View Full Version : When are your cat/s the most loving?

06-11-2002, 11:45 AM
Noah gets really, really loving in the morning when we wake up and are getting ready for work. He has to sit on the sink, watching us get ready, head bumpies, rubbies and all. He gets really close when I put my makeup on, he'll lean against my stomache while I get ready and just sit there. It is so cute, a great way to start the day. (Makes it really hard to leave though. :( )

Noel gets really loving while we are watching TV at night or sitting at the table. Mainly at night. She is the most vocal creature in our apartment, so we are bombarded with various types of meows pleading with us to pet, love, rub, hug and put her on one of our laps.

So, what about your sweeties? When are they the most passionate about geting your love?

06-11-2002, 12:00 PM
My black kitty requires that she be loved and stroked and she will move around and nudge me.... but only ON the bed and usually when I am getting in bed. My other kitty just wants a one minute hug a couple times a day.

I am a cat artist... Come by and see my "Cosmik-Kitty" ART!


06-11-2002, 12:10 PM
Welcome SylviArt!! You'll love Pet Talk!! :)

I love your artwork, very, very pretty!

Former User
06-11-2002, 12:49 PM
Kelly, nice to see you on here again, I've missed so much hearing from Noah and Noel! Hope everything is okay with all of you, David, Thomas and Faith?

As for when our cats are loving...well, Casper is a big lover boy. Sometimes he doesn't want us to touch him (very rare though), but when he is on his lovey mood, he is just so cute! Like now too, he is maoning for attention, and gets it of course. I have to pick him up and cuddle him. The minute I pick him up, he starts purring like crazy! And his purr is SO loud! :rolleyes:

Kitty girl then...she's most loving when we are watching telly, she comes and rubs herself against Patrick or me, and wants attention. We both end up petting her and she's one happy kittygirl then, purring away. She usually lays down between us and falls asleep then.

06-11-2002, 11:49 PM
My cats are all very loving all day long but they are the most loving at night. When I come home from work, they usually greet me and they want some hugs and back scratching. Sunny wants loving in the mornings too. They are all mama's boys and Storm and Sunny demand most of my attention but Pepper will jump in for his when he really wants it.

Sara luvs her Tinky
06-12-2002, 12:29 AM
Whenever the hubby lets T&J in the room while we are sleeping, Tinky will wake my up at varius hours purring soooo loud and she will nudge my hand with her head so I will pet her. I think that it is funny cause my mom-in-law's chihuahua will do that to get petted. And she will do it non stop till she gets her fill. I think it is so sweet and sometimes if I am just too tired I will stick my hands under the covers and she will stand on my chest purring and looking right at my face, it is so cute cause when I look at her she has the biggest smile on her face. Most of the time if she does it close to the time when I need to get up I will just cut the alarm off and pet her till she is satisified. I think that is the most perfect way to start a day.
Jupiter on the other hand,,, he likes to be petted but only if you hit the right spot.... under his chin and on his neck/chest..... Sometimes I think he thinks that he is still just a guest in our house.... He is a sweet little boy..... he's my little lion :)

06-12-2002, 01:33 AM
Kedi: He is almost always lovey, but is especially so at night when I go to bed to read for awhile (or when we are watching a movie in bed). He ALWAYS has to get between you and your book or between you and the TV. :rolleyes: Loves to lay on your chest and kiss your ears :)

Wylie is lovey periodically through the day. If it's been an hour or so since he has seen you, he will run up to you when you walk in the room and meow to be given attention. Our routine is: Wylie meow-meow-meows at you, then you have to pet him for awhile, then pick him up and hold him like a baby for a bit. Finally, he wants to held up over your head so he can 'look around' like that. I do that for him several times a day ;)

Former User
06-12-2002, 02:09 AM
Originally posted by yorkster
He ALWAYS has to get between you and your book or between you and the TV. :rolleyes: Loves to lay on your chest and kiss your ears :)

Ohhhhh, Kedi sounds adorable!!!! Ear kisses, so sweet!!!

06-12-2002, 03:25 AM
Whenever I pass the spot where Sydney is resting , I stop and pet him . Within fraction of a second he starts a long loud purrrrr !! so cute !!!
He is also VERY loving , when he is hungry and begging for food (or a snack) ............ !!!!


