View Full Version : Scary..

11-11-2006, 03:33 PM
I saw a police car out front this morning and just found out that our neighbor two doors down was robbed two days ago. The thieves broke in and got jewelry, etc. Our next door neighbor's house had pry bar marks on their door but they didn't manage to get in. We have an alarm system and have a sign posted outside to alert anyone thinking of coming here to forget it. I am so thankful that nothing was attempted here.

Several years ago there was a series of burglaries in our neighborhood between the weeks of Thanksgiving and Christmas (that's why we got the alarm system). Here we go again. They were teens apparently and were breaking in for drugs or things to sell to get drugs and were eventually caught. Apparently their mother was in on it as she is also a *druggie.* :(

Our neighborhood is a nice one - middle class, etc. Everyone, just be careful when you are away over the holidays and come home to a dark house, etc. Thankfully lots of PTers have dogs that function as little miniature alarm systems. I do doubt, though, that Bella and Ripley would be any help at all in an attempted break-in. :rolleyes:

11-11-2006, 03:36 PM
That must be scary to have just two houses down! :eek: I hope your neighbors get there property back. In this part on New Jersey, I really don't here much about robberies, we also live in a good neighborhood. You can never be to sure though.

Maya & Inka's mommy
11-11-2006, 03:38 PM
How scary.... :eek:
2 weeks ago there was an attempt to break in only 2 houses away from ours :eek: ; the garage-door was forced. Luckily the burglars weren't succesful in their "job"... . It is kind of scary to know that this was only 2 houses away..... what if they try it again, at our house :eek:

ps. someone DID try to break in here, few years ago! I am glad I didn't hear it, because I was alone with both kids, hubby was in Japan :eek:

11-11-2006, 03:51 PM
W:eek:w, Pam, that IS scary!! I am so thankful that your house wasn't touched and you guys were safe. I feel sorry for your neighbors though. :(

11-11-2006, 04:13 PM
My Mom is still in the house that I grew up in and it's not in a very nice neighbourhood. Fortunately, she recently agreed to sell the house and move to a condo.

A couple of years ago her neighbour right next door was broken in to 4 times within 3 months. They were obviously targetted....don't know what happened but things have calmed down alot since then.

I have never been a victim of a home invasion and I hope I never will.

11-11-2006, 05:42 PM
That is scary. Don't know if you remember, but my house was broken
into a couple yrs ago while I was a work. Nobody home but the kitties and
Smokey. It was awful & took me weeks after to start to feel at ease in my
own home. :( Insurance replaced everything stolen, but still, I was creeped
out for the longest time.

p.s. The worst of it was poor Smokey (the pacifist) was scared to death
for days afterward.They must have scared the heck out of him. :(

11-11-2006, 05:43 PM
How scary! I live in a pretty low-income apartment complex which is gated, and while I doubt most people here would have much worth stealing I can imagine we might seem like an easy target for someone who got in the gate. (Which isn't hard to do)

11-11-2006, 10:06 PM
How scary! I hope your house remains free from any attempts of a break in :( Tell Bella to put her scary face on if someone strange is outside!

Even though anyone who attempted to break into our house would end up with limbs missing from my two dogs (who are actually extremely friendly, just protective due to their breed), we always lock up and treat our house as if we didn't have the two security dogs keeping it safe. Now that Boone is out of his crate 100% of the time, just the combo of barks alone is deterent enough for anyone with half a brain :)

I really hope the robbers stear clear of your house. I know that robbers usually pass up houses with dogs, even if the dogs aren't very protective. It's just an extra stress they don't need when they're in a hurry to pack up and go.

Lizbud I'm so sorry to hear about your house getting broken into :( I had no idea. I don't come around too much and I must have missed it. That's so sad and scary. Poor Smokey :( I'm not sure what kind of monster would do such a thing as break into someones house and steal. I know that sometimes it's not easy to find a job, but it's not THAT hard to find LEGAL work :(

11-11-2006, 10:36 PM
Nicki as an alarm system? I'm sure she helped the robber load up on all my jewelry... sigh there was a day when just the sight of Nicki scared people away.

