View Full Version : Pet Shops...GRRR

11-15-2006, 06:00 AM
I was eating lunch yesterday with my co-worker who told me an awful story about a pet shop in a local mall. She used to work for my vet as a tech and said that someone from the mall pet shop had brought a puppy in to be put to sleep. The reason? The puppy had diarrhea and they didn't want to have to be seen treating a sick dog at the store as it would *look bad.* They opted to have it PTS. She, instead, took the puppy home and cared for it and found it a home. She said that is not the first time that particular pet store did that. Sick dogs are not good for their bottom line. :mad:

Daisy and Delilah
11-15-2006, 06:32 AM
OMG, Pam!! This story epitomizes what makes all of us so sick about puppy mills. They mass produce and expect the pups to be nothing but profit. If the money can't roll in, why keep the poor animal??(What a warped philosophy!!) No love or compassion at all. :( I can imagine you had indigestion after lunch from just hearing that. Kudos to your co-worker for saving the little doggie. It's just so sad :(

11-15-2006, 06:41 AM
God bless your co-worker, Pam. Talk about a heart of gold. God bless your vets for authorizing her to do this good deed too. I'm thinking that there are vets who would just go along with the owner's wishes. HA and a pox on them. Hope they got charged enough for the *PTS* part.

Anita Cholaine
11-15-2006, 06:52 AM
omg, that is such a sick thing to do! It's so sad to think about all the puppies who weren't as lucky as the one your co-worker saved :(. Thanks God there are people like her.

11-15-2006, 07:12 AM
How Sick!!
Oh I wish it would stop...
Pet stores SUCK!!

I'm going to make t-shirts with that saying on them! ;)

11-15-2006, 07:24 AM
How Sick!!
Oh I wish it would stop...
Pet stores SUCK!!

I'm going to make t-shirts with that saying on them! ;)

And then make sure to wear it while in one!! :)

I agree, this is just horrible! Probably had diarrhea from the yucky dog food they feed them!!

11-15-2006, 08:13 AM
I am afraid they can do this. We had an adult border collie put down yesterday that BC Mom posted because the son wanted him down.
Any idea what the puppy had? I mean it could have been something as simple as internal parasites.
I wonder how she was able to take the puppy. We couldnt get the border collie with a signed euthenize form..

11-15-2006, 08:18 AM
That's horrible, I had no Idea some pet stores where like this .. I mean everytime I go to a pet store I just want to buy all the puppies stuck in glass walls, at least my pet store always plays with the puppies and actualy takes them outside everyday for walks! :)

Glad your friend was there to help!

11-15-2006, 08:18 AM
that's awful! :mad: :( i'm glad the co-worker was there to save the puppy. petstores are terrible! i've worked at one too. it really is shocking to see what the petstores do to these pups and "the truck" they come off of. the poor dog probably just had giardia from being in a dirty cage or stress.

11-15-2006, 09:45 AM
And then make sure to wear it while in one!! :)

I agree, this is just horrible! Probably had diarrhea from the yucky dog food they feed them!!

That is a good idea. My friend visited me and had a sticker in her car window with the word "Puppy Mill" and a dog lifting his leg on it. I thought that was cute. Maybe they have one like that for pet shops as well. It's horrible how businesses like that are run. No concern for the health and life of a living being.

Pawsitive Thinking
11-15-2006, 09:52 AM
Pet shops should be banned from selling any live animals!!

11-15-2006, 11:44 AM
Poor little puppy. I'm glad it found a home.

11-15-2006, 01:35 PM
thank God they don't run a toddler daycare.
Honestly, some places really should just give it up. Isn't there an agency that oversees them? Never mind - there probably isn't. :(

11-15-2006, 02:07 PM
Ugh, I HATE petshops that SELL dogs! :mad: I'm so glad your co-worker was able to save this poor puppy.
It's pretty typical for petshop puppy mill dogs to have diarrhea. My vet was (unfortunately) the vet of choice for our local puppy mill seller (Pet Stop) and we treated so many sick dogs for them. A majority of them had kennel cough, coccidia, and/or giardia...or a combo of all 3...because of the transportion/conditions of so many puppies crammed in a truck on their way to the store. :(
Sadly, we had a few that had parvo and died in our hospital. :(

I HATE puppy mills and stores that sell these unfortunate pups. :mad:

11-15-2006, 02:13 PM
Yes i get worked up too about pet shops in general, one in particular in our mall here, i don't like the setup they have for keeping kittens, and they of course sell them without being fixed, that is my biggest problem with them in general , infact the kitty i ended up adopting after her horrible owner abandoned her after years of neglecting her, was originally a pet shop kitten, I rest my case, she is typical of what happens, we have one large pet shop that does only sell them with vouchers for spaying and neutering, that in my opinion is the only responsible thing to do and all pet shops should be forced by law to abide by that rule.

I am saddened to hear yet another bad story about pet shops, but so happy someone with a heart and who is responsible took the care on of that lovely wee puppy, bless her soul.

11-15-2006, 02:36 PM
I wonder how she was able to take the puppy. We couldnt get the border collie with a signed euthenize form..

I didn't think to ask. I will try to remember to ask her tomorrow. The puppy was a pomeranian and she nicknamed her Magilla because her furry little face sort of reminded her of a gorilla - Magilla Gorilla - :p . Anyway the new owner sort of kept the name because she became Maggie. :)

11-15-2006, 02:41 PM
awwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww sounds adorable! Please find out if you can. I would love to know what loop hole she used to get the puppy out of this signed paper. You can pm me if you want obviously.

11-15-2006, 02:42 PM
and what my vet does- is he doesnt take the money for the euthen- and the owner signs the dog over to them...

11-15-2006, 02:55 PM
You know at my vets they had two beautiful young dogs,one with pitbull terrier in her, the owner had brought them in to be PTS because they attacked the chickens on the farm, and you know what the vets who are wonderful and all women could not bring themselves to do it, they kept them both fed them and attended to their needs advertising them to good homes and guess what they got homes,just thought i would post this so that in this horrible world where so much bad happens , goodness does prevail sometimes. ;)