View Full Version : Perky is weird lol

11-11-2006, 05:56 PM
someone wanna tell Perky that most dogs would go crazy for a nice big raw meaty bone? because the first one I took from the bag and offered Perky she did not even look at, so I gave it to Ripley and picked out a differnt one, a big meaty bones half the size as herself..and what does she do? she looks and it looks at me and leaves!, we told her "eat it or go hungry" and it is still just sitting there untouched in the middle of the kitchen floor, Perky not even in the same room. its not as if she is not hungry she is just a priss and figers if she holds out long enugh we will give her something even better lol

11-11-2006, 07:50 PM
Maybe she is waiting for the BBQ sauce!