View Full Version : Bowser needs Prayers ... Old Age is catching up ...

Cinder & Smoke
11-10-2006, 03:09 AM

Hi Friends ~ Bowser here ... http://petoftheday.com/i/our_smilies/wink.gif

New Dad's havin a hard tyme wiff summa this ... so I said I'd give it a shot ...

"We" go back to January, 2005 - when my Niece - Tonya (aka Zippy-Kat) alerted the Pet Talkers
there wuz Trubbel down in West-by-Golly-Virginia anna FurrBall (ME) needed a Rescue.
Y'all can visit THAT Epic at:
Titled "A Plea for HELP!"

Thingz have been purdy "Rozie" since then - I gotz 'dopted az wunna "da FurKids" and
been #3 inna Pack (not kountin da KAT). Cinder & SmokeMutt treat me jest *FINE* -
an eben da KAT kutz me a break.
I learned allua FurKid stuff - sleepin on motel bedz, Bus ridin, http://petoftheday.com/i/our_smilies/eek.gif swimmin,
visitin da Fiur Station, obernites at Unka Pat & Joan's Place, Gathurin at Findlay,
hikin inna Parks, ... I been a Buzzie lil Mutt!

But Alas & Alack - I brung along a kuppla Health Issues inna bags ...
I wuz always a lil "gimpy" an "stiff" inna rear end - "Arthur Itis" they sed.
SmokeMutts gave me summa his Glucosamine Tablets anna few aspirins seemed
to fix things up - I ran onna 3-way Y-thingie an kept up purdy well! ... Fur a while.

Last Winter New Dad thunk sumpin wuz wrong ... stedda "steppin" onna left paw -
I began "throwin" it forward; an then started "draggin" that foot-paw - stedda "steppin" wiff it.
Back to see Doc Mike.

He confirmed what we'd read onna Net ... my lil bit of German Shepherd blood
must come wiff Degenerative Myelopathy (DM) included http://petoftheday.com/i/our_smilies/frown.gif
Long storrie short ... my spine is sorta "eating" summa the nerves in it ...
they "degenerate" an my brain can't talk to the nerve sensors an muscles
back there inna rear end.
Makes walkin kinda *ruff* when ya can't FEEL da rear foot-paw an can't TELL
it what ta do!

Summa da Findlay Folks noticed me "draggin" da bum foot-paw - but onna whole I
do purdy durn gud on the three Good Ones! Bout the only change has been on hikes -
us "Old Pharts" (New Dad an ME) <shuffle along> together; Cinder & SmokeMutts
do their own thing onna Y-thingie draggin a leash.

I wuz doin "OK" till mid-September when I hadda BAD nite ...
started "gimpin" on BOTH rear foot-paws ...
couldn't <hop> up da front steps ... just kind co-lapsed an looked pitty-full till
New Dad came out an boosted me up the steps.
He called Doc Mike an asked for a "referral" to his buddie Doc Bancroft - head White Coat
atta Hi-Priced Klinik in towne. We gotz a 'pointment in two daze!

Doc B took a kuppla X-rayz an ruled out any major hip problems, but re-confirmed I
can't tell when my left rear toes are turned under - I jest stand on my "knuckles"
an don't even know my paw is folded under. BUT - my RIGHT rear wuz werkin
jest FINE, thank you!
Doc sed he noted "just a touch of MD" onna right side; but I managed to not <drag> da
LEFT side very much onna walkin tests!

We all talked about Whut ta DO wiff me ...
Doc B agrees wiff Doc Mike - Degenerative Myelopathy (DM) izza dreadful
disease -
an has no real treatment, let alone a cure. Doc B suggested I take a Vitamin E pill and
switch to a combo Glucosamine / Chondroitin / MSM tablet twice a day.

Problemo #2 started a kuppla weeks later - I started "leakin" at nite. http://petoftheday.com/i/our_smilies/frown.gif
We bought a diaper an sum pads that I wear at nite - solved da "Upset Dad" problem but
not the WHY is he Leakin? question. Doc Mike sed "Antibiotics" fur a while.
Aftur a "pee test" - we discovered I had "crystals" inna pee!

Anothe trip to Doc B's Place ... Ultrasound dis tyme ...
YUP - da Boy hazza STONE inna bladder!
Jest a "little" Rock - but can cause trubbel iffin it get's "stuck" inna plummin.

Da White Coats sed le's try "disolvin" da Rock ... da ONLY thing I can eat is
"Hill's s/d" canned grub ...
Kinda expensive ($1.80 per can) - an I need almost 2 cans a day!
GUD Thing is I think da stuff is like Grilled STEAK! YuuMMMMMMMIE!!
So Yummie I "bolt it down" so fast I started <tossin> it all back up!
New Dad called da Hill's Kumpanie ta komplain ... she sed ta Hand Feed me reel *s*l*o*w* ...

Aftur gettin a LOTTA Finners pinched & snapped ... now Dad drops each byte-sized piece
inna bowl - an I <GRAB> it out - no finners endangered!
I'm on this grub fur two months - then back fur another Ultrasound to Check da Rock.


Sooooo ... you're all <Wunderin> Whut'z wiffa Prayer Request?

Well ... tonite is anudder Bad Nite wiffa Rear End ...
We all went on a Big Hike inna BigLake Park this afternoon. Second 1.1 miler this week.
I dun GUD - kept rite up wife Ole New Dad ... <shuffle> - <shuffle> - <shuffle> ...

Onlee Problemo wus fur da seckond tyme inna week he "lost" me inna leaf pile!
HE walks onna paved road; *I* walk onna grass to save <draggin> my bum foot-paw
onna hard surface. LEAVES blow off road onna grass ... kinda DEEP in spotz!

We's <shufflin> along when allua sudden da LITES go Out! Durn SHORT legz!
Dad hears da leaves <russlin> an looks down ta see Two EARS anna Fluffie Tail
<plowin> thru
a mound of leaves! ... Gud Thing I hadda Ropey tied onna neck-belt!

