View Full Version : Good samaratin saves Boone!

11-13-2006, 12:41 AM
I was walking the dogs this afternoon without hubby. I decided to walk the dogs down the secluded wooded trail that is by a rapid river so they could play off lead and not have to worry about them starteling other pedestrians. There is a cliff of about 13 or so feet from the trail and the dogs were having a great time. It was chilly out but it was not bad. Maybe 55 degrees, but the water was bitter cold since it's been dropping down to the low to mid 30's during the evenings.

So anyway, we were all enjoying ourselves, when my precious baby Boone wasn't paying attention to where he was going and he took a fall down the cliff into the water, where he went in head first into the water. Once he got his bearings, he attempted his crawl up this cliff, but problem is that it was solid red clay and as slippery as ice. There was absolutely no way he was getting out, and the cliff didn't let up as far as I could see. He was helpless. I was helpless. I didn't have anything but 2 leashes and there was no way i could lift a 70 pound dog up a solid wet clay cliff. I stood at the top crying as he struggled. I realized the severity of this situation. Boone quickly gave up trying and just waited for me to instruct him on what he should do. He knew he wasn't going to get up that cliff by himself.

I am in my 6th month of pregnancy and there was no way in heck I was going to slide down that cliff putting myself and my baby in danger. If I went down that hill I'd have to swim almost a mile to the nearest opening in the terrain in ice cold water with blue jeans and tennis shoes on against the current, as it flowed away from the nearest break in the cliff.

I had my cell phone but on the trail where I happened to be it didn't have reception. I had no idea how I was goign to get my baby out of the water. Boone was starting to whine because he was cold and scared. I just happened to hear someone walking nearby, which is a miracle in itself because in the 100+ times I've walked that perticular trail, I've never once run into a single person. It was a man with his little 2 year old boy walking and the man saw me crying and I ran up to him and asked him to help me get my dog. I told him that Boone wasn't watching where he was going, and being the rambunctious puppy that he is, he lost his footing and slid head first into the lake. He calmed me down and told me that he'd help me.

I then proceeded to tie up Kersey and Boone's leashes to a small tree trunk and I proceeded my slide down the cliff into the ice cold water. I was so scared, shaking, cold, and covered in mud I had no idea what it would feel like when I hit that water. It felt like a thousand needles when my legs went into the water, but I only went up to my waist so it wasn't too deep. It took 20 minutes to get Boone and I out of the river, I was soaked up to my belly and just absolutly caked in red clay, the good samaritan was also covered in clay pulling Boone then me up the cliff.

If he were not there, I would have had to run as quick as I can to get help, or to get reception to where I could call my husband. If he were not there, and not willing to get his clothes covered in red clay which doesn't wash out even with bleach, I don't know what would have happened to my beloved baby boy. This happened at about 2 this afternoon and I am still so shook up about it that I can't seem to shake it.

I would like you all to say a prayer of gratitude for this wonderful man who, without a doubt, saved my dogs life. If Boone tried to swim to the nearest opening in the cliff, he would have gone towards the current, which is the natural way to go, and the cliff gets higher and higher...it might be miles upon miles before he would have been able to get out. It also flows under 2 freeways, one being an interstate.

I never even asked his name. I was adryline rushed, scared, cold. I told him "God bless you, sir" and told him thank you over and over, but I never did get his name. He's a hero, whatever his name was. His little boy was a doll, too. The little boy pet Kersey while the whole ordeal was taking place.

11-13-2006, 06:03 AM
Thank goodness for that man happening along! You must have been so scared. I'm glad both you and Boone are ok.

11-13-2006, 06:20 AM
wow, what an ordeal! I am sitting here at the breakfast table, crying my fool eyes out and reading it out loud to Mark. God, please bless that man, and thank you for putting him there just when he was needed most. I am so thankful that Boone is safe, and so are you and your precious baby girl, too.


11-13-2006, 06:40 AM
Oh my goodness! I am so glad you had help. HOw is everyone today? You feeling okay?

Daisy and Delilah
11-13-2006, 07:10 AM
WOW!!!! :eek: :eek: :eek: That must have been unbelievably scary!! What a story. I'm so happy that all is well. Great job all around!! I'll bet Boone is all snuggled up now and happy to be at home. Bless that nice man!! :)

11-13-2006, 07:35 AM
How scary for you! I'm glad the "hero" was there for you. He taught his son a life lesson as well as helping you.

11-13-2006, 07:45 AM
Yay!!! Thank heavens for heros, and the guardian angels who send them.

Boone will surely be more careful mext time - thank goodness everyone is okay!

finn's mom
11-13-2006, 07:56 AM
What a scary thing to go through. I hope you and the baby and Boone are all all right! What a great man to help you out.

11-13-2006, 08:39 AM
The man was sent by God, no doubt. And yes it was an important life lesson that his little boy learned, even though he was so young and may not remember it. I just wish I got his name so I could include his name in my prayers. For now I just call him Boones heaven sent hero.

