View Full Version : Tedd went shopping

11-15-2006, 08:56 PM
Ok well mommy did but he came of course to try things on.
We bought a new sweater and harness. :)








Dont worry Tedd has enough hair to have a bow in it he has a mane.
And he dosent mind having a sweater on , he only had it on inside for pictures.

Aspen and Misty
11-15-2006, 10:16 PM
Ted is SUPER cute! I love the sweater, think Julian would like one :p

I would consider taking the harness back and buying him a proper rabbit harness though. The harness Ted has on is made for dog's and there is a difference between the weight distribution of a dog and rabbit harness and dog's and rabbits necks are much different. A rabbit has a much more fragile neck then a dog. With this type of harness, Ted could potentially get injured. If he jumped hard enough the piece of harness around his neck could injure/break his neck. There are harnesses in the rabbit isle that are made for small animals, even some made specifically for rabbits, that are a lot safer then the one he is wearing now.


11-15-2006, 10:40 PM
How adorable, that sweater looks great on him. :D What a cutie pie Tedd is!

11-16-2006, 06:42 AM
Ted is SUPER cute! I love the sweater, think Julian would like one :p

I would consider taking the harness back and buying him a proper rabbit harness though. The harness Ted has on is made for dog's and there is a difference between the weight distribution of a dog and rabbit harness and dog's and rabbits necks are much different. A rabbit has a much more fragile neck then a dog. With this type of harness, Ted could potentially get injured. If he jumped hard enough the piece of harness around his neck could injure/break his neck. There are harnesses in the rabbit isle that are made for small animals, even some made specifically for rabbits, that are a lot safer then the one he is wearing now.

Lol maybe. I dont understand why people say their bunnies would never have it. All my bunnies have always let me put a sweater on the wih no problems.

He dosent wear the harness for walking just for when he runs in my room. I like to hear where he is. Hes always getting into small spots.
I think I know what yu mean though because I have had trouble with the one I had before. When Tedd has his tags on it and the bell it would pull off to one side. But with this one it has a metal thing so the tags will just sit on the top.
He usually wears kitten or small dog harnesses anyways though because he is too big for the bunny ones.
I'm not saying your wrong or anything Ive just never had a problem until that one.

11-16-2006, 09:04 AM
Awww. how cute! :D

When I make some money I'm running to the pet shop to buy some clothes for Meadow lol, his colar is getting old so I can probably get him a couple of new one's too.

The bow is adorable!! LOL I thought Tedd was a boy! :p

As for the harness it seems fine on him, it's not like your going to chain him up with it or go on the side walks with it, but I have a leash just made for bun buns on Meadow ... you saw it already and it has the ajustable straps, it was only $16 and they some in lots of colours .. I'm gona get a green one.

Great pics. :)

11-16-2006, 03:32 PM
Oh how cute! :D That coat looks so comfy..Just so all of you know this is actually Zoomer on one of her fake accounts. As well as other accounts.

Please do not reply on my threads I dont want to hear things from TROLLS thank you very much.

Thankgoodness that she has finally been caught..I always knew she was a fake.

11-16-2006, 03:38 PM
He looks adorable as always, Alicia!