I did OK onna Hike, but had sum trubbel <jumpin> up inna Bus; then had more trubbel
<hoppin> up the basement steps. Started <gimpin> pretty bad inna Howze;
almost fell down da stepz goin out to potty later.

An I jest kuld NOT get uppa stepz to come back in! http://petoftheday.com/i/our_smilies/frown.gif
New Dad tried ta "encourage me" ... but da rear end jest wouldn't <hop> rite.
I <crashed> onna stepz ... wiffa Eyes callin fur Help.
He came out an gimmie a <boost> uppa stepz.

I did EAT like a lil Piggy ... Canned Steak I had ... but da gettin around is a
BIG Problemo tanite ...
I'm hopin it will "go away" like it did when I went to see Doc B da furst tyme ...
I'z NOT a Happie Kampur when I can't move around when I want to ...

Sooo ... dat'z why we're askin fur sum Pet Talk Prayers.

An send New Dad a {{{Hug}}} or two - he's gettin reel *stressed* ober
me havin problems.
I think he's been tryin ta make "deals" wiff God.

Fondly ...
/s/ Bowser

11-10-2006, 05:25 AM
Oh Bowser sweety i am so sorry you are having a rough time with your legs :(. Lots of positive healing vibes on the way for you and give your Dad {{Hugs}} aswell. I will keep you in my thoughts.

Pawsitive Thinking
11-10-2006, 06:09 AM
Poor Bowser - gentle hugs to you

11-10-2006, 06:24 AM
Oh Bowser~

I'm so sorry you're having more problems with your bum legs again :(

And, I sure do hope and Pray that that you're going to feel a lot better, real soon!!!!!

We Love You Bowser ~ {{{HUGS}}}}

Ginger's Mom
11-10-2006, 07:11 AM
Oh poor Bowser (and New Dad). I will definitely send out prayers to get you fixed up real quick. And for good measure, here are some {{{Hugs}}} for you and Dad.

Daisy and Delilah
11-10-2006, 07:50 AM
Tears are streaming down my face, Phred. I'll never forget the story of you bringing this beautiful boy to live with you. I'll hope and pray as hard as I can that he's going to get better and be okay. How hard this is for you to have to go through this with him. My heart is breaking for both of you. Please God....let sweet Bowser get well and back to his normal self.
{{{{{BOWSER AND PHRED}}}}} :(

11-10-2006, 08:16 AM
LES. I know we spoke briefly of Bowser's health troubles, and I was praying they were clearing up, or at least maintaining the status quo. Prayers on the way that God steps in and guides your mind to a loving place for all.

Hugs to all of you. :(

11-10-2006, 08:35 AM
Phred my prayers are with you and Bowser. Stay well Bowser!

Queen of Poop
11-10-2006, 08:36 AM
Oh Bowser I'm so sorry you're having these health issues. It's not much fun getting old. Your dad's taking really good care of you though and doing all he can. I pray that you can get to feeling a bit better. Glad you're enjoying the special food, but hey, watch the fingers, there's lots of food, slow down and enjoy it!

Sami, my sweet Rainbow doggie. Could you find some time to keep an eye on Bowser. His leggies aren't working so good, kind of like yours weren't. Remember how I carried all 65 lbs of you up and down the stairs (I weigh 100 lbs). Anyway, Bowser could sure use some encouragement from one doggie who has been there so if you're not too busy at the Bridge.

11-10-2006, 08:46 AM
(((((HUGS))))) for you & dad, Bowser. (those hugs are red cause they're full of love ;) ) Your our friend, and we hate hearing about you having these problems, Bows. We got all paws crossed, and mom's praying for all of you. Been a rough year in your household, huh? Those white coat guys are pretty smart, and your dad is too, they'll do whatever they can to help you be at your best, lil buddy.

Slurppy kisses & ear snuffles, Star & Shermie
(an mom sends skritches to you , an more hugs for your dad)

Killearn Kitties
11-10-2006, 09:04 AM
Poor Bowser. We will have all our fingers and paws crossed here for Bowser and his daddy.
Eat your special food nicely, Bowser, and stop supplementing your diet with dad's fingers!

11-10-2006, 09:05 AM
Dear Bowser, I remember so well your story of when your New Dad went to pick you up. All of us followed your "tails" faithfully and it was so heartwarming to learn that your New Dad just couldn't part with you.

One look into your big brown eyes would have done me in too.

I am sorry that your "rear" end just isn't cooperating with the front end.
It must be very difficult and you have your New Dad pretty worried.

You can be sure that I will be pounding the doors of heaven for you - asking God to take some extra time and make things easier for you.

Bowser, you are well loved dear boy.

11-10-2006, 09:19 AM
LES... :(
Phred and furkids... you all are in my prayers.
Phred, you are Bowsers angel and savior, you have made his golden years WONDERFUl! He couldn't have picked a better bus driver!
{hugs} to you all.

11-10-2006, 09:43 AM
aaww poor Bowser - and Dad -
my heart aches for you both.
hugs and prayers on the way!

11-10-2006, 10:25 AM
Poor little Bowser. :(

I'm praying you feel better soon and that the meds help, buddy. *HUGS*

11-10-2006, 10:39 AM
Sorry Bowser is having these problems. :( Poor little guy & poor you. :(

My Vet would give prednesone shots & pills for Buddy when he had leg
and back issues. They really did help him for the longest time. Don't cure
the problem, but help reduce the inflamation of the muscles.

Cinder & Smoke
11-10-2006, 11:13 AM
My Vet would give prednesone shots & pills for Buddy ...

Don't cure the problem, but help reduce the inflamation of the muscles.

Sadly, :( this is a different type of problem:

There's no inflammation of muscles or "pain" ... there is an almost total lack
of any "feeling" from the effected paws and legs ...
an MD Dog just can't "FEEL" any of the sensors that normally "tell" the brain
what the rear end is actually doing ...
there's no feedback to the brain saying "left paw is DOWN and touching the grass,
or left leg is swinging forward, prepare to Drop Paw" ... there's just NUFFIN
reporting in from the effected parts.

