason. They are still waiting on the remaining lab results. They have given him lot of fluids and pepcid in the meantime and that has helped. He hasn't vomited since this morning so that is good. He is even a little playful. I should be able to pick him up tomorrow.

I miss my baby! Today I am going to catch up on some sleep and do a lot of laundry.

11-17-2006, 08:04 PM
OWWW! Gas DOES hurt. Poor Panther!

I hope they get it out. Glad he is feeling better. HUGS to that beautiful boy. :)

11-18-2006, 02:57 PM
I just brought panther home and he won't even come out of his carrier which is very unusual for him. He is still vomiting but at least the gas pack is gone. The vet gave him a boatload of meds including an injection of prednisolone. He is also on a antibiotic, an anti-nausea med and an appetite stimulant. He has not been eating which is again unusual for him. He always eats. The vet thinks it could be irritable bowel syndrome, a food allergy, possibly some type of bacterial thing, or something else. She doesn't know. The x-rays show nothing except that his intestines are thicker than they should be. That could be from all the vomiting and stomach irritation or something else. Basically I am back to where I started. I don't know what to do. This happened so suddenly too.

11-18-2006, 04:20 PM
Make some plain instant rice mix it with some wet food. Feed it to Panther if you have to (small bites at time). Also good thing is chicken, beef baby food to stimulate appetite.
The rice will digest well and settles tummys (in humans also).
I've known people to mix rice with hamburger (cooked/drained).

I would just leave Panther alone and let the door open to carrier. Probably at this point he is peeved at you for all thats been done to him in last 24hrs.
Eventually he will come out :)

11-18-2006, 05:33 PM
What kind of baby food? The ones I have seen so far contain onion powder. Can you recommend a certain kind?

11-18-2006, 05:59 PM
I didnt realize they had onion powder in them.
Normally regular baby food is pretty bland, no spices of anykind.Are you looking at the chucky toddler stuff? I would b uy Heinz or Gerber, go with the strained baby food.
Most vets will recommend this (baby food) to get them to eat.

11-18-2006, 06:08 PM
The vet had recommended Gerber 2nd stage baby food in chicken but the ones I have looked at so far contain onion powder. I'm confused. I didin't see a plain chicken flavor. I should have asked her to be more specific but it didn't cross my mind until I went to the grocery store and started to look at labels.

11-18-2006, 08:31 PM
I'm guessing there is a very slight hint of onion powder in the baby food. It does surprise me that it's even in there in first place.

You can also try a can of stinky wet food (fish flavor).

I actually just used cooked rice and mixed it with a small amount of wet food and fed it to Skinny. His appetite came back within 2 days. Now he looks at me like "arent you hand feeding me anymore mom" LOL

11-18-2006, 09:48 PM
He won't eat. I've tried wet food, dry food, and Gerber sweet potato baby food (it didn't contain any onion powder) Right now I am force feeding him water with a dropper. I want to make sure he stays hydrated. He only threw up once since he has been home so I am hopeful that he is done with vomiting.

11-18-2006, 09:52 PM
He won't eat. I've tried wet food, dry food, and Gerber sweet potato baby food (it didn't contain any onion powder) Right now I am force feeding him water with a dropper. I want to make sure he stays hydrated. He only threw up once since he has been home so I am hopeful that he is done with vomiting.

I had to force hand feed Skinny, he'd take couple bites at a time. Try that.

11-18-2006, 10:02 PM
Sorry for the stupid question but how do you force hand feed a cat?

I tried putting some wet food on a spoon and he turned away. I then tried puting just a dab on top of his nose and did lick it off but when I tried it again he wiped his nose. :mad:

Any tips would greatly be appreciated.

11-18-2006, 10:11 PM
Sorry for the stupid question but how do you force hand feed a cat?

I tried putting some wet food on a spoon and he turned away. I then tried puting just a dab on top of his nose and did lick it off but when I tried it again he wiped his nose. :mad:

Any tips would greatly be appreciated.

Take small amount of food and put it in cats mouth, it will get alittle messy and watch your fingers, keep putting what falls out back in the cats mouth eventually they figure out the food tastes pretty good.

11-19-2006, 11:17 PM
Looks like I will be headed back to the vet tomorrow. Panther will not eat or drink and he threw up again. I've been force feeding him water through a dropper. I couldn't get any food in him. My poor baby has been through so much. :(

11-19-2006, 11:48 PM
I'm so sorry to hear this.:( I've been reading your thread about him but I haven't replied until now. I sure hope that the vet will be able to find out what is wrong with him. Lots of prayers and positive thoughts are being sent his way.

