View Full Version : Oh my gosh!

11-14-2006, 06:24 PM
Currently I ride at my barn on fridays, and I never get to ride my favorite pony ther, Junior[I'll get a picture of him eventually] I haven't ridden him for like a month and a half, and it's driving me crazy! He's the right skill level for me, I know that, and I'm not too tall for him because people taller then me ride him. But I never ever get to ride him and I miss him sooooooo much!!! Oh, anyways, I went to his stall after my lesson last friday, and he was there, NOT EVEN BEING USED FOR A LESSON and it's driving me crazy bc no one was scheduled to ride him, and I stil didn't get to! ANYWAYS[lol] I went into his stall and was petting him and he did the most amazing thing! he rubbed up against me and made those little whicker noises horses make when they're happy. he recognized me! and he's the pony that bites and kicks everyone who tries to get near him so this was double amazing. But I was just petting him and noticed he was really dirty so I was brushing his neck with my fingers and he layed his head on my shoulder and let out this BIG sigh and it was sooo sweet! I just wish I could ride him, just once before my mom makes me take time off of riding. I know there are enough school horses for the other students who ride him to ride! I know it sounds selfish, but it's like they're hogging Junior!

Suki Wingy
11-15-2006, 04:59 PM
Sounds sweet! Maybe he's had lamness issues? I'd ask. Tha't happened to be before too.

11-15-2006, 05:21 PM
hmm.. I don't think so because I actually saw someone scheduled to ride him, but like 3 classes[hours] later, so he would have been able to do both [i've ridden him in a situation like that before] maybe tho...I'm gonna ask if I can ride him soon at my next lesson, unless I *hopefully* rided him then. =]

11-18-2006, 08:13 AM
Okay so NO ONE was scheduled to ride Junior yesterday when I looked. I'm wondering if he does have some sort of problem. AND he had sooo much mud anddirt on him, I was itching to brush him. But the wierd thing was thatthe mud looked like dried blood. I got really worried andwas looking everywhere on his head and neck(thats where it was) and my friend was helping me too, but we couldn't find any cut or scrape or anything. I was then forced to leave(my mom was getting mad) and I felt soooooo bad about it, because what if he was hurt and I missed it? It could be really bad!