And the brain has trouble even getting muscle commands back there to the rear end ...
the nerve signals are supposed to be two-way - commands are front-to-back; and
sensors work back-to-front ... in MD Dogs neither direction works properly.
The brain may be sendig "pick up the left paw" messages out ...
but they get crossed up and the right paw reads the scrambled instruction
as "put down the right leg" ...

It's not a tiny bit *phunnie* - but poor Bowser "walks" like a DRUNK.

Eyes are leakin ...
and I'm all Prayed Out. :(

/s/ :( Phred

11-10-2006, 12:37 PM
sEyes are leakin ... and I'm all Prayed Out. :((LES here too) Oh Phred, :( (((((HUGS))))) ((((HUGS))))) ((((HUGS))))) this makes me so sad, you are such a wonderful human being, and you help soooo many others in their time of need. Please know without a doubt that many many prayers on your & Bowser's behalf are being said, dear friend. God is watching over all of this. Give yourself a "live" hug from me, ok?

11-10-2006, 12:43 PM
Oh sweety, we love you.
We are sorry you are having all these issues.
Beenie and Frankie

11-10-2006, 12:53 PM
Major prayers on the way from me for you and Bowser too!!!
Please try and take comfort that you have made Bowser so happy and loved in his later years. He inheritated a world wide family because you cared enough to take him in.


11-10-2006, 01:11 PM
It's not a tiny bit *phunnie* - but poor Bowser "walks" like a DRUNK.

Eyes are leakin ...
and I'm all Prayed Out. :(

/s/ :( Phred

Would he benefit from a little cart, like some paralyzed dachshunds use?

http://dogoftheday.com/archive/2000/July/02.jpg (http://dogoftheday.com/archive/2000/July/02.html)

11-10-2006, 01:11 PM
and I'm all Prayed Out. :(

/s/ :( Phred

That's why we're here... to help in the prayer department!!

11-10-2006, 01:40 PM
Phred, I’m SO sorry to hear of Bowser’s problems with his leg, it sounds bad. :( Poor boy, having to deal with a stone in his bladder as well. Well, at least he is enjoying his S/D - make sure you keep your fingers out of that! :eek:

I remember well when you rescued him, and I know you have done everything possible to make him a happy camper - you should be proud of yourself!! Hopefully, some miracle will help him be able to walk a little better, and enjoy his life with Cinder, Smoke and you for quite a while longer.

I’m sending lots of good thoughts and hugs for Bowser, and for you. :)

Take care!

11-10-2006, 01:58 PM
Hey there Bowzer buddy, we're all really sorry to hear your having such a rough go of it here lately:( You know we're all going to be doing some heavy duty praying for one of our favorite little dudes.
And Phred, lots of (((HUGS))) for you.

All our love
Anna, Mark, Roxey, Huney and even some love from the big guy;)

11-10-2006, 05:29 PM
Lots of thoughts and prayers for dear Bowser :( Sure hope the vets can atleast bring him some comfort and help him get around. Heis such a sweet little guy and so lucky to have such a good dad!

11-10-2006, 09:46 PM
Dear Sweet little Bowser - getting old really sucks, doesn't it :( I sure hope the doc can fix you up with something to sooth all that ails you sweet boy.

One thing is certain, you're a lucky guy to have your Dad. He's cares about you something fierce and will take care of you just the best that he can. :)

Lots of hugs and prayers for you little guy and some extra big hugs for your dear Dad,


11-10-2006, 09:54 PM
I'm so sorry to hear about Bowser. :( He is such a sweetheart of a dog (I know, I've met him!) and its hard to hear that he is having these problems. Do you know how old he is? I hope that you will be able to figure out something to help him.

Cinder & Smoke
11-10-2006, 10:23 PM
Bowser here, checkin in!

THANKS fur allua Prayers an Good Vibes ... Dad thinks they're *helpin*!

This mornin got off to a slow start --- Poddy Call an I had a hard tyme *crawlin* out
from under the edge of the BigBed ... Dad hadda gib me a Butt-Boost ta get
the ole Rear End up & attem.
But once I get UP - the ole Hop & Bounce got us to the front door ... diaper off ...
and I bounced down the steps all Rite-Side UP an in one piece!

The REALLY Amazin Part wuz I got back UP da 4 steps ALL by MYSELF!
Dad wuz purdy pleezed when he opened da door an I wuz RITE There onna porch!

I did some walkin around da howze today - lil not-so-steady at tymes - but
still movin!
Nudder SUPER nice day out - so Dad wanted to try anudder Hike - LOAD UP inna Bus!

Hadda get TO da Bus - it sleeps inna garage - UNDER da Howze ... DOWN da carpeted cellar STEPZ!
Dad wuz tryin to figger out HOW ta get me down ... sillie guy ... Piece-a-Cake ...
I just follow da Big Muttz like always ...lean over da top step an Here we GO!
Once da Frunt End gets started ... no stoppin ... da Back End jest *bounces* down till
we hit the bottom. (Trick is to NOT let da REAR End *pass up* da Frunt End
bout half way down ...
THAT getz "messy" atta bottom!)

I did need a Butt-Boost up onto da back seat ... but I've needed dat before sometimes.
OFF to da BigLake Park ...
Did some walkin onna grass - no Problemos at all!
We all <shuffled> around fur a good 45 minnitz - felt purdy good!

Got back home an hadda think bout goin UP the cellar stepz ... got a Butt-Boost ta get
started an made it to the top OK ... but da Bus Driver wuz a lil slow openin da door http://petoftheday.com/i/our_smilies/rolleyes.gif -
and after stoppin - I started *slidin* back down http://petoftheday.com/i/our_smilies/eek.gif
A well-placed BigFoot put da brakes on till he *fumbled* da door open.

Tyme fur an Outie an then sum DINNER ... I think I'z havin Canned Steak again - YUMMie!

