View Full Version : What is Leonardo Up To?

06-10-2002, 04:17 PM
For the last two weeks, Leonardo has been loving me to death. He follows me like a dog. He wants held. He MUST sit by the tub when I take a bath. (I hide my slippers since he stole them - see waddling off into the sunset thread). He is being held now which makes typing difficult because he is a big old boy - over 15 pounds. His favorite new trick is 'continual head bumpie'. When I read in bed, he comes up and puts his forehead against mine. AWWWW you say. Yes, I agree but after 15 minutes it gets boring. REALLY, REALLY boring. I can't do anything but stare eye to eye with him. He will stay in that position until I make him move. Of course, I feel guilty when I do make him move. At first I thought it was because he was feeling good because he hasn't had to take allergy medicine for a while but I don't know. Maybe he wants some treat and is trying to put the idea in my brain. Any suggestions?:D

Edwina's Secretary
06-10-2002, 04:48 PM
Oh MOFF -- I have nothing to offer except empathy. I love Edwina and I love when she wants to cuddle but....I suffocate with too much. Ususally the only times she does this is if it is cold and she wants my body heat (not likely in June in Kansas) or if I have been away.

Are you planning a trip?

06-10-2002, 05:17 PM
Originally posted by Edwina's Secretary
....I suffocate with too much. Ususally the only times she does this is if it is cold and she wants my body heat (not likely in June in Kansas) or if I have been away.

Are you planning a trip? No trip planned here but I may consider it. LOL. It is in the 80s today. Leonardo has long hair and I don't have air conditioning. I would think he would roast and not want to snuggle. I end up with lots of his fur on me. His 12th birthday is coming up in August. Maybe he's fishing for a neat presant this year. He may have seen the picture of Casper and Kitty's new scratching post. Ya think?:D

06-11-2002, 06:23 AM
He doesn't want a measly scratching post!!!



06-11-2002, 11:52 AM
Originally posted by lynnestankard
He doesn't want a measly scratching post!!!


Lynne LOL!! He's out of luck there. I can't stand air conditioning with my arthritis. He'll just have to sleep in front of a fan like the rest of us. I do have a squirt bottle of water I can mist him down with though. I've been known to fix ice packs for them to sleep on in REALLY hot weather. By the way, this meowing cat in your post looks a lot like him. :D

Edwina's Secretary
06-11-2002, 12:04 PM
MOFF - Edwina has been reading Pettalk posts again! Last night I was laying in bed reading and she decied the only place she wanted to be was flat on top of me -- and it is hot! Sissy that I am I actually left her there and went to sleep like that -- half sitting up/half laying down. :rolleyes:

06-11-2002, 12:35 PM
Originally posted by Edwina's Secretary
MOFF - Edwina has been reading Pettalk posts again! Last night I was laying in bed reading and she decied the only place she wanted to be was flat on top of me -- and it is hot! Sissy that I am I actually left her there and went to sleep like that -- half sitting up/half laying down. :rolleyes: LOL! Sorry about giving her ideas. I stay forehead to forehead with Leonardo as long as I can too. I know someday I'll wish he was here to do that with but it sure puts a crick in my neck. I don't know where he picked that up from. Did Edwina see the georgous white cat that's today's Cat of the Day? Jake, I think his name is. Will Marius need to keep on his toes or what? :D

06-11-2002, 11:59 PM
I don't know why cats will sometimes demand a lot of love on some days and not as much on other days. Storm was very demanding this past Friday. It started in the morning and he had to follow me everywhere. He also kept staring at me and sometimes meowing and he's not much of a talker. He almost tried to follow me out the front door which is very unlike him. When I got home on Friday he wasn't as demanding. I wish I knew what my cats were thinking because it sure would make life a lot easier.

06-12-2002, 01:45 AM
I understand the 'guilty' feeling when you finally have to make them leave you alone :rolleyes:
My Kedi will ALWAYS come and stand on my chest and give me ear kisses when I am trying to read. I can count on him to make his entrance within about 5 minutes after I lay down to read! :D
At first I love it, but there is a point.....................Then I go through the trying to read around him, cuz I don't really want him to go, but it does not really work too well.

