View Full Version : Bows for short haired dogs!

11-10-2006, 09:40 PM
I was just thinking about this today when i was at petco walking through the isles! How do you get bows to stay on the ears of long haired dogs? thanks!

11-10-2006, 09:42 PM
A hairband and lots of hairspray :p

11-10-2006, 09:43 PM
At my work we make our own bows with have a little loop of rubber band. We wrap the rubber band around some hemostats, grab a piece of hair with the hemostats and pull the hair through the rubber band. That probably made no sense...but the end result is the little rubber band wrapped around a bit of fur, it really only works with longer haired dogs. Or if the dog has a topknot (like hair pulled up into a pony tail on top of their head) we just put the rubber band with the bow around the topknot.

edit* Your title says shorthair dogs but your post says longhair. I don't know how you would get it to stay on a shorthaired dog (we just use bandanas instead of bows), maybe whatever they use to get bows to stick on babies heads. I have successfully put bows on labs before (with the method mentioned above), just a little further behind the ears because there's longer fur there.