As fur Dis Idea >>>

Would he benefit from a little cart, like some paralyzed dachshunds use?

http://dogoftheday.com/archive/2000/July/02.jpg (http://dogoftheday.com/archive/2000/July/02.html)

We been *lookin* at Cart / Doggie Wheelchair sites fur a kupple months now ...
We asked Doc B about em ...
He sed folks have "mixed impressions" bout em --- SOME Dawggies *LOVE* their Cart -
others are either afraid or never quite get the "hang" of drivin one.

Doc sez they just DON'T work well inna howze - too eazy to get *hung up* on corners
and furniture ... but onna paved drive or sidewalk / parkin lot ... lotta dogs can *ZIP* rite along!

I think we're thinkin bout gettin one!

ANNYhow ... THANKS SO MUCH fur Wurryin bout lil ole Me!
Nice to know ya gotz *FRIENDS*!!


/s/ Still Kickin ~ da Bowz

11-10-2006, 11:31 PM
Sending many prayers for Bowser.

11-10-2006, 11:34 PM
I'm so heartbroken. What a lousy month for PTers. Poor Bowser with his bum bum and footsies.

I know this is a real stretch but any port in a storm. Have ya thought of acupuncture? It's suppose to have some amazing holistic powers.

*Sigh*. My head wires seem to get all discabooberated sometimes too. What? Me Old? Apparently so. Bundles and oodles of huggies and smoochies to my furry, fuzzy and skin buddies. Lots of prayers coming your way.

Daisy and Delilah
11-11-2006, 05:27 AM
Thanks for the update Bowser boy ;) We just want you to know that we're still praying real hard down here in Sunny Florida that you're gonna get better. We think you're one of the cutest and bestest boys on Pet Talk. We really love you. Please feel good and keep giving us those uppy dates!! Pet Talk prayers are a powerful force and we're hoping for another miracle :)

11-11-2006, 07:27 AM
Thanks for the update Bowser!
Glad to hear you had a good day!

11-11-2006, 08:00 AM
Hey Buddy, nice to hear you all had such a great day and that you were able to pretty much get going yourself:)
Sounds like that cart may be just what you need to "zip" around. Hmmm wonder if Santa has one of those in his workshop;)

11-11-2006, 08:04 AM
Prayers out to you!

11-11-2006, 08:07 AM
Wow, Bowser, sounds like a great day. Glad you're feeling better, which makes dad feel better too. :)

11-11-2006, 08:22 AM
Oh sweet Bowser, bum legs are no fun are they? I am so sorry you're having such trouble, I wish there was something I could do to make them work like new again.

I like the wheelchair idea, after all there isn't many dogs with their own set of wheels!
You will be in my thoughts & prayers. Hugs

11-11-2006, 10:06 AM
Bowser! How wonderful to hear you had such a great day. That's the spirit sweetie - take each day as it comes and make the best of it :) More prayers coming your way and hugs for your Dad for being the special guy that he is.


11-11-2006, 10:14 AM
I did need a Butt-Boost up onto da back seat ... but I've needed dat before sometimes
I totally know how you feel Bowser. I have to have a Butt-Boost to get into pick up trucks and some cars!!!

Glad you are feelin a mite perkier! The cats say if you don't mind, they will keep their paws crossed for you too!!! Lots of prayers on the way from me too!!! We love ya little pal!!! (we are kinda fond of your Dad too). ;) :D

11-11-2006, 11:29 AM
Bowser, sweety, feel better little boy. You are just so adorable and special. I am really hoping you are gonna be feeling better and better all the time.

Hugs to you, cutie pie. And hugs to your dad too!

11-11-2006, 11:34 AM
Oh, no poor Bowser.

I'll be thinking of you and hoping you get more special dinners. :)

11-11-2006, 01:04 PM
Bowser, sweet boy, we all remember so well that happy day you "came home" and joined the crew.:) What a happy addition you were to the pack! We knew from day one your Dad didn't stand a chance, your little charmer! ;) Your Daddy loves you so very much sweetheart and we know how much you love him. We're knocking on Heaven's door, putting our hands and paws together, saying our prayers and sending you and your Dad all our love, strength and support. Two special guys like you two need to be together, for a long time to come!
Phred, I'm thinking of you dear friend. We love you and the "kids" so very much.
{{{HUGS}}} to you and your beautiful boy.
Love, Sandra and Star

11-11-2006, 04:58 PM
I have been away from the computer today and am only seeing this now, thanks to an email from my good friend, Sandra.

Bowser and Phred, I'm so glad today was better for both of you. I hope each day will continue to get better. You are the BEST prayer friends I know and it is easy to turn the table and be praying for you two for a change.

Logan, Honey, Lilly and Mack

11-11-2006, 05:08 PM
I'm very sorry to hear that Bowser hasn't been himself, but very glad to see he had a better day. I will be keeping that sweet ole boy in my thoughts and prayers. Hoping for many more good days to come. :)

4 Dog Mother
11-12-2006, 03:06 PM
Phred, I have been away from the computer for the last couple of days. Saw Amy last night and she told me Bowser was having problems. I was so sorry to hear this. You have been such a good "new" daddy to Bowser. Not everyone would take on an older dog but you did and have given him a wonderful life.

You and the Bowser will be in my thoughts and prayers. Diana

11-12-2006, 04:42 PM
Hoping your feeling better today Bowser. :)

11-12-2006, 04:57 PM
Good to hear he had a good day! There just might be more. Somehow, I can seem him being pretty pleased with a little wagon all his own dat de udder furkidz don't have!

PT Prayers always amaze me!

Ginger's Mom
11-12-2006, 09:26 PM
Hey Bowser-boy. Glad to hear that you had a good day. Just don't over do it too much even though you are feeling good, okay buddy? We will keep the good thoughts and prayers going from NJ.

Cinder & Smoke
11-12-2006, 10:37 PM

Bowz-Wowz here ...

