View Full Version : Teddy has to go to the vet today. UPDATE!

11-13-2006, 10:36 AM
Poor Teddy. I think he might have an ear infection. He has been pretty sensitive around the area the past little while (although over the past few days they don't seem as sensitive as they were) He keeps shaking his head. I clean his ears and in one ear I get a lot of this nasty wax. I clean them a couple days later becuase that one ear is full of the nasty wax again. but I can't tell if they stink or if it's just the dog LOL. I haven't given him a bath since I have noticed his head shaking. so he's a little stinky lol.

So off to the vet today.

11-13-2006, 10:40 AM
I am sure the vet will fix him right up.. keep us posted..

11-13-2006, 10:41 AM
Good luck at the DR's Teddy. I am sure you will feel better soon.

11-13-2006, 02:08 PM
We are back from the vet. he has a yeast infection in his ear. the vet says they are most commonly (this time of year)caused by an allergy of some sort. Teddy is just the right age to start developing allergies but as of right now it is not a cause for concern. he doesn't chew his feet raw and other than the ear infection there aren't any other indications that this is a problem for him. he said its likely just something like grass or pollen but isn't a cause for concern.

He has to have a topical ointment put in his right ear twice a day. he likes it because it means he gets his ear massaged LOL.

We are very happy with this vets office we go to. We have had two different Dr's but they have both been superb. Very good with Teddy, very informative, they do throurough checks. LOL poor Teddy had to get his temp taken today.... and you know what that means LOL.

Teddy was all over the vet with love and kisses but once he experienced the thermometer in a not so nice place he wouldn't even accept a treat from the vet LOL. he took the treat and spit it out on the floor. HAHA the vet laughed and sent the treats home with us lol.... Teddy ate them in the car lol.

AND... Teddy even got on the scale with out a fuss. usually he won't even step up on it let alone stay on it. But today I told him "here" and he got right up on the scale and stood perfectly still. 71.3 lbs :D That is one pound up from last time.

so Teddy should be good as new soon :D

11-13-2006, 02:13 PM
Honey sends her sympathy to Teddy. She's my ear infection girl and you can tell she is starting to get one as soon as she starts shaking that head!

Good luck, Teddy, and get well soon!

Logan and Honey

11-13-2006, 02:24 PM
Lou Lou feels bad for Teddy too, she knows all about ear infections. Get better Teddy! :)

11-13-2006, 02:24 PM
Honey sends her sympathy to Teddy. She's my ear infection girl and you can tell she is starting to get one as soon as she starts shaking that head!

Good luck, Teddy, and get well soon!

Logan and Honey

This is Teddy's first ear infection but I am certain there will be many more. He has hangy hound dog ears and LOVES the water. I try to dry them out as best I can but I can never be sure I got it all.

Teddy is accepting all the luck, hugs and loves he can handle right now. it's not that bad of an infection but he is just a sucker for attention and KNOWS how to get it :D

Daisy and Delilah
11-13-2006, 08:03 PM
Feel better Teddy!! We can understand not wanting treats after the old thermometer trick :eek:

11-13-2006, 08:24 PM
yeah sparks... we know all about the yeast infections - and Teddy, being the houndish dog he is (long, floppy ears), is a perfect candidate. our Ginger - a beagle, gets them all the time. well, at least once a year. I don't even take her to the vet anymore - we just clean with water and hydrogen peroxide and buy ober the counter ointments - and they go away. Yep, long eared floppy hound dogs and yeast infections go together.

11-13-2006, 08:27 PM
I hope Teddy is feeling better soon. :) Lacey had a yeast infection in her ears once.

11-13-2006, 09:52 PM
I hope Teddy feels better real soon.