C.C.'s Mom
06-12-2002, 09:20 AM
It took me about 6 months or so before I could touch Rudie because he only made bad experiences with humans. But ever since that day....

He's out most of the day but comes in at least once every hour. If I'm home, he'll come and needs to be picked up and starts to purr his sweet purr. Unfortunately he's also very heavy so carrying him around is not very easy anymore.
At night he comes downstairs and HAS to be on my chest and sleeps with his mouth against my chin, tongue sticking out, purring, baking bread in the air.... So loving. It's the same every evening after I finish my last cup of coffee.
My husband always says that the love seen in his eyes is incredible. I'm often crying when he's there with me. So special. My big boy. I'm so happy that we have this bond, that he trusts me so much that I touch his big soft belly.

Eddy is another story. A real independant lady. Always sleeping somewhere in a basket. But she'll come for her cuddles, likes to sleep on my belly at night when Rudie is on my chest.
She's more a daddy's girl though.
But more than anything else does she like to cuddle up with the dog in the big basket.

06-12-2002, 10:06 AM
Our babies are more loving at night when we get in at work because they are left all alone during the day. :(

06-12-2002, 12:32 PM
Cassy has two peak 'loving' moments: when I first get home we have an elaborate greeting/fondling fest and generally about 3 or 4 a.m. he wants cuddlies.

Livvy is rather more unpredictable. She usually prefers to cuddle during my 'down time' in front of a video before bed ... but sometimes a quick 'fondle attack mode' happens when I'm on the computer. ;)

06-12-2002, 01:58 PM
When he hears the crunchies being openened! :D
Well, also in the evening when he comes up on our bed! ;)

06-12-2002, 03:45 PM
Usually at night. It is not unusual to see me covered in furkids (all three of them) as I lay on the sofa around 9:00 watching Larry King! My husband has to laugh sometimes because I look so uncomfortable but I'm not really!

06-12-2002, 04:13 PM
Originally posted by Pam
Usually at night. It is not unusual to see me covered in furkids (all three of them) as I lay on the sofa around 9:00 watching Larry King! My husband has to laugh sometimes because I look so uncomfortable but I'm not really!

How funny Pam! I can totally picture that!! I agree with you, it may be a bit uncomfortable, but when you look down at thier sweet faces...forget it! :)

Originally posted by Casper & Kitty
Kelly, nice to see you on here again, I've missed so much hearing from Noah and Noel! Hope everything is okay with all of you, David, Thomas and Faith?

Hi Niina, You are so sweet! We are all doing well. The bunnies are kindof driving me nuts...they are getting to be too much for our apartment. :( Otherwise, all is well. Thank you!! :)

06-12-2002, 05:15 PM
Originally posted by Pam
Usually at night. It is not unusual to see me covered in furkids (all three of them) as I lay on the sofa around 9:00 watching Larry King! My husband has to laugh sometimes because I look so uncomfortable but I'm not really!

Yup, that's me too! (have 2 cats, 1 dog) :rolleyes:
I am not a good sleeper, and people tell me that having the cats & dog sleeping with me all the time must really 'disturb' my sleep. I keep telling them that it actually helps me relax more- nothing better than the soothing sound of a purring cat(s) ;)

(sorry Carrie about the dog on the bed........a no-no I know :rolleyes: ) I just can't help it!

06-12-2002, 05:43 PM

I totally agree about the effects of a cat's pur. When Noah lays his chin on my head....good night!! :)

06-12-2002, 07:34 PM
As far as being affectionate, my furkids are usually most affectonate when ever they see me. However, I do not have any of them that come up to my face at night and begin to kitty kiss and cuddle. I don't know if that would be nice or not, considering , when I go to bed, I seldom read, but turn on the radio, which may go on all night. Tiger is the only one that gives me kitty kisses with her tongue and then this behavior is irratic. Yet whenever I wake up in the early mornings, I am surrounded with furkds. the manner in which they lay agaist me causes the covers to be pressed against my body. This makes it difficult to turn over or even move about in the bed. Usually I can count on Amy, Snow cat, Fawn, Princess, Silver Prince, and Otis, the kitten, to be with the "bed-time" crew.:)
