View Full Version : I had a sad experience..

11-11-2006, 08:37 AM
Just now, i had to go up to my brothers house to help them with a cat in their garden. He usually comes around and they feed him, but this time he was curled up and covered in blood and not at all in a good way.
So my sister in law asked me help get him into a box, they called the RSPCA and they came to collect him to take him to a vets.
They rang just now and said that they had to put him to sleep, he had a massive tumour on his face :(
I thought he may have either been mauled by a dog or hit by a car cause his face was hugely swollen.
At least I stayed with him and smoothed him and showed some affection to him before he died. He was a stray so had probably not had that for ages.
He didn't have a name.
Rest in peace little one, you are now at Rainbow Bridge with lots of others who can show you a fun time.

11-11-2006, 08:56 AM
I know that you and all the RSCPA folks were gentle and tender with this stray fella. He experienced a little bit of love at the end. RIP little one.

11-11-2006, 09:44 AM
The Pet Angels have gotten together and that Poor Stary is now Fortunato, as he was lucky enough to meet someone who treated him so kindly.
Fortunato has adopted you, and he will watch out for you, while he lives the good life as a Pet Angel.
Because Fortunato had a rough life, his after life will be that much sweeter.
And Fortunato will be your Angel when you meet again.
One Fine Day.

11-11-2006, 12:10 PM
Poor kitty! :( Thank you so much for showing him love and giving him a peaceful end to his suffering!


11-11-2006, 12:25 PM
This is so sad.:( At least he knew that you cared about him before he passed away. RIP sweetie.:(

11-11-2006, 01:17 PM
Poor little stray fella. Like others have said, at least he know that someone did care and he went to the RB peacefully.

R.I.P. Little one and enjoy your time on the RB.

11-11-2006, 02:27 PM
How very sad, but at least he went to the RB after an act of kindness.

RIP. :(

(love the new siggy, by the way)

11-11-2006, 05:16 PM
It is sad, and I am still thinking about it. It was reasonably affectionate seeing as it must've been in terrible pain. I assumed that it had been hit by a car and had a broken jaw, and now I know that it must've had a burst tumour which explains why it had blood and pus coming out of it's eyes, nose and mouth, it couldn't breath properly and kept wretching :(
It makes me wonder how long he was like it, was it something that happened and then he appeared in my Brother's garden or did it happen days before. I hate the thought of it being in pain for days.
He had blood on his paws (another reason I thought he'd been hit by a car) and now I've thought about it I guess it must've been trying to clean it's self.
It let me wipe it's face with a tissue and actually lifted it's head up towards me to clean it.
I will pray tonight to God that it will be happy in another life with lots of cat friends to play with.

11-11-2006, 05:18 PM
How sad! Poor little guy, you gave him the peace he needed.

Play hard at the Bridge sweet kitty.

11-11-2006, 05:43 PM
It let me wipe it's face with a tissue and actually lifted it's head up towards me to clean it.

Very touching. The RB is meant for poor guys like these, such an improvement for them, to be healthy and happy. I must think there are enough human attendants there to give each animal enough love too.

Thank you for helping him.

Godspeed to the Bridge, sweet boy.