Glad nothing happened to your house. Let me tell you from experience that you can't imagine how shattering it is to have everything taken from you. I doubt I'll ever feel the same sense of security ever again (unless of course I get a dobie, rottie, and pittie all to guard my house ;) )

11-11-2006, 11:06 PM
Wow that is really scary!!

11-12-2006, 10:15 AM
Lizbud I'm so sorry to hear about your house getting broken into :( I had no idea. I don't come around too much and I must have missed it. That's so sad and scary. Poor Smokey :( I'm not sure what kind of monster would do such a thing as break into someones house and steal. I know that sometimes it's not easy to find a job, but it's not THAT hard to find LEGAL work :(

Thak you Leslie. :) I'm sure the crooks didn't even know there was a
dog in the house because Smokey doesn't bark much at all. I have since
added a security system & another dog Maggie.She is not at all bashful. :)

Edwina's Secretary
11-12-2006, 01:03 PM
Many years ago my apartment was buglarized. Although the police suspected it was my landlord I was so happy to get out of there. (I had given my notice the day before.)

Most horrid was it probably happened while I was sleeping....

Perhaps that is when I started having insomnia!

11-12-2006, 02:10 PM
Quite a few years ago my home was burglarized. We came home to find Sugar (my white Angora R/B kitty) walking around the front of the house.
As he was an indoor cat - we knew immediately what had happened.

It was during the holidays and they took every wrapped gift that was under the tree. We had had a holiday party the night before and I used the wrapped gifts as decorations. All of those were gone. They had taken the time to pick through my silverware to find and steal only the silver. Everything they took was small and they used the king sized pillow cases from my bed to haul their loot. They took every piece of jewelry that I owned including pieces from my family that could never be replaced.

They had stolen a box of business cards that belonged to my husband. There it was, our address - our phone number and his name. They called daily three and four times a day to see if we were home. It was a nightmare. My ex-husband's stepfather passed away and he had to leave town to go to the funeral. I was left alone to deal with the house and these calls. They had not taken any of my business equipment and I am pretty sure they kept calling hoping to get back in here and clean up again.

Dealing with the insurance company wasn't fun either - but we finally settled.

Eventually the calls stopped - and we installed a burglar alarm. But that trauma remains with me today.

I am glad, Pam, that it wasn't your home - but it does leave you feeling very vulnerable and I am sorry you have to deal with that.

11-12-2006, 06:11 PM
Most horrid was it probably happened while I was sleeping....

Sara, the last time there were robberies in my neighborhood the robbers often came in at night while the homeowners slept. My neighbors had family visiting from out of state because it was around Christmas, and the grandmother saw someone come out of the bathroom around 2:00 AM and didn't think it was her son-in-law but blamed it on the fact that she didn't have her glasses on. It turns out that this kid (a teenager) was right down the hall from five sleeping people upstairs rooting around in the medicine cabinet. :eek:

Gini, wrapped gifts were also stolen in that series of burglaries in my neighborhood several years ago. I just can't imagine the horrible feeling that one is left with after such a thing. Although some of the stolen articles cannot ever be replaced I am just thankful that those of you who have been victimized were not in physical danger yourselves.

11-12-2006, 06:22 PM
That is scary, Pam!!!! :eek: I'm glad you have an alrm system, plus your husband and son to be there with you. I swear, I think my dogs would lick a robber to death! LOL! Butter would probably be my best weapon.

You be safe, and I hope they catch those guys soon!


11-12-2006, 06:35 PM
VERY scary indeed, Pam!!! :eek: I'm glad you have an alarm system, you just never know! :confused:

11-12-2006, 07:38 PM
:eek: Oh wow, it would scare me silly to know someone that close was broken in to. I'm so glad to hear that you have an alarm. Be safe.

11-13-2006, 09:23 AM
Yikes! That IS scary!

I'd like to see someone TRY to break into my house!
If anyone did, they'd be scared away in a heartbeat once they heard Buddy barking! They would be easy to spot because they would have peed their pants!! :D

11-16-2006, 02:40 PM
Praying the best for you and your neighbors!