View Full Version : Pictures of my Pets!

11-13-2006, 05:09 PM
Wow, I must say this is an amazing site! I thought that the first thing I should post is some pics of my pets! That way people can get to know my wonderful animals! :)

First this is my brand new bunny named Kishii! I just got her five days ago! And I already love her so so much! She is suppose to be half rex and half lop, at least that's what the pet store lady told me, oh well I don't care what she is I love her! She is three months old!


This here is my Siamese cat named Bobo. I have had him since I was three or four years old and he is now 14 almost 15. I love bobo so so much. He has all my life slept right under my arm with his cheek against mine. Here is one of the cutest pics I have of him.

http://img366.imageshack.us/img366/8222/bobocutey2pj5.jpg (http://imageshack.us)

And this is my last pet! She is a big Comet goldfish who's name is Comet or aka The Queen. She is almost a foot long and lives in my big 30 gallon tank! I love her so much, she is so fun! She comes to the front of the tank and goes crazy when she sees me and of course I give her some food. And she is funny because sometimes she splashes her big tail up and sprays water all over me and my floor. Anyways here she is!

http://img179.imageshack.us/img179/1209/cutecometkr8.jpg (http://imageshack.us)

Well those are my three cute adorable pets and I love them so much! Hope you enjoyed the pics!:) ^^

11-13-2006, 05:24 PM
Gorgeous pets you have! They all look lovely. ^__^
I love your Comet... she's so very pretty!
Also, I'll go ahead and welcome you to this wonderful site! I hope you're having a good time here. =)

11-13-2006, 05:31 PM
Hey Kalei! I'm happy that you came in while I was looking at this site or you wouldn't have found it. You're gonna love this forum because everyone is so nice and you love animals so much. Anyway, as you already know I think Bobo, Kishii, and Comet are cute. :)

11-13-2006, 05:44 PM
What a beautiful family!

11-13-2006, 06:37 PM
Wow thank you so so much all of you! You're all so nice! I already feel so warmly welcomed to the pet forum family :)

11-14-2006, 09:39 AM
They are all beautiful.I love your bunny's name.Welcome to PT.You will love it here. :) are you Husky15's sister?

11-14-2006, 01:20 PM
Yes, Husky15 is my sister, I guess it isn't hard to find out lol since we both have Bobo on our pettalk too. hehe.