View Full Version : Sweet William

Phyllis Lowe
11-12-2006, 09:00 AM
Good morning to you William! Very handsome indeed in this picture in your back yard, so glad your Mom & Dad keep watch over you, outdoors. I had a sweet "Petey Girl" who loved to sleep in a box too!! She is in Heaven now in an extra special box, I know it. Happy catoftheday, William!

11-12-2006, 10:29 AM
You are one gorgeous kitty for sure and it was definitely like sunshine seeing your picture and reading your story on this rainy day. We have cats here that just love boxes. No need for cat beds. LOL! Congratulations on being cat of the day!

11-12-2006, 11:53 AM
Wow! William, aren't you handsome??? I love everything about you...I have a kitty that closely resembles you, Noah, so I'm a bit partial. ;)

My Noah (he's also a orangie Maine Coon) LOVE, LOVE, LOVES any box he sees (even more than my other four!). Even tiny ones that I've seen him fit into and hang out of, but its a box and he's happy. Boxes are great!!

Congrats on being COTD, you sure deserve it, cutie pie!! I hope your parents go get you some yummy baconfish and a brand new box to celebrate. :)

Kelly & Noah

11-12-2006, 12:26 PM
William, you are such an adorable teddy bear cat. I just want to hug and squeeze you! Happy Cat of the Day! :D