View Full Version : Back paws declawed?

11-13-2006, 05:33 PM
Dear Pet Talk, I have a question. When I adopted Cassie, she had already had her front paws declawed. In my adoption contract I agreed not to declaw her any further. I have a neighbor in my building who says that because she never goes outdoors, she has no need for her back claws either and I should have her declawed. I disagreed because of the contract I signed and also because I understand declawing to be painful for the cat. Cassie is not "scratchy", although she is less playful now that she is getting on in years, so she doesn't scrape off her old claws in play as much as she did when she was younger. I try to give her play time so she can get rid of the claws on her own. But if she doesn't, I'm not afraid to clip her claws and even if she only lets me clip one or two at a time, I'll get through them all soon enough. I don't want to have her back claws removed in case we ever move to a place where she could safely go outdoors. I just don't want to put her through that. Am I making the right decision?

11-13-2006, 07:24 PM
Of course you are making the right decision. There is no reason to have her further declawed. As a matter of fact, cats with no back claws have a hard time getting a "grip" on the floors they walk on. They can't effectively scratch an itch either.

Keeping them clipped should be all you need to keep them "healthy." Never doubt the decision NOT to declaw.

11-13-2006, 07:40 PM
No declawed cat should EVER be outdoors except if you are right there to supervise. That is front claws only or all 4.

The cat with no front claws has no way to defend herself or climb a tree to save herself.

As an older cat, her nails grow more slowly. You can keep up with it by clipping them. Kittens may need clipping once a week or more. An older cat, and rear claws, every other week should be fine. But you will find a routine that works for you.

11-13-2006, 08:13 PM
Your neighbour needs an education! :mad:

11-13-2006, 09:15 PM
No declawed cat should EVER be outdoors except if you are right there to supervise. That is front claws only or all 4.

The cat with no front claws has no way to defend herself or climb a tree to save herself.

I agree with declawed cats being kept as indoor only. I have rarely encountered a 4 paw declawed cat as most places around here will only do the front paws in case the cats ever do get out they have a little defense (rabbit kicking), could possibly climb a tree (see below), and most cats don't seem to do much damage with back claws, particularly if the back nails are kept trimmed.

I have personally seen several front paw declawed cats climb trees almost as easily as clawed cats, including a manx cat I aquired many years ago (it came already declawed). Just an observation

11-13-2006, 09:20 PM
Declawing is barbaric, I wish more governments would ban it.

11-13-2006, 09:27 PM
Of course you are making the right decision. There is no reason to have her further declawed. As a matter of fact, cats with no back claws have a hard time getting a "grip" on the floors they walk on. They can't effectively scratch an itch either.

Keeping them clipped should be all you need to keep them "healthy." Never doubt the decision NOT to declaw.

I agree 100% on what Jen said. :D

11-14-2006, 11:32 AM
Declawing should even not be a question. Never declaw a cat!

11-14-2006, 12:21 PM
THANK YOU ALL! Cassie's front paws had been declawed when I adopted her. Our shelter discourages all declawing of a cat's front or back paws. Cassie had taken up residence under the front porch of a family that lived near the shelter. After she had her kittens they had her spayed and had her front paws declawed, thinking that would make her more adoptable. The shelter is no-cage, so they hoped to have her adopted quickly since she did not have front claws and most of the other cats in the shelter have not been declawed at all. We played again last night and I did find a "shell" of a claw in the rug. When I comb her coat she will sometimes let me clip one or two - and if not, we just play more so she can get rid of the long ones on her own. If we ever move from apartment to a town house, I would like her to be able to go outdoors for short periods when the weather is fine with me supervising, wearing a collar and leash. She would not go out except under those circumstances. She will always be an "inside" cat. I'll talk to my neighbor again and tell her I have no reason to have Cassie's back paws declawed.

