View Full Version : How many (hooman) words do your cats understand?

11-16-2006, 12:50 PM
I'm pretty sure they understand a lot, and are also able to associate the correct meaning. And they have a long time memory for words!!

Luna surprised me a while ago. When she was young we used to play a lot with a laser pointer, I called the game "kitty light", and every time I mentioned the word she would come running and sit down in her "hunting position", ready to chase the red spot. Then, after a while, the laser pointer broke, so we didn't play for at least one year, or even more.

Then, one day, I just mentioned the word, "kitty light", and to my surprise, she ran to me, meowed happily, and sat down, ready to chase the light. She had in fact remembered the word, and its meaning, after such a long time. Well, what else could I do but buy a new laser pointer? ;)

Except for kitty light, there are a few more words (or short sentences) my girls know very well:

"Komm zu Mama!" ("Come to mommy", I usually say this to them when it's cuddling time)
"Essen" ("eating")
"Frühstück" ("breakfast")
"Hill's i/d" (Lily's favourites)
"Tablette" ("pill, meds")

These are the words they definitely understand, but I'm sure they understand a lot more.

Which are the words your kitties know? :)


11-16-2006, 01:41 PM

11-16-2006, 01:48 PM
Aza is only 1 1/2 month old so I don't think she really understands anything yet (or maybe she is just fooling me)

11-16-2006, 01:54 PM
For Ed it's the opposite..

What words do he not understand?


11-16-2006, 02:10 PM
"Out" ... when they are in a room that I am trying to keep them out of ... like my bedroom when my asthma is flaring up! :rolleyes:

"Get Down" .... although they understand it, many of them toy with me until I get a few steps closer! :rolleyes:

"Treats" .... I do believe they know this one too!

Every single one of them knows their own name without a doubt! I can call one of their names in a full room, and only that cat will respond! :eek:

11-16-2006, 02:13 PM
I am afraid F+ T do not even understand their own names.
However they understand when I THINK "vet" or "meds".

And I understand a lot of their language:
Like Bloody f... heck where is my dinner? (I am sorry that's Tigris' language- I have no idea where he learnt it ;))

11-16-2006, 02:18 PM
I don't know for sure that Mac knows words. He certainly does talk to me though. He always says "Thanks" when I let him in from the back yard by giving me a small mew. He definitely knows his name when I call him. No matter what I call it, he knows when I'm going to feed him and jumps up on the washer (where his dish is). We communicate more by tone and looks.


11-16-2006, 02:19 PM
LOL@Tigris!! :)

Well, sometimes it may be a good thing that we don't understand everything they say! ;)

BTW, I forgot to list "Get down", mine understand that very well, too!


11-16-2006, 02:49 PM
Mine all seem to have "selective hearing". They know what the words mean, but purposely choose to ignore me! :rolleyes:

They all know their names, and other words they know include:

Does the sound of my pantry door opening count? They certainly know that one well and come running from wherever they were anytime I do open that door. *snicker*

11-16-2006, 03:10 PM
They understand




The first causes the instant reaction of scuttling feet and a fight to see who can get out of the door first. The second causes the tail and head to go down. I've tried saying other words in the same tone of voice and they don't react, except to look confused, so I'm sure they understand the words themselves.

They also understand (I think)

"I'm sorry, really, really sorry, forgive me."

When I accidentally bump one of them in my face with my elbow, or step on a foot while trying to clamber over another cat. They stop moving away, watch my face and listen, and then move forward for the comforting fuss.

Most not only know their names but their pet names. Dagda,for instance, knows that when I say "where's my big guy" that I'm looking to pay attention to him.

Like Barbara's cats, mine also know when I'm thinking "vet" or "medication", even though I keep my face bland and my demeanor calm.

11-16-2006, 03:12 PM
My girls definitely know their own names, and the words "treats" and "dinner" and "breakfast"!!!

