View Full Version : Update on the Ferals! *Pics* *Video*

11-10-2006, 06:05 AM
Well the ferals are really starting to make themselves at home in my mum's back garden now. They use the house my dad built frequently, and my mum says in the morning when she gets up and draws the curtains, the mum, and the two boys come out of the house, all warm, have a stretch and come down to have breakfast!
We are unsure of where the father goes (who I call sylvester) but he is looking so much better now he's been sorted, his fur is in much better condition than before.
The kittens are getting fat too! And the mum cat is looking good, her fur is better and she's getting a more plump shape rather than skinny.
We really love them to bits.
They are getting less scared too, and the kittens have even come inside if we leave the window open, but still run and won't let us touch them.
They will smell our hands but no touching yet! Doh....but I'm sure with perseverence they will come around eventually.
They are eating us out of house and home!

Here are some pictures and video:

The boy with the heart shape on his chest:
Together, tired and well fed!

The ferals inc the ginger/tortie one we thought had kittens, but now we don't think she has , we have to trap her next.
The boys and mum & Dad

Little Bandit :)

11-10-2006, 07:25 AM
Kate -
I was smiling the entire time I was watching the videos! Isn't it a wonderful feeling, to see them learning to trust and accept you and your folks?

Had not realized that Bandit had the white blaze on his back from the earlier photos.

I think they are looking WELL FED!
Thanks for posting all the updates!

K & L
11-10-2006, 07:42 AM
WAHHHHHHH I can never seem to open anyone's videos. I'm going to have to get Kevin to figure out what's going on here. Anyway, excellent feedback on how they're all doing. You've got to feel so proud of you and your family! They look wonderful! Amazing what a little tender loving care can do (and getting them fixed)!!

11-10-2006, 09:03 AM
It is wonderful when you can take a Cat who has been mistreated and take them in and turn them into a beloved Comapnion.
Bless you for feeding them and giving them someone to love.
Scrappy 2 in the old days.

11-10-2006, 10:41 AM
They are so cute and sure know where to go for the food.