View Full Version : How often do you walk your dog?

C.C.'s Mom
06-10-2002, 12:10 PM
Walk 1:
Cookie and I go out every morning at 9am by bike. It's a 20 minute trip to get to the dog park where she's meeting her buddies. She'll pull me till we're there, no potty stop, and I've got to squeze the breaks otherwise we'll go by the speed of light (if Santa ever runs out of reindeers...).
We're back at 10.30am.

Walk 2:
The next walk is around 1pm for 10 minutes

Walk 3:
The evening walk is 30 minutes at another dog park till 7pm.

No more walks after this. She doesn't want to. She only wants to sleep. She doesn't want to go into the garden, nothing.

Aspen and Misty
06-10-2002, 12:21 PM
(Teddy is my moms dog)
I walk teddy once everyday for 2 hours. We go on a bike path that leads to the pet store where teddy gets free treats and a bowl of water. (We also play with the pupies that are there but shhh). The pet store eople know me and Teddy by name. Its funny if I walk in there with out Teddy they are like is he ok? Where is he? Why didn't you bring him? Its is very funny, and Teddy just loves the attention. I just got my very own puppy today and went to the pet store to pick out supplies . The people there were like you got a puppy?!? Poor Teddy its juts going to torture him LOL. Aint that the truth.

Dixieland Dancer
06-10-2002, 12:29 PM
Cookie is a very lucky girl to get to go to the dog parks twice a day! :cool:

Mine go for short walks in the evening. It is pretty much just for the benefit of us humans though! :eek: We have a pretty big yard and they love to chase frisbee and tennis balls so we do that so they can RUN and get exhausted. :D

06-10-2002, 01:08 PM
I try to go once a day (and to the park a few times a week) but if we miss it - I don't stress as we have a large back yard and house & I *know* they run around all day... And even if they don't, they sure play chase in the house enough when I am home to know they are getting their exersise.

06-10-2002, 01:46 PM
I need to walk Duncan a few times a day as we don't have a yard at all and he is so high-energy. We go every morning for our long walk. First to the off-leash park so he can run around a bit and then I leash him back up and we go for a long walk around the neighborhood. If it's just him and I (Meaning Jack the roomie's dog is NOT with us!) we'll walk for about 6 or 7 miles. If Jack IS with us, we only go about 2 or 3. Jack is older and a little overweight and usually gets to tired to walk far.

In the evenings, if I dont' have to work, we go again to the park and for a short walk. And if I have time, we will go for a long walk in the evening too. I love to go for walks with just Duncan!! It's one of my favorite things to do in the world. We have a ball together just the two of us!!!! I would love a fenced yard for him but I would still want to take him for walks!!

:D :D

06-10-2002, 03:41 PM
Buddy and I go for a walk every weekday when I get home
from work. On the weekends and holidays the walk is first
thing in the morning. Only in extreme heat or cold, do we
shorten up the walk time. Buddy even likes to walk in rain or
snow, but I wimp out when it's a thunderstorm (Lightning).
We usually just walk the neighborhood as his running days
at the park are over. We are growing old together.LOL :D

06-10-2002, 03:46 PM
I try to walk the dogs a few times a week. Having two, and a fenced in yard, they chase each other a lot and play with balls and frisbee and such, so it isn't so much that they need the exercise...they just love to go walk!!! I am trying to convince myself to get up 1/2 hr early everyday and walk them before work. I just haven't drug myself out of bed yet at 5:30am!!!

06-10-2002, 04:05 PM
I am trying to convince myself to get up 1/2 hr early everyday and walk them before work. I just haven't drug myself out of bed yet at 5:30am!!!

I hear that!! I don't even think Smokey would be down for a walk at that hour. When I get up at 6am, it's a look of "Mom? You going to the shower? Wake me when you get back. Maybe. Zzzzzzzz"

06-10-2002, 07:48 PM
I try to get Roxey a run with the bike every morning (1 mile), and one in the evening (another mile). Angus gets shorter walks since he tires out so easily, maby 1/2 mile/day. But they also both get lots of excersise in our big back yard. Speaking of, yesterday Roxey jumped over a tarp Mark had out (about 7-8 feet!), and he said she cleared that by a couple of feet, what a girl I have, she should be in the olympics!

Kona & Oreo's mom
06-10-2002, 10:50 PM
My black lab Oreo goes for a short walk with her dad every morning. It's very early (sometimes dark) so she tends to just walk along very slowly--not much stopping to smell.

But in the afternoons when I get home from work, she will not rest until we go on a walk around the neighborhood. If I try to sit down for longer than 1/2 hour before taking her out, she sits at attention in front of the closet that her leash is in and stares at me. :rolleyes: She has been outside in her yard all day; I think she just loves the stimulation and companionship.

06-11-2002, 12:18 AM
Hi Kona & Oreo's Mom -
I'm from San Diego, too. Welcome. I'm a bit of a newcomer myself. Everyone here is very nice and helpful.
Have any pictures we can see??

http://photos.yahoo.com/obbsuperstar Pork Chop & Smokey (and Bella - a friend)

06-11-2002, 01:02 AM
I walk Anna and Rosie once a day in the mid-afternoons.. but try having a husky and a beagle draggin' ya on the entire walk.. lol :) They enjoy it a lot, though.. - Rachel

06-11-2002, 02:30 AM
Well as much as my dogs *love* walks I don't take them too often. Smokey is very old, and he can't take it much. And Reggie's had a foot problem ever since he was a pup. One leg/paw is considerably smaller then the other. I don't know what causes it but if he goes on long walks it always gets sore and makes him limp.

They have a large yard to run around in, and Reggie always plays tag with the dog behind us....they sniff noses between the fence and run as fast as they can back and forth...amusing to watch. But even if they have room to roam, I know they still love the walks...all those smells must be fascinating! lol

06-11-2002, 07:34 AM
1. Draker and I go on a 5-6 mile run everymorning at 6:00 AM.
2. My brother takes Draker on a 15 minute walk during the day.
3. 30 minute walk in the park at night.

Draker also plays in the yard for several hours. He is tuckered out after the park walk and usaully falls asleep in the car on the way back :D Hewakes up again at 6:00 AM for his morning run.

Kona & Oreo's mom
06-11-2002, 09:36 AM
To manda99, thank you for the welcome! I don't have any digital pictures to share yet, but when I can get some I'll post them and introduce my girls properly. I love Pet Talk!

06-11-2002, 09:42 AM
Our walks are not like clockwork. I take her out in the morning so she can go to the bathroom but rarely does she want to go for a walk. If I can drag my butt out of bed early enough, I'll take her for a short walk, weather permitting.

While staying at my parents, I would take her outside and just run around in the yard with her till she wanted to go inside. Sometimes I'd walk her down the road or take her into town and walk the downtown area with her.

I'm still getting used to the new area where we just moved. Andy and I took her for a long walk last night. It was humid and Kia was dragging her tongue and feet most of the way back. ;)

This morning, I just let her out so she could do her duty, then she wanted right back in.

06-11-2002, 09:14 PM
My Buddy gets walked 3 times a day for about 20 minutes. I live on a second floor so i have no choice.