I'm still shook up about it, but I feel better today. I was a little nervous about hoisting a 70 pound dog over my head, which is what I had to do to get him close enough for the man to grab hold of. I know you're not supposed to lift anything heavy, and although Boone is small for his age, 70-73 pounds is a lot of weight to hoist. I feel fine today though. I jumped in the shower when I got home and hubby bathed Boone. I just rested to calm my nerves and prayed that our baby was OK. I took it easy the remander of the day yesterday.

Red clay is awful stuff. In Michigan where I come from there is no such a thing. The earth is rich black soil, and some places have a sand mixture. If you've never experienced it, you probablly have little idea how slippery it is, if even just slightly damp. We won't go down that trail again, it's just too dangerous. There are other places in the park I walk them to let them run off lead. the trail isn't really wide enough, and way too rough of terrain anyway to push a baby stroller, so once baby is here it won't even be possible to take that trail.

11-13-2006, 08:46 AM
I am glad you feel okay- and Boone too. - Yes lifting is out of the question. This is the same reason we are waiting two weeks to get our new addition, because collie puppy or not, I am not supposed to lift either and cant putmyself in that position as well..

11-13-2006, 09:02 AM
Oh my Leslie, what a scary ordeal to have to go through. This man definitely was god sent.
Bless him.

Hugs to you, Boone and of course Kersey:)

Ginger's Mom
11-13-2006, 09:25 AM
Wow, how scary. And how lucky for you that the man and his little boy came by. You could write a letter to the local newspaper telling of the man's kindness and willingness to help. It may be inspirational to other's in your community, and is another way of showing him your appreciation. I am so glad that Boone is well.

11-13-2006, 04:20 PM
Somethimes God sends us Angels in disguise.

11-13-2006, 04:27 PM
I am so glad that someone showed up in the nick of time like that.
Must have been heaven sent.That sounded like a scary situation.
So glad to hear you all are o.k. :)

11-13-2006, 04:38 PM
What a great guy!! I'm sorry you had to go through such a great deal, I would have absolutely panicked! I'm glad to here Boone is OK! That guy is a real hero!! :)

11-13-2006, 04:53 PM
Glad everything ended up being okay. We need more people like that in the world, that's for sure.

11-13-2006, 05:09 PM
What a scary situation! I'm so glad everything tunred out okay and that you had an angel watching out for you! I bet Graham had a hand in sending that man down the path!

11-13-2006, 06:02 PM
Oh Leslie, I just saw this. I'm so glad that you and Boone are ok. :) Please rest and watch where you walk in the coming months!


11-13-2006, 06:34 PM
Leslie, how scary!! I'm so glad Boone and you are okay. What an angel that man was! *HUGS*

A similar event happened to my sister and I last weekend. We were letting the dogs run off lead on a wooded trail that runs by a small river. There is a large tree that was blown down into the river and Kia likes to walk out onto it. Well my sister's dog Sasha followed and when Kia turned around, she bumped Sasha and Sasha fell in. In 40 degree weather I can only imagine how cold the water is. Well Sasha couldn't pull herself out and was gripping the tree crying. My sister had to crawl out and pull her out.

11-13-2006, 07:01 PM
Talk about Divine timing! so glad you & the baby, & Boone are all right, that was quite an ordeal. Even if you didn't get his name, God knows who he is and surely this man will be rewarded in some way. ;)

11-13-2006, 07:28 PM
I am just so glad for the happy outcome!! What an ordeal for you and the dog. Wonder if the baby will arrive with a phobia of cliff edges? Or of red clay?

I eally like the idea of writing to the newspaper. Thank the unknown hero. But it will attract some attention - toddlers can overbalance be they canine OR human! Maybe your letter will get some attention to address the situation before another adventure occurs, perhaps with a different result.

11-13-2006, 11:30 PM
Thank goodness, I am glad that sweet man was there to help.

11-13-2006, 11:33 PM
I can only imagine what you went through. I'm glad everything turned out alright in the end for you and Boone though. :) If only there were more people in the world like that man that saved Boone..

11-15-2006, 09:18 AM
Thanks for the nice words, everyone. My arms have been incredibly sore since the ordeal from lifting such a heavy dog up a wet clay cliff, but other then that I feel great. My baby is still kicking and I didn't have any negative side effects from it, other then the sore arm muscles.

The letter in the newspaper is a good idea. I plan on writing in very soon to thank the man, and let him know how gratious I am. Thanks for suggesting that :)

11-15-2006, 09:59 AM
What a scary situation! I'm so glad everything tunred out okay and that you had an angel watching out for you! I bet Graham had a hand in sending that man down the path!

Awe I had never thought of that. How sweet :) My precious little angel very well could have had a hand in bringing the man to our aid :)

Pawsitive Thinking
11-15-2006, 10:07 AM
How terrifying for you all - so glad your samaritan came along in time. I am sure he will appreciate you thanking him publicly, he did a wonderful thing.

How's the silly doggy doing?