11-20-2006, 04:26 PM
Panther did eat a few pieces of dry food this morning but not much. He has not thrown up since yesterday so I'm hoping he is doing better.

I did take him to my vet today. She gave him more fluids and a pill to help increase his appetite. He has lost almost 1 lb. since Friday from him not eating. :(

The bloodwork and x-rays are coming back fine but she is concerned that there might be something else going on with his health, maybe even related to the tumor that was just removed. I might have to take him back to the specialty vet to have an ultrasound.

11-20-2006, 04:31 PM
My thoughts and prayers are with Panter and his mommy. Please keep us up to date with what is going on. Poor baby he needs a big hug. Will you do that for me?

Queen of Poop
11-20-2006, 04:34 PM
Prayers for Panther and hugs for you both. I hope he gets to feeling better soon. Heinz Chicken with Broth baby food works for my ferret. It stinks to high heaven but he gobbles it up. Might interest Panther.

11-20-2006, 05:12 PM
I don't know what else to do to get him to eat. I've tried:

dry cat food (2 different kinds)
wet cat food
turkey broth
tuna fish
sweet potato baby food (the meat based ones contained onion powder)
broth mixed with dry food

I hope the meds the vet gave him kick in soon because I am getting frustrated. Nothing seems to work.

11-20-2006, 05:21 PM
Gosh, I'm sorry to read about the troubles you're having with Panther. It sure seems like there is something going on, so I hope your vet can diagnose it quickly so treatment can begin. A one pound loss is a lot for a cat, so it's very understandable how worried you are.

Have you tried kitten formula? This might help if he's not eating, so he can at least continue to get some nutrients. Are you able to force-feed with the dropper ok?

Pedialyte is another thing that some folks try when their animals aren't eating.

I certainly hope they can find out what's wrong with Panther, and soon!


11-21-2006, 11:06 PM
It's not looking too good for Panther. I spent the entire day at the specialty vet clinic and they performed a series of tests including an ultrasound, urinalysis, checkup, and bloodwork. Panther is dehydrated and anemic from all the vomiting and loss of appetite. They think he either has IBD or stomach cancer but can't tell until a biopsy is done. They wanted to keep him overnight to run more tests and put him on an iv but it was going to cost me between $1,200 to $2,400 not including the biopsy which would have cost an additional $1,000. I just could not afford it. I have spent over $3,000 in the last 2 months with vet bills and I am broke. My credit cards are almost maxed out with this latest set of health problems. My bf is having some of his own unexpected financial problems and couldn't loan me the money either. In any event they gave Panther several injections including pepcid, fluids to keep him hydrated, and an anti-nausea injection. He is home with me now but is so lethargic and he threw up again. I gave him some pedilyte so I hope that helps.

I am so upset. I just don't know what to do. If he doesn't eat or drink his liver is going to have trouble. I've been crying all night long. All the injections and pills given to him are temporary band aids that aren't even working. What else can I do to keep him hydrated and increase his appetite?

11-22-2006, 12:16 AM
I'm so sorry to hear that Panther is still very sick.:( This brings back some sad memories of my RB Pepper. I tried everything for him and he just couldn't keep anything down and he was getting worse. I finally made the difficult decision to have him put to sleep.:( He was almost 6 years old so he was still a very young cat. My vet even did a free necropsy and he still couldn't find out what had caused his illness.:(

You can give Panther some sub-q fluids to help keep him hydrated. If he wasn't vomiting so much I'd also suggest some appetite stimulant pills to help his appetite but he probably wouldn't be able to keep these down. Have you tried to force feed him yet? My vet recommend using Hills Prescription A/D wet food and diluting it with water. Then you can fill a few large syringes with it and squirt these into your cats mouth. You usually get more on the cat than in the cat though. I really don't know what else to tell you. I hope that Panther will start improving soon. Lots more prayers and positive thoughts are being sent your way. Please take care.

11-22-2006, 12:46 AM
I can't sleep. Panther has received several SQ Fluids injections but I don't think that is enough to keep him hydrated.

Where can I find sub-q fluids to give him? Also, where can I buy syringes? I never thought about adding water to wet cat food. I will have to try that tomorrow.

Sorry for all the questions but my head is spinning and my heart is heavy right now. I'm sure you understand.

11-22-2006, 01:00 AM
You can buy a bag of fluids and needles from your vet. It's a lot less expensive than having them do it all of the time. They'll also either just give you some syringes or you can buy them from them. You need to use the largest syringe you can get though. Good luck and try to get some sleep.