New Dad sez we're ALL wearin the Pity Party Gig a lil thin around here.

It all started early inna week ... a Deer either got hit by a car or a hunter got it -
but however it happened ... summa da "stuff" gotz left inna road ditch across da road
frumma Ranch ... inna place we'z NOT suppozed to be frequentin!

I swear I mussta missed dat Memo!

Ennie-how ... I was out fur a LATE-nite poddy call an gotz a "whiff" ...
HADDA check it out!

"They" all say it wuz over an hour later ... lites shinin down inna ditch showed up
da white underside of a Fluffie Tail *wavin* like a flag ...
<HONK> - <HONK> "GET UP Here, you #$!%^#$&*%#$!!"

Voice soundz familiar ... wunder iffin he's talking to ME?
<BuRRRp> ... I guess I've <munced> enuff deer burger fur one nite ...
"Commin rite up!"

Havin NO CLUE whut I wuz doin down there the nite affore ... I gotz a UN-tied outtie da
NEXT Nite ... and knowin there wuz a LOTTA deer <munchin> left ...
I headed back to the ole huntin ditch.
Da Search Bus pulled rite up wifout a lotta wasted tripz up & down da road ---
"SUNN-uvva-Witch!! --- Get your fuzzie A$$ UP HERE - NOW!!!"

Sad ta say - that tyme he *looked* at whut I wuz <munchin> on ... http://petoftheday.com/i/our_smilies/eek.gif
He sure looked GREEN fur a while!

Next kupple daze I wuz "walkin" whilst tied to da Frunt Porch Tether Cable! http://petoftheday.com/i/our_smilies/rolleyes.gif

An nunbuddie sed da Udder Two aren't at least "observant" ...
Thurzday nite, whilst I wuz havin Gimpy Leg Trubbles ... ole Cinder Mutt thunk
SHE otta try out sum deer burger frumma ditch ... and of course *ignored*
repeated HOLLERIN an Door Slammin ... requiring anudder Bus Search.
She spotted da Bus lites comin down da drive ... she didda end-run outta da ditch
an wound up "sneakin up behind" da Search Party.

Even da Gud Child got caught up inna Hunt ... he snuck across da road Saturday inna daylight ...
Then (da lil DUMMIE) heard Dad HOLLERIN an poped rite up outta da ditch in plain site an
*dashed* fur home ... so much fur "stealth huntin"!

Then there wuz this mornin ... poor New Dad must be a Slow Learner ...
thinkin I'd stick close ta home - we all did poddy call under "observation".
Poor ole Dad got to "observe" me take a quick *dump*, look ober my shoulder ...
an <Hippity-Hopp> - <Skippity-Do> - <Bippity-Bop> - make a BEE-Line across da road
an down inna ditch! http://petoftheday.com/i/our_smilies/tongue.gif
Not sure he even *noticed* I wuz runnin on ALL FOUR!

Dunno HOW they loaded up so fast an got da Bus onna road! http://petoftheday.com/i/our_smilies/eek.gif
I Hardly got started on breakfast of deer whenna <HONKIN> & <HOLLERIN> started
up onna road! ... Such Language onna Sunday mornin!

Well ... I s'poze the improvement inna bum leg HAS been noted by Management -
but he's been a lil *tense* over da Huntin Excursions an not sayin a lot.

We **DO** 'preciate all the GOOD VIBES, Encouragement, an Prayers bein sent our way!!

/s/ da Bowz fur the Whole Fambily


11-12-2006, 10:56 PM
And~ We do appreciate your UP-Date, Dear Bowser!!! :cool:

11-12-2006, 11:18 PM
(sorry phred)

11-13-2006, 12:06 PM
Bowsie, I have just the thing for you and your pals. They are little strobe lights that clip on your collars and blink red, blue and clear so you can be seen in the dark. I just happen to have 3 extra's.

I would love for you to have them. They will be on the way to you this week: An early Christmas present from me to you. :D

Cinder & Smoke
11-13-2006, 12:54 PM
Bowsie, I have just the thing for you and your pals.
They are little lights that clip on your collars and blink ...
so you can be seen in the dark. :D

But we've already GOT a set of Gypsy Lights fur ebberbuddie! :rolleyes:

Cinder getz da big, super-bright firefighter marker one;
SmokeMutt an I have lil Blinkin Punkin Lights to put on lil Trick-er-Treaters.

They werk purdy good - cept they get blocked by our bodies and don't show up
behind too well.

An da Big Problemo is Dad neber remembers (or bothers) ta hang em on us till
AFTUR we pull a missin-in-akshun stunt!

We got da full treatment last kupple nites ... ebberbuddie <Blinkin> & <Flashin> -
an poor ole SmokeMutts got da BELL, too! A 2"x3" Brass Bell that <bonks> ya onna chest
to remind ya it's there - as if the durn <KLANGIN> isn't enuff.
Looked & Sounded like a Gypsy Caravan wuz campin inna frunt yard!

Phunnie (not) you should mention dis ... he's been webbin fur our "Next Generation" blinkers -
he wants the 360^ visible "Collar model" - built into a collar so they show up
ALL Around the dawggie - no matter which way you're walkin.
Dad's found a few - but they're expensive, not water-proof, or take super pricey batteries.

We're hopin da price of those new GPS Collars stays UP an Too Much!
They'd be like havin a tattle-tail along onna trip! :rolleyes:

All this stuff - NUTZ!
Almost easier ta jest Stay Home!

/s/ da Wanderin Hunter

11-13-2006, 01:07 PM
Aw!!! Well, ok but you could add these to the ones you already have: more flashin to be seen that way!!! We could put enough lights on you you could be seen from the space station!!! :D

If you change your mind, let me know and they will be on the way! These look like little clear punkins too by the way. Boy they are bright though!!! Reminds me of our cop car lights!!! :D

11-13-2006, 01:15 PM
LOLOL Sounds like our Bowser Boy is on the mend :D Good to hear the Crew's up their usual stuff- wouldn't have it any other way :D

Right Dad??