Now me, I know that the first thing in the morning, Sasha's meows tell me that she needs me to get up and turn on the faucet in the bathroom. Tabitha will softly agree and ask me to get up! (Sasha is much more demanding!) :rolleyes:

And I know that when Tabitha is going to rid herself of a hairball, her meow sounds quite distressing.... not like her normal ones. I ALWAYS come running from wherever I am. Not that I can actually help her, but I just feel the need to be in the room, giving her encouragement that it will be okay and that Meowmie is here. Yeah, I know.... sad, isn't it???? :::Please don't tell my family; they will REALLY think I am crazy!:::

11-16-2006, 03:15 PM
They both understand "treat" and will come running. Mitzi knows her name; Mishi I'm not too sure about :rolleyes: but then that could partly be my fault as he has so many nicknames :D

They both know "No" and I would NEVER use the word "Pill" around them. LOL right now Mitzi is on amoxy drops for an ear infection. I keep them in the fridge, as you're supposed to, and now every time I open the fridge she runs and hides under the bed. Poor girl Treatment is almost over.

11-16-2006, 03:16 PM
They also understand (I think)

I'm sorry, really, really sorry, forgive me.

When I accidentally bump one of them in my face with my elbow, or step on a foot while trying to clamber over another cat. They stop moving away, watch my face and listen, and then move forward for the comforting fuss.

Same here!! :) I think they really understand when I apologize to them!! :)

And I know that when Tabitha is going to rid herself of a hairball, her meow sounds quite distressing.... not like her normal ones. I ALWAYS come running from wherever I am. Not that I can actually help her, but I just feel the need to be in the room, giving her encouragement that it will be okay and that Meowmie is here. Yeah, I know.... sad, isn't it???? :::Please don't tell my family; they will REALLY think I am crazy!:::

As a loving cat mommy, I don't think it's crazy at all!!


Edwina's Secretary
11-16-2006, 03:16 PM
They are both sitting here with me so I asked them...they understand...

Stop hitting Eddie!
Let's go!
Get down here! (when they climb too high on the slope)

And even though their names are so similar....they do respond to the correct name...when they choose to respond.

And their vocabulary is limited to one word...NOW! I am expected to figure out what it is they want NOW!

11-16-2006, 03:32 PM
My cat understands everything I say, unfortunately he also has selective hearing.

11-16-2006, 03:55 PM
Let's see..I think my boys understand more than they let on :rolleyes: but:

Get Down
Come Here
Be Nice (when I can TELL they are about to scuffle!)
T-R-E-A-T-S (can hardly even SPELL it anymore without three kitty faces at my feet!)

Calvin knows "flipa flip" which is more of a trick..he then proceeds to flip over his head onto his back!

And when I say "WHAT"S THAT?" Calvin runs to the window to look for a squirrel or birdy :D


11-16-2006, 04:02 PM
Now, do your cats simply understand "come here" or do they respond to it also? When I say that to any of my cats, they look at me with a "why should I" look on their faces and wait for me to give a reason. So then I have to say "treats" or "play" or "cuddles" or whatever. Depending on their mood, they either jump down right away or sit forward with a "tell me more" kind of expression. Getting them to rush off is much easier than getting them to come forward - oh dear! does that make me a guardian ogre?

critter crazy
11-16-2006, 04:25 PM
Lets see Loki is still quite young but is catching on very quickly!

He understands:
his name
Bed time
dinner time

and that is about all for now.:)

11-16-2006, 04:26 PM
And I understand a lot of their language:
Like Bloody f... heck where is my dinner? (I am sorry that's Tigris' language- I have no idea where he learnt it ;))

I'll clean up the emails I send to him.... :eek: :o

11-16-2006, 04:34 PM
Fancy Feat!!
And Michaels Favorite

11-16-2006, 04:46 PM
Oh Jack & Sunny are quite intelligent when it comes to knowing what words mean.
They know

Get Down (if Jack is nosing around food he shouldn't be)
Do you want to go out?

And they also know their many many different nicknames!

11-16-2006, 04:50 PM
:eek: WoW If that aint the truth.. My girls know Breakfast, treats, where is your fluff fluff {toy}, & they go crazy when I wink & blow kisses at them = they will roll on the floor & want meowmom to pick them up..
My cat understands everything I say, unfortunately he also has selective hearing.

11-16-2006, 05:00 PM
Cocoa Kitty knows a lot of words because I use the same words all the time

his favorites:
food (dry crunchies), treat, snack, tuna, chicken, meat

sit, stay, stand, spin (turn around in a circle), walk (kind of like heel for a dog. It means get goin'), up (hop up).

soon, a little while, later.

good boy, Yay (when he runs), sweetie pie cat.

soft (be gentle), brush (grooming with a brush or comb), toy, porch (gets to
go on the porch), outside, kitty grass (he likes to chew on grass, but I use the same phrase for veggies like corn and squash that he will eat).