You may also be able to buy some syringes at a drug store. I also cut off part of the tips of the syringe so that the food would squirt out easier.

11-22-2006, 01:08 AM
I just ordered a few things from Medi Vet including some syringes and an oral electrolyte solution to help keep him hydrated. The shipping was expensive but I want it by the end of the week.

11-22-2006, 08:25 AM
I am so sorry to hear about Panther...could it be a reaction to his surgery?

I hope the dear boy gets some food into him soon...

Please give him lots of hugs from me...he is such a beautiful boy.

PT Prayers for Panther coming your way, all I've got!


11-22-2006, 08:36 AM
Oh dear I have just gotten caught up on the story. I really can't imagine the drain that you must be going through right now. Its really hard to watch your pet go through something like this. But I would have to give you an A+++++ for being a fantastic mom for sure. Panther is in a wonderful place living with you. Its so hard to have to face an obstacle that you are. And to still try the things you have is a amazing. Try to get some sleep I completely know how hard it is. But being sick and having a sick kitty makes for a bad deal for the both of you. My thoughts and prayers are with you and Panther. He knows how much you love him and that you are doing everything in your control to help him out. Its so unfair to feel unable to "Fix the problem" :confused: :confused: keep us updated on his condition and we will try to give you the support that you need. Keep your head up!!

11-22-2006, 09:15 AM
It is just not looking good. I talked to my regular vet and she thinks that with all the injections of pecid, anti-nausea, appetite stimulants and so on that they would have had some effect by now. Unfortunately they have done very little for Panther. He has not shown any signs of improvement. She thinks Panther might have some kind of intestinal cancer, a bacterial thing or some kind of blockage especially because of his thickened intestine. There is no way of telling unless a biopsy is done. Right now he is even too weak to go through surgery.

My biggest fear is that he may have to be put to sleep. The prognosis is not good. I don't know what to do.

11-22-2006, 10:41 AM
Oh, hon...all I can offer is prayers...

Someone likely mentioned this already...but is there a vet training centre anywhere near you? They may check him out for a better rate.

Maybe the cancer had spread and no one knew? If he maybe does have bacterial infection - would antibiotics help, or even some Prednisone (steroids?)

I pray for a miracle, hon...I hope he just snaps out of it.

Is he comfy right now? Enjoying affection?

As for food...maybe try some really stinky tuna? That might perk up his tastebuds.

I am so sorry...I can only imagine what you are going through. Panther is very very loved...just keep loving him.

You are doing your tremendous very best, so give yourself a hug too.

Prayers and hugs again...

11-22-2006, 12:17 PM
Gosh, I'm sorry to see that Panther has not improved. :( It's so hard and frustrating when you've tried everything and nothing seems to work. Panther will let you know when the time is right, but in the meantime try to keep him comfortable. Please know that we're all here for you. I'll continue to pray that Panther improves. Please keep us updated. I'm sorry I can't be of more help.


11-22-2006, 01:06 PM
I think the steroids and anti-b's are one more thing you can try. Hopefully your vet can dispense just a few, to get him started and see if it helps.


Remember - if the worst happens - no guilt. You have done everything you can and gone way and beyond for your furbaby. You love him absolutely. That is as clear as anything. :)

11-22-2006, 03:45 PM
Nothing to add except my prayers and good thoughts for Panther.

11-22-2006, 05:51 PM
Thanks everyone! I appreciate it. I think I have done as much as I can do given my situation but it still feels like I have not done enough. Do you ever second guess yourself wondering if you should have done things differently??

On a positive note he has not vomited today.

Here are some pics of all my babies:





Magic and Panther sleeping together

11-22-2006, 06:31 PM
What a good lookin ganeg that you have. I love black cats they always look so mysterious.. What good lookin kitties!!!! Prayers to Panther!!

11-27-2006, 10:04 PM
I am starting to feel very discouraged now. I talked to my vet today and quite frankly the whole conversation left me feeling ill. Nothing has worked to help Panther feel better. My vet said basically that the only option left is to do a biopsy and possible surgery to the tune of $1,300+. I've tapped all my financial resources so sadly this surgery is not even an option. She even brought up the possibiity of this being cancer again and it spreading to his stomach and other organs. I just can't even think about it.

With all the injections, pills, exams, x-rays, and blood work you would think that something would have helped. He has received anti-biotics, anti-vomiting and nausea meds, pepcid, steroids, and fluids. Not one thing has worked. He is still vomiting and not eating or drinking unless I handfeed him. He is even having a hard time keeping the pedialyte down now.

