View Full Version : Did your cat ever scare you?

C.C.'s Mom
06-10-2002, 01:01 PM
I just had that experience with Eddy. I was carrying a hot cup of coffee upstairs and with that cup still in my hands I opened the cupboard to get a cardigan. And with that I heard a happy 'hello mommy' from Eddy who was sleeping on my pullovers. She never did that before (sleeping there), so my heart skipped a few beats, I dropped the coffee on my bare feet, and Eddy just looked down on me as if to say: what's the fuzz mom, it's me.

I still wonder how she got in there though. It's not possible to open for cats and dogs.

06-10-2002, 01:22 PM
Originally posted by C.C.'s Mom

I still wonder how she got in there though. It's not possible to open for cats and dogs.

Are you quite sure??? LOL! :D Hope you didn't scold your feet!

06-10-2002, 01:41 PM
In our living room is a doorless opening to our kitchen. On either side of the door in the living room are high-backed couch and chair set. Ritzy often jumps from one to the other across the span of the doorway.

I was in the kitchen heading into the living room and ZOOM, out of nowhere was this "airborne Ritzycat" flying in front of me a little more than waist high. Had a been a second or two earlier, she would have slammed into my side.

Heart skipped a beat, indeed!

06-10-2002, 02:23 PM
Yep, Noah does that too, he has to be with us everywhere we go in our apartment..so it's quite often he "jumps out of no where".

Our little ones also tend to get under our feet in the kitchen....I bet they do that on purpose...."maybe she'll drop something yummy!" :rolleyes:

I hope you didn't hurt yourself with the hot coffee.... :(

06-12-2002, 01:08 AM
Yes all three cats have come running around the corner so fast that they have practically knocked me over. One night I woke up in the middle of the night and I had to go to the bathroom. I was going to the bathroom and Sunny came running out of the bathroom and really scared me. He's done this twice so far. He was sleeping next to the toilet for some odd reason. Storm scared my former rommate once. She was going into the kitchen and he was on top of the refrigerator and I guess she was opening up the refrigerator so he scared her.:)

Former User
06-12-2002, 02:41 AM
Yeah, the other night, I was giving cats their food and when I closed the fridge door, Casper was sitting behind it! Gave me a nice scare, since I didn't hear him coming. He looked very happy having scared his mommy like that :rolleyes:

06-12-2002, 02:53 AM
oh yes , Sydney loves this too !!!!
His favorite game is waiting for me behind a wall , and then jump right in front of my feet as I pass .... . I should now better , but he "gets" me jumpy every time !!! Rascal !!!!!!!!!


06-12-2002, 03:56 PM
hope your feet are ok, ouch-hot coffee!

as for how the cat got in there, where theres a will theres a way.

C.C.'s Mom
06-13-2002, 12:22 AM
Feet are fine :) but the carpet is not. Oh well, anything to make Eddy a happy cat I guess!

06-14-2002, 01:16 AM
Tilly has a way.. she just sits and stares. When I take my shower in the morning or before bed, I don't bother with the door because I live alone. Sometimes when I'm just stepping out to grab a towel, there she is.. staring at the shower curtain.. waiting for me. It's eerie! :eek: :D :)

Sara luvs her Tinky
06-14-2002, 02:56 AM
**lol** Nomilynn
Jupiter does the same thing... (I do not have a see through shower curtain) sometimes I can see his shadow of him sitting there and sometimes he will attack the shower curtain.. I have no idea what he is attacking unless he is trying to get the fish on the shower curtain.

06-14-2002, 08:42 AM
EEk! C.C's Mom.. hope your feet are okay. :D

Most of my parents 5 cats have tried this at least once or twice. But the first time it happened, it scared the crap out of me. I went walking by the couch when suddenly a phantom paw lashed out and batted at my bare feet.

I jumped and shouted, then noticed the little bugger had used his claws since my foot was bleeding. :rolleyes: :p


06-14-2002, 12:14 PM
Well, this one is mostly /my/ fault but...

I was getting ready for bed. Eddy was doing her 'here, I'll help you brush your teeth' thing on the bathroom counter. I went to dab my face with a little hydrogen peroxide - some dribbled off the cloth and into Eddy's eye! I immediately went into "oh my god she's going to die" mode. The whole house was asleep as it was three in the morning. So I called my boyfriend, screaming, that I thought I had blinded my kitty. He [sleepily] broke down the compounds in hydrogen peroxide, said that he didn't think any of them were harmful, and went back to bed.

Eddy was fine the next day.

I've noticed that a lot of quirks I believed to be just my cats have been showing up on lots of threads. Eddy stares at me while I'm taking a shower. She. Doesn't. Move. At all. And Emma likes to run down the hall, "hide", and then jump out. (except her butt is showing. Go figure.) Clearly this means cats are on a higher consciousness then the rest of us. ;)

06-14-2002, 07:02 PM
Fawn and Tiger like to play in the shower stall, and now there are new kittens who join them. It sounds as though they are tearing the place up. Yet, the plastic curtains only amplify the sound they make with their paws. I used to be concerned because of all the racket they made. But now, I pass it off as kitty-play noise.;)


07-04-2002, 03:51 PM
When Stormy was a kitten and we put canned dog food out for our dog Snowball Stormy would go over to the dish (where the canned food was) and started to eat it. If u tryed to move her away from it she would just growl. She always got me crying b/c she was being really mean b/c Snowball wanted to eat HER doggy food. Stormy doesnt do that anymore. Thank God!:D