11-14-2006, 01:35 PM
I used to get into arguments all the time with the vet I used to work at over declawing. Although he believed that you should never declaw all 4, he always wanted us to push front declaws. I honestly think it was just to make more money. It is a horrid surgery, and the cats feel just awful for the first few days. The first night/next morning they are just pitiful, if anyone were to see what the cats go through they would probably change their minds. Cats have claws for a reason.

All the clients I spoke with about declawing, I always recommended to only get it done if it is the only way to actually keep the cat.

11-14-2006, 02:00 PM
:( I am sad this baby had someone already declaw the front claws.. I wish the Vets' would Band/Discontinue all declawing to cats = its so not right & the cat can never defend themselfs.. Now we know why you got this baby & not your neighbor.. So glad you ask for our advise & not listen to that neighbor.. Please Do Not declaw the backs.. It will not take that long to trim. them..

11-15-2006, 02:15 PM
So here's the latest. I spoke with my neighbor, who understands (but still disagrees with) my decision. There is no reason for me to have Cassie's back paws declawed - she is not inappropriately scratching and she tolerates the occasional kitty pedicure. Thank you all again!

10-17-2011, 12:31 PM
I want to briefly revisit this old thread because I cat-sat Milo over the weekend. He has not been declawed at all and that is not going to happen. One question, though. He still has his dew claws and boy, are they sharp! He LOOOOOOVES to be combed, so I took Cassie's nail clipper over there thinking that I could just try to take the pointy ends off after I combed him. He was so NOT okay with that! I went back to pets and combing, and he purred so I know I was forgiven :)

So here is the question: What is the function of a dew claw? Is it wrong to have only those removed? Milo does go out on the screen porch. He has his own piece of old sisal out there and a scratching post inside, and he uses both. The shelter from which he was adopted has a statement in their contract that adopters agree not to have the cat's claws removed. Does that include dew claws? He is not going to have his other claws removed.

10-17-2011, 12:46 PM
I have to get Toby all cozy in my lap and not wanting to move in order to clip his nails. Havoc puts up a fight no matter what, so most of the time I only clip his dewclaws because those are the ones he always gets me with. He's not gonna like it either way, but I only trim them like once a month, so we just deal with it.

I don't think surgical removal would be better than just dealing with a fussy cat for a few minutes each time you try to clip them.

10-17-2011, 01:11 PM
I'd just like to add... if I can clip Fister's nails, anyone can clip their cat's nails! I do it after brushing him, or just a cuddle. Sit behind, put your head down and give hím some kisses on his head, arms resting along his body. I usually massage his paws beforehand. I have the scissors ready, of course and simply "squeeze" so each nail comes out, and then clip the tip off only. To begin with, he would tolerate two or three nails, but now I can do all of them, even the thumbs. I give him a few treats right after.

The key is to make him relax before you start. :) Good luck!

Please don't declaw.

10-17-2011, 01:18 PM
What is the function of a dew claw?

In wild cats, the dew claw can help on holding down prey - not something Milo ever needs to worry about!

10-18-2011, 12:26 PM
:rolleyes: And a baseball bat to knock some sense into her.. **I for one HATE for any cat to be declawed..** I wish every state would outlaw it..

Your neighbour needs an education! :mad:

10-18-2011, 03:42 PM
Dew claws serve basically no purpose in domesticated animals.
Taggart has all four dew claws and usually they would remove them while he is under getting neutered. But ARF did not do that. My vet said not to remove them unless something happens to them (like ripping them off or something). She said it is horribly painful and not necessary to remove them.

I would think the same would be true for cats. If you can't get the nails clipped the vet can do it for you. I had to take my friends cat to the vet because I didn't feel comfortable doing his myself. My cats I can do with Bruce's help. Taz I was able to do by myself.

10-19-2011, 03:56 AM

I have one question that no one has seemed to ask. What business is it of your neighbor's that YOUR cat is declawed????

Just my HUBLE observation.;)

10-19-2011, 09:26 AM
Just a side note everyone.....this thread is originally from 2006. Cassiesmom came back to ask an additional question about dew claws in post #13.