I just don't know what else to do. I am going to have to bring him in again for fluid injections and possibly IV therapy again too. Ugh.. My poor baby.

Does anyone have any other recomendations or ideas that I should consider? Any meds, vitamins, or treatments I should request? I'm desperate at this point. The thought of losing my baby scars the hell out of me.

11-27-2006, 10:10 PM
poor you and Panther...all I can think of is to get a second opinion...ask around and see if there is someone that everyone likes...

You could try a homeopathic vet.

And Craftlady seems to be having a lot of luck with Reiki. Maybe her Reiki person could recommend someone near you.

A radical thought...taking him off EVERYTHING and letting his tummy rest. And doing baby food for a day or so.

I am so sorry - I wish I had an answer for you.


11-27-2006, 10:41 PM
A radical thought...taking him off EVERYTHING and letting his tummy rest. And doing baby food for a day or so.


That is what I have been doing lately in between vet visits. I stopped giving him all oral meds and have been feeding him baby food and Pedialyte. I also tried this liquid called Rebound which is similar to Pedialyte but is made specifically for pets. He has been to 3 different vets, including the emergency vet. :(

I've been thinking about doing Reiki too but I am unsure of where to go. I've been very impressed with Thumpers' results too! I am very happy for Craftlady.

11-27-2006, 11:57 PM
I'm so sorry to hear this latest sad news.:( I really don't have any advice for you except for what Catty1 has already posted. You also must ask yourself how much you're willing to put Panther through and it also sounds like you're becoming tapped out financially. I wish there was a simple answer here but unfortunately there really isn't.:( I hope that something will be able to help Panther and I'm sending many prayers and positive thoughts his way. Please take care.

11-28-2006, 08:36 AM
PM Craftlady and ask her if her Reiki person knows someone in your area.


PS does taking him off all his stuff help? Sometimes the cure makes one almost sicker than the treatment.

11-28-2006, 11:03 AM
At this point I can't really tell what is working and what is helping. I am trying to keep him hydrated and fed. He threw up again this morning. It seems like even the simplest things like baby food don't agree with him right now. :( I keep hoping for some miracle.

11-28-2006, 11:04 AM
Oh my, what sad news. :( I am so sorry that you and Panther are going through this.

and YES,

Do you ever second guess yourself wondering if you should have done things differently??

We have all wished we had taken a different path at one time or other. :( But know in your heart that you are trying to the best of your ability. Sometimes "things" cannot be fixed. :(

Losing Panther (some day) will be hard, but it will be so much more guilt-ridden if you prolong a painful experience.

So do your best, and let God do the rest. My prayers are with you.

11-28-2006, 01:44 PM
Is Panther happy? Like, still enjoying life? Is he his normal self, except for the tummy trouble?

11-28-2006, 02:23 PM
He will have small bursts of energy but certainly not like his usual activity level. I know he doesn't feel well but I don't think he is in any pain, aside from his tummy. After my inital experience with taking him to the emergency vet in the middle of the night he hasn't made those blood curdling meows again. Thank goodness!

He has not vomited since this morning. I was able to give him some baby food and Pedialyte this afternoon. I have my fingers crossed that he will be able to keep it down.

Craftlady gave some helpful links to vets who practice holistic medicine and reiki. I am going to call one of them and see what they can do. I will probably have to bring Panther back to my vet again tomorrow for some more fluids.

I am just having a very difficult time with this situation. My poor fur baby was able to overcome his cancerous tumor but is failing miserably with his intestinal trouble. Emotionally I feel like I am falling apart. I know I am going to have to deal with the very real possibility that I might have to put Panther to sleep but it hurts like hell just thinking about it.

Russian Blue
11-28-2006, 02:25 PM
I'm so sorry your going through this! :( I've been dealing with vomiting, possible IBS/food allergy with Nakita. I feel like we're trying everything but getting no where. :( I do know that *if* it's IBS - Slippery Elm is helpful to coat the intestinal track and aid in calming irritation.

It can't hurt to talk with a holistic vet in the meantime. You can find one here: Holistic Vet Locator (http://www.holisticvetlist.com/) But I do agree with Jen - you have to balance possible treatments with quality of life.

((Hugs to you and Panther))

11-28-2006, 02:26 PM

Call one of those Reiki people...they might be able to start some healing on him, and buy you some time.

I hope he keeps his food down too.

I know this is really really hard to do - but he is so close to you, he is pcking up your vibes. Just my opinion, of course. But try and be inwardly calmer when you talk to him and cuddle him. Give him good vibes!