I'm sure he knows a lot more....

11-16-2006, 10:02 PM
My 7 all know their names and nicknames. Well, Ebony is just now learning her name(s) after 3 months with us.

They know: kibble, food-in-the-dish, water (at the bathroom sink), NO!, Get DOWN!, be nice, GENtle!, and AH-AH. (as in no-no).

They also know "back-back" which we use when we have them outside with us and they start leaving the back yard for the side and front.

Whether they heed the word is a totally different matter.

Crystal knows "bouncy" which is the super hi bounce ball she loves to play with. And if you ask her where it is, she will look around to find it, checking under the entertainment center, under the sofa and (why is this the LAST place she looks?) in the toy pile. which is usually where I put it when cleaning up.

I used to take Sparkle to nursing homes as part of a pet therapy program. She knew the term"nursing home" and would come and stand calmly while I put on her harness. We did that for 18 months, but stopped about 6 years ago. REcently I was talking to Dad about someone who moved in to a "nursing home," and Sparkle came trotting over to see what she should do!

They know lots of sounds, it is impossible to open any can - pop top OR can opener- they think all cans are cat food and come running from all corners of the house! Comical to see.

I generally give them baths every other month, first of the month or as close to that as possible. Yes, even though they are house cats. You see, I am ALLERGIC to CATS! And I have 7. So bathing helps remove that enzyme which is in their saliva and which they get all over themselves when grooming. I always notice a BIG difference after bath time.

They know when I am tinking about bath time, even though I haven't moved out of the chair yet to get started!

11-17-2006, 12:39 AM
Mine know the words:
bed time
their names most of the time & nicknames

11-17-2006, 03:12 AM
Peppito understands and replies to many more words, though selectively :rolleyes: For instance when I say ''come here!'' and I go to the bathroom in the morning, he follows me tail up, because he loves sitting in the bathroom and watching the hoomans showering, he has to be here! But when I say ''come here'' when we are in the garden and I want to go back in the house, it's another story :rolleyes:

Jasmine understands at least ''NO!" which works well. For the rest I think she understands but ignores it, except for food ;) We have an automatic feeder" (not sure this is the right word) that we use when we are away for one or two days. When it delivers a portion of food it gives a message that I have saved and says two times ''Peppito! Jasmine! Come! It's time to eat!''. Last week, we ran the machine to be sure the kitties will still use it and won't be scared, and we saw Jasmine flying down the stairs and throwing her head to look for food (and it's not that I don't feed them enough...)! :D

11-17-2006, 03:14 AM
Oh yes, and I forgot to say, they understand the non spoken language, of course! (looks, eye blinking, showing something with hands, etc.) :)

Maya & Inka's mommy
11-17-2006, 04:05 AM
"yammekes" !!!! = food !!!
"buiten spelen?" = play outside??
"NEEEEEE !!" no!
"naar bedje!" = go to bed!!
"papa" and "mama" = dad and mommy

and of course they all understand their name :) :)

11-17-2006, 01:32 PM
Isn't it amazing how many languages they understand?! :)


11-18-2006, 12:03 PM
Like most other cats, Groucho seems to have selective understanding of most words, probably more words than he lets on. Groucho knows:

his name
come on the blanket?
Groucho do lovebug?
where's my little boy?
tell me all about it (he'll meow and meow)

11-18-2006, 02:58 PM
Now, do your cats simply understand "come here" or do they respond to it also?

They actually usually come. Of course not when I'm poking around in the dark when they've escaped!! :rolleyes: But when I'm sitting on the couch or going to bed they generally follow.

11-18-2006, 06:52 PM
My two Bundles only under stand:
And their names.

And they can be thick headed alot too.

11-19-2006, 10:08 AM
Cute thread Kirsten!

Mine, yes all 20, know their names. No one understands kitty kitty at all!

Stop that.....NOW!
Get Down
Go away! (said many times during dinner preperation)
Be easy (adults playing with kittens)
and the most understood of all....Who wants supper??? ;)

I'm sure they understand lots more but they won't let on. :rolleyes:

11-20-2006, 09:05 AM
My cats understand one word...EAT. MooShoo understands bye-bye and climbs up my leg to my shoulder when he's ready to go.