11-13-2006, 01:20 PM

With as many yummies as we give our pups why do they still like the nastest stuff they can find outside the best??
At least they didn't try to bring themselves home a doggie bag!!
(Sierra, once ate part of a bunny and tried sneaking the rest into the house!! :eek: )

Oh you Fuzz Butts sure keep us laughing!
(Sorry Phred... I'm sure this isn't too good on your ticker!)

Sure sounds like Bowzer's doing good! :D

Cinder & Smoke
11-13-2006, 04:20 PM
At least they didn't try to bring themselves home a doggie bag!!



OMG! ... Tell me they don't have a Dawggie Bag stashed somewhere!

11-13-2006, 04:30 PM
My mind is just overwhelmed right now. I read several pages of the original thread, maybe 10. so I have a bit of info. All I can say is God Bless this Man.

Hevenly Father Bless this man who rescued this dog, touch the dogs body and heal it give him good quality life. So these two may share happy days together for yet awhile. I'm so touched by what I've read about these people here Lord and how they 'worked' together, Look upon this community and surround them with Your love and put Your divine protection around them, and a special pray for Fred & Bowser. in Jesus name Amen

11-13-2006, 06:55 PM
With as many yummies as we give our pups why do they still like the nastest stuff they can find outside the best??
At least they didn't try to bring themselves home a doggie bag!!
(Sierra, once ate part of a bunny and tried sneaking the rest into the house!! :eek: I have it on good authority that the wild stuff is much tastier...no preservatives, lean, and when it's warm, it's extra good... and I've picked up enough dead bodies around here to trust my "experts" :rolleyes:

Bowzer, so glad to hear you are getting around better. sounds like you were pretty motivated! But take it easy on yer new dad, all that heart-thumpin stress is not good for him! That's one funny story, though ;) LOL!

Daisy and Delilah
11-13-2006, 07:59 PM
Well Bowser Boy, it sounds like you're doing a bit better thank goodness. However, please take it easy on da poor bus driver--the poor fella has had about enough!! We hope and pray that you continue to do well but please let Dad get some rest!! :)

11-13-2006, 08:17 PM
Here I was going to ask if you had thought about a "Bottom's Up" Leash to help Boswer with the stairs, but it seems all you need is a fresh deer for motivation!! What a tale!!!

These aren't cheap, but maybe would help with the stairs, should our dear Bowser get worse...

Bottom's Up Leash (http://www.target.com/gp/detail.html?ie=UTF8&frombrowse=1&asin=B000I6Q0NC)

11-13-2006, 09:17 PM
LOL! Bowz, you silly dog! I don't think you made Dad very happy! But you sure gave us a laugh for the day! :D

11-15-2006, 04:57 AM
Dearest Bowser,
Glad that you are feeling a little better!!
Keep it up,Bowser Boy!!!
Stay Healthy!!

11-15-2006, 01:32 PM
Oh deer...... :( :( sorry for the pun.....
Phred, I had no idea lil Bowsie was having trouble until MOFF said something in an email to me. Reading the whole thread took me from tears, to smiles, to raging side-splitting laughter, back to tears again. I guess it's the visual...that poor deer never knew what a conversation piece he would be.

I'm so very sorry lil Bowsie is having butt trouble...I mean read-end....or should I call it function trouble. So nice to hear he likes his steak in a can dinners and I sure hope it's doing it's job and getting rid of that nasty stone.

Huge prayers coming out from Kan-a-Da. I'm hoping to get to one of the Findlay gatherings next year so hang in their Bowsie and you too Phred. We'll all help you through this.


11-28-2006, 09:56 PM
I just caught up on allllllllllllllllllllll the news, and went from tears for Bowsie, to hysterical laughter.

You sure know how to write a yarn!!!

{{{hugs}}} to you and Bowser.


11-28-2006, 11:06 PM
Dearest Phred & Bowser!!!
You Are Both My Heroes!!
Keep It Up,Bowser Boy!!!

Daisy and Delilah
11-29-2006, 06:14 AM
How is Bowzie Boy these days, Phred? My thoughts and prayers are still with you guys :(

11-29-2006, 06:20 AM
Thinking of you Bowsie boy. :) I swear you're Andy's favorite.

11-30-2006, 12:10 AM
Bowser has eyes like marbles. He's very interesting looking and yes, one of my "Findlay Favorites". Sorry to hear he's not doing so well. Best wishes to him!


Cinder & Smoke
11-30-2006, 03:42 AM
THANKS fur allua Good Wishes and Prayers, Gang!!

Bowser here, wiffa lil UppyDate ...

I'z doin pretty much A-OK most daze ... have a bad day ebery wunst in a while
when da rear end seems ta take da day off :mad: an leaves me *bumpin* & *bouncin* around ...
But fur da most part I'm hoppin around wifout too many problems.

Eatin dat Kanned Steak Loaf like it wuz Kandy - boy duz dat UGG-lee lookin stuff TASTE GOOD!! Yummmmie!

THANKS Soooo Much fur allua Nice Thoughts and Wishes ...
Nice to Know folks Care about me and US ... :)

/s/ the Bowser Boy

Killearn Kitties
11-30-2006, 04:03 AM
Bowser! Everybody here is so pleased to hear this happy update from you! We hope you continued to have lots of good days!

Daisy and Delilah
11-30-2006, 05:22 AM
Keep on feeling better Bowzie Boy!! We want to hear nothing but good reports coming from you and Da Bus Driver :) That reminds us....how are you feeling Dad?? ;)

11-30-2006, 07:10 AM
Thanks for the update Bowser!
Glad to hear things are ok! :D

11-30-2006, 08:58 AM
http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v43/anna66/Smileys/clap.gifGood news this morning! Always makes my day to hear such good updates on our buddies:)

11-30-2006, 09:14 AM
Glad to hear he's doing better! Keep it up bowser, your dad and US need you around for the antics.