It ain't over yet, kid! :)

12-01-2006, 02:43 PM
I took Panther to a vet yesterday that specializes in holistic healing. She gave him acupuncture with injections of B12 and some kind of natural anti-inflammatory herb. She also gave me these drops to put in his food that is supposed to help clear out any bacterial growth in his intestines and stomach. So far I don't think any of it is helping. :(

He still continues to vomit about 2 hours or so after I feed him. I am even feeding much smaller meals several times a day. I am at my wit's end here. I am going to take him back to the specialty vet Monday and see what they can do. I just wish these places would offer more flexible payment terms.

12-01-2006, 04:07 PM
poor panther! I wish i knew something that would help :( I'll be praying...

12-01-2006, 05:26 PM
I hope the natural stuff kicks in and begins to work...I think those things take a little longer because they are not a 'drug'.

As far as payment plans...there is that credit plan thing that was posted way earlier in this thread. No interest for 3 months...


12-01-2006, 05:38 PM
I applied for that Care Credit but still have not heard back from them. I received a recorded message saying that my request is being processed and it may take up to 10 days. :o I can't wait that long.

12-01-2006, 06:17 PM
Prayers for Panther.

12-01-2006, 11:35 PM
I'm so sorry to hear that Panther is still very sick.:( I'm still keeping him in my thoughts and prayers.

12-04-2006, 03:39 PM
The latest update....

I took him back to the specialty vet today and they did another ultrasound. Things are looking a little better! His small intestine is not as inflamed as it was before and looks almost normal. The segmental thickening is also gone.

The vet thinks Panther has a severe case of IBD. She also thinks surgery is not necessary at this time. :D She gave him more fluids and another shot of Prednisone. She also wants me to try to give him subcutaneous fluids myself. I felt like passing out when the tech showed me the needles and bag. That is going to be a challenge. I don't like needles! She wants to put him on the Pred. for awhile too.

Overall he is making progress. I don't know if it was the holistic accupuncture or vitamins or maybe the pred. but he is getting a little stronger. I need to get more food into him. He has lost almost 3 lbs. since this whole stomach trouble began. I have to fatten my baby back up. The vet recommended Eukanuba low residue formula so I will see if he likes that food. I have a whole collection of various cat foods growing in my pantry ranging from pescription diet formulas to holistic formulas. I'm probably going to donate them to the local cat shelter. Anyway, things are finally starting to look a up just a bit.

12-04-2006, 05:44 PM
I love a good update. Come on Panther, everyone gains weight at the holidays. ;)

12-04-2006, 06:59 PM
Thanks. He is still vomiting but it is with less frequency. I guess 1 step at a time.

12-05-2006, 12:19 AM
I'm so glad to hear that he's doing much better and hopefully he'll be able to gain some weight back.:) Giving sub-q fluids is fairly easy and I'm sure you'll get the hang of it. You might want to try doing this in the bathroom so he won't try to run away from you. Also remember to put the needle all the way through his skin to prevent it from leaking. Good luck.:)

12-05-2006, 12:35 AM
Im glad to hear things are going better. I hope all is back to normal soon enough. As for the fluids, I had to do it on a 3wk old puppy, off and on for several weeks... Once you do it a few times, its pretty easy. Im sure a kitty would be harder than a pup though.

12-07-2006, 06:41 AM
Oh Fragrancehound I have been so busy working and I have just caught up reading this thread - you and Panther have been through a TERRIBLE time! :(

I'm so sorry for you, but I'm glad to see things seem to be picking up now.

I think you need to get some reiki and herbs or something yourself, even just some Bach Flowers Rescue Remedy (for all of you!) it is calming and soothing.

You know how on the plane they always tell the mothers to put the oxygen mask on themselves first before the children when everything inside you wants to say - no! first my baby, then me! - well , it's so we stay alive and able to help them stay alive - so get something good for yourself as well!

I see on another thread you're doing the fluids now. I see everyone has their preferred way so you have many ideas to try. I won't add more, except to say it works best for me on a bench in the laundry with the door closed so Cleo can't jump down or run away easily. It doesn't hurt them, as someone said, they seem to know you are helping them. Cleo is as good as gold, sits still.

Good luck, soon it will become second nature. Medusa will tell you how scared I was and she helped me get confidence. I did it with my vet's supervision a few times first.

Do something nice for you, too, even if it's a simple footbath with some lavender oil and restful music -very soothing! ;) You sound really wound up.

I really hope and pray things improve for Panther and you soon, you've both been through so much.