Former User
06-12-2002, 02:07 AM
I can relate Connie, both Casper and Kitty are like that sometimes. Casper of course is a bit heavier than Kitty and his love mood hurts every now and then. I don't know why, but after I've taken a shower and getting dressed in the bedroom, Casper comes there and he is glued to me!:eek: And I feel guilty too when I have to move him to finish dressing up.
Kitty's love mood is funny, she just rubs herself against me, and demands that I pet her. Few times I have been too busy and had to ignore her (yeah, bad mommy), but that didn't put her down, she kept rubbing even harder! :rolleyes:

Edwina's Secretary
06-12-2002, 09:07 AM
Edwina did see that ball of white fluff yesterday, but she is strictly a one tom kitty -- although she WAS intrigued by the different colored eyes!

06-12-2002, 12:28 PM
Maybe we should contact the 'pet psychic' on the Animal Planet to find out what our cats are thinking.:D
I think they recognize our guilt and milk it for all it's worth! (No, Leonardo, I didn't say you were getting some milk. Go back to sleep.):eek:
Maybe Casper likes the smell of your soap or shampoo -- not that he doesn't love you anyway. Chester loves my strawberry scented shampoo and sits on the back of my chair with his nose burried in my hair after a shampoo. Just what I want in my clean hair; cat snot.:rolleyes:
I'm glad you are being true to your sweetie, Marius. Those eyes were mesmerizing though, weren't they?

06-12-2002, 12:50 PM
I had a cat that would purr even louder as he rubbed all over me, when I would say...."Demian loves his MOM"..... I think he thought I WAS PURRING. Some kitties just fall in love with the owners, all over again. My two get like that from time to time, with no common thread that I know of.... I feel the same way about them....sometimes I just adore them to pieces and could hug them for hours....then other times, I am just too darn busy.

I think your kitty has fallen in love with you again....:D

Former User
06-12-2002, 01:11 PM
Originally posted by momoffuzzyfaces
Chester loves my strawberry scented shampoo and sits on the back of my chair with his nose burried in my hair after a shampoo. Just what I want in my clean hair; cat snot.

Argh, LOL LOL Connie, you are way too funny! I can picture that so well, LOL LOL! :D :D :D :D

06-12-2002, 01:14 PM
Originally posted by sasvermont
Some kitties just fall in love with the owners, all over again. My two get like that from time to time, with no common thread that I know of.... I feel the same way about them....sometimes I just adore them to pieces and could hug them for hours....then other times, I am just too darn busy.

I think you kitty has fallen in love with you again....:D That's a nice thought. Maybe now that he's getting...ahem...older, he realizes how good he's got it living here. I'm kinda nuts about him too.:D

Edwina's Secretary
06-12-2002, 01:38 PM
Now that's a point! My parents had a cat named Annie. (Lost her last year to a nasty sarcoma.) She was an inside/outside cat who lived to an old age (they live in the country.)

Anyway...I never was able to touch Annie or even see her really. "Skittish" would be a vast understatement. Once upon a time she was like that with everyone but my mother. As she got older she became a lap cat but only with either my mother or father. In fact, she would meow at my father and lead him to his chair so she could get in his lap and be loved on. Perhaps she too had realized a good deal!

06-12-2002, 02:12 PM
How sweet! Your little sweeties are in love....

Noel and I have that problem....she has to be on my lap while I'm on the computer and she rubs her head on me and wants me to pet her....then she starts to kneed my legs with her machete claws...I have to put her on the floor....she back up many times and I feel so bad doing it. What a mean mommy. :(

06-12-2002, 03:21 PM
Originally posted by NoahsMommy
...I have to put her on the floor....she back up many times and I feel so bad doing it. What a mean mommy. :( Should we start a 'mean mommy' club?:D

06-12-2002, 03:36 PM
OK I am no expert and have only done Counselling on a basic level with HUMANS... but I would suggest that if your cat is 12 and HE is more affectionate than usual - change of behavior -
then maybe something is wrong with him physically and maybe its time to take him to the vet to see.

SYLVI :( Hoping all is fine! :confused:

06-12-2002, 04:11 PM
Originally posted by SylviArt
SYLVI :( Hoping all is fine! :confused: Thanks for the concern but I think he's fine physically. I think it may be because he hasn't needed his allergy medicine for a while and is not 'under its infulence'. I know anithistimines make me sleepy and maybe they did him. He eats fine, no temperature, still stalks Chester, everything is normal except he started wanting to spend more time with me. He may be jealous because with shedding season, I spend more time brushing all four of them and he doesn't think he's getting his share of attention. Thanks again.:)

06-12-2002, 04:15 PM
Originally posted by momoffuzzyfaces
Should we start a 'mean mommy' club?:D

Hee hee, I am sure Noel would drive me there if she could! :) :p