11-30-2006, 11:55 AM
Aw Boswer, I totally understand the some days are better than others thing. So glad you are enjoying your steak though! Hang in there bud!!! :)

11-30-2006, 01:01 PM
I'm glad to hear he is feeling better!
I hope you continue to have good days!
Enjoy the 'steak' buddy!

11-30-2006, 02:10 PM
Thanks for the update Bowser, sounds like you're doing pretty well overall. Glad to hear you're dining on canned steak instead of deer meat, Santa will be glad to hear that, too!
(Psst...Bowser, please nudge Dad and tell him to read his pm's ;) )

11-30-2006, 03:50 PM
What a great Up date about our Bowser!!!! :cool:

Yeah, that canned steak sure looks ugly to us, but it tastes good to you Bowser, so wolf it down!!

I'm so glad to know that you're bouncing back fella!!!! :p

Cinder & Smoke
11-30-2006, 05:17 PM

Bowz here ...

Wish he'd take a "chill pill" an not look out da windows so much!

I FINALLY got offa da durn frunt porch tie-out line aftur he noticed our favorite
"Deer Dump" inna road ditch was all cleaned outta deer burgers.

What he DINT notice wuz da Hunter Guys got anudder deer or two over inna Publik Huntin Grounds
rite across da street frumma Ranch an "field dressed" em inna woods.

Well ... lemmie tell ya - fresh deer "stuff" ketches our attensuhn purdy quick!
We wuz takin an Outie an Klip & Klop took off onna dead run across da road into da woods.
I get slowed up wiffa short legs da start wiff, then da durn Bum Foot/Leg thing
makes travel a lil slow ... an ole Eagle Eyes wuz *watchin* out the window ...
he sees da white underside of my fluffie tail *wavin* down by da road. :mad:

Dumm Me - fur some reason I *pawzed* when I heard him *HOLLERIN* ...
even dummer - I came back towards da Ranch ...
(truth be known - I couldn't tell where Klip & Klop had GONE ... figgered he'd
come trailin me ... so I just came home.)

Then he startz *HOLLERIN* fur da udder two - who were chowing down on the
fresh "stuff" they'd found inna woods. Now Dummer (aka SmokeMutt) - who tries to Do No Wrong -
just about *panicks* when he hears Dad callin whilst he's bein NawTee.
He still hadda drippy deer burger inna mouff when he got to the frunt porch!

:eek: "BAD DAWG! Get your butt inside! ... Where's Cinder!?"

Cinder heard allua commotion an decided to put on her Sneaky Pawz an did an end-run
to come outta da woods across frumma neighbors an sneak back behind da howze.
She got back super late - but Dad couldn't prove she'd been munchin deer burgers.

Ebber since - I gotta wear the Tether Line; Dumm & Dummer gotta go out wearin the *flashin lites* anna *cow bell* - and WUN atta tyme.
They've STILL made da mad dash over to the Deer Shoppe inna Woods a kupple tymes ...
Bus Driver sure getz RED inna face when dey *pop* outta da woods! :p

Hope he furgetz ta *klip* the Tether wunna these daze --- I asked da udder guyz ta
leave a bit of deer burger fur me.

/s/ a Hopeful Bowser

11-30-2006, 05:55 PM
Yeah Bowser, I'm keepin track of you fella!!!

You are certainly one deer sniffen dog!!!! and, I can actually see you trotting on down the road toward the Deer Diner!!!

You really have a hold on me Bowser!!! :p

11-30-2006, 05:57 PM
Sorry I haven't been here sooner. I'm glad Bowzer is feeling better. Give him some hugs from me.

11-30-2006, 09:04 PM
Oh Bowser, you and your siblings are such goofy kids! Deer burgers... yum!

11-30-2006, 09:35 PM
Oh Bowser - you sure are a darlin story teller .... :D

11-30-2006, 10:16 PM
Bowser what a story... those deer burgers do sound uhh... tasty ;).

Cinder & Smoke
12-01-2006, 03:28 PM

Bowser here ...

WHY do I keep gettin the Short Sticks to match my short legs?

It's rainin this mornin when we go fur the Outie ...
So - WHO getz tied wiffa front porch Tether - yup - ME.
And WHO getz told ta "Stick Close" and sent out loose - yup - ole Klipp & Klopp!

No sooner is da door closed than they lookit each udder an *DASH* off towards
the Deer Deli across da road inna Woods! ... HEY - Bring me back a take-out order!

They must be physic - onna way back when New Dad pops open the door an
"wunderz" where they are ...
He only sees em appear down by da road - NOT across ta road comin out of the Deli.
They onlee got *hollered at* a lil bit.

"So - where's my Take-Out Order, guys?"
"Oopsie - we musta furgot ta order fur ya Bowz ... so sorrie!"

The Dad Guy was a lil *tense* over findin Dumm & Dummer down by da road -
so ebberbuddie crowded inna puter room ta try to warm up da ole Guy.
All wuz phine till ...

"*pfffft!*" (frum under the puter desk - where SmokeMutt wuz layin!)

Dad: "WHAT was THAT!??

Dead Silence from the assembled FurKids ...

Cinder: "OMG! Does that STINK! --- SmokeMutt - WHAT did you eat!?"
Bowz: "Gud Grief! I'm goin out inna hallway where da air's better!"

SmokeMutt: "wow! Makes yur eyes watter, duzint it!? Musta been da Deer Fritters frum the Deli!
<gasp> Wunder if Dad will notice?"

A Moment Later ...

http://petoftheday.com/i/our_smilies/eek.gif "OMG! - WHO made the Dog Phart!!??
--- Ewwww - SMOKEEEEE - You **STINK**!"

Smokey: "I guess he noticed."

After da next "pfffft!" da SmokeMutt got banished to the dining room ...

KAT vacated the dining room table shortly thereafter -
and gave a Durty Glare at Dad when da Kat fled into da bunkroom!

Eee-Yiipes! - He's been "*pfffft-ing*" ALL afternoon ... nebber knew he
could store THAT much <gas>!

<Memo to Self> Avoid the Deer Fritters!

/s/ Bowz

12-01-2006, 04:41 PM
Phred, does this mean he is just "frittering" the day away??:D

12-01-2006, 04:56 PM
:D :D :D Oh, my goodness!!!! Makes my eyes water just thinking about it!!! oh, wait, they are watering becausing I'm laughing my head off!!! Gas masks anyone? :D :D :D

12-01-2006, 09:34 PM
Bowser, I'm posing as "Slim" on Pet Talk~ :D

It's really me , Dorothy39~ yeah, the power is out up yonder and I'm using someone else's computer~

I knew I could'nt turn my back on you mutts for very long~ What with a Deer Deli down the road a ways.

Thank-You Bowser , for taking me to the "laughin Place"

12-02-2006, 05:16 AM
...Eee-Yiipes! - He's been "*pfffft-ing*" ALL afternoon ... nebber knew he[/i]i]could store THAT much <gas>![/i]

/s/ Bowz
bowser, i feel your pain. and you never met my brother....alex the wonder dog, seems like him and smoke got something in common. regards, princess peanut, dainty paws of north columbus

Cinder & Smoke
01-05-2007, 09:35 PM
Bowser here ~

I wondered whut wuz UP on Wednesday ... ebberbuddie 'cept ME got grub on Tuesday nite ...
and NO amount of Jumpin Around an *whinin* seemed like it wuz gonna change things!
Hope they all enjoyed my tummie *GROWLIN* all nite! An no Brunch, either!
What da heck!??? --- New Dad is "helpin" me onna pee trip --- *ketchin* a sample!

Bus Driver sez "Let'z GO!" at 2:30 PM - we all jump inna Bus ...
Ooooooh - looks familiar ... ??
Sumpin's phisshie ... I'z da only one gettin out wiff New Dad ... Klipp & Klopp stay inna Bus.

OK - did is da FANCIE White Coat Lab - da "posh place" - Doc Mike's Buddies werk here.
In we go ... jump onna measurin table ... dial sez 29.5 ... http://petoftheday.com/i/our_smilies/eek.gif
I'z LOST a whole number since I've been onna Steak-Inna-Kan food!
TOLD Ya I otta get more onna plate!

We sine in ... get led into Room #1 ... In comez dat Nice Doc B ... I getz a Big *Skritch*. Hi Doc!!

New Dad tosses me onna Exam Table - "Check his EARZ -
he keeps putttin his good foot inna Right Ear."
<Peeks in wiffa Scope> ... "Nuffin wrong in here! Squeekie Kleen!"
<Memo to self> Don't *scratch* earz whilst New Dad is *lookin*!

Doc sez he's gonna go *warm up da machine* ... *Cute Lil Thing* in skrubbies comes in
an hooks me up --- "He'll be right back" she sez ... an Off we Go!

Back inna *flash* --- *Cute Lil Thing* sez I wuz Really GOOD!
Doc comez back in - duzint look *Happie* at all ...

"NUTZ! - He's STILL GOT the Stone in there! ... I was sure The Food would disolve it by now! http://petoftheday.com/i/our_smilies/frown.gif
We'll check his sample --- I'll call you inna morning and we'll know more then.

Mornin tele-dinger call dint help much ...
Doc sez I gotz a "Urinary Infeckshun" ... he'll call Doc Mike an we gotta go pick up sum pillz.

Plan is I get ta eat Steak-Inna-Kan Loaf fer at least anudder month http://petoftheday.com/i/our_smilies/smile.gif ---
Then we re-test ta see wht's up wiffa Rock inna Bladder.

Da Pill Jug sez "Baytril 68 mg - 1/2 pill every 12 hours"
New Dad *tossed* me a half ... <munch> ... *UGGH*! ... <spit-tooie>

OK - OK - I'll swaller it!! Geeze ... whatta GRUMP he can be!

We're hopin da Infeckshun is causin the "minor leakage" problems I have every wunst inna while.
An it'd sure be nice iffin da Rock would disolve ... kuz da only udder way to get rid of it
is ta install a Zippur an do a Sir Jury job ... not good fur an Old Guy like me!

Da Bum Paw & Leg --- Left Side still not werkin too hot.
But da Udder Side - da RIGHT Rear --- is werkin purdy well ... a lil *shakey* at tymes -
but it getz me around wiffout too much trubbel.

Iffin you can Spare a Prayer - I guess I could use it.
THANKS fur Thinkin of me!!

/s/ Bowser

01-05-2007, 09:40 PM
Oh Bowz, I'm so sorry you still have a stone. :( I hope the meds help! Feel better soon! :D

01-05-2007, 10:09 PM
Oh Bowser~

You're on my mind again Fella~I'm a hoping and a prayin that that an infectiion is causing the leakage~

Yeah Bowser, You sure can count on me for the prayers~ Keep on eating the Steak in a can ;)
I'm a thinkin of You Bowser ~I hope the medicine helps you !!!!!

01-05-2007, 11:22 PM
Awww, Bowser. Sorry to hear you're havin' a "rough go" of things... hope things get better soon.

01-05-2007, 11:29 PM
Thoughts and prayers come your way Bowser boy! Hope that stone dissolves itself up real quick like!

01-06-2007, 01:13 AM
Poor fuzzball. Hope the pillz help and that your infection goes away. Hope ya don't have to meet Doc Sur Jury. I don't think you'd look good inna zipper :(

Ginger's Mom
01-06-2007, 06:32 AM
More prayers going out for that sweet Bowser boy. Sounds like you were a real good boy at the the White Coats, Bowser. Enjoy your steak in a can.

01-06-2007, 07:08 AM
MANY hugs and prayers to you Bowser!

01-06-2007, 07:19 AM
Dearest Bowser!!!
Take Your Medicine
And Get Better Soon!!!!!
Hugs & Treats!!

01-06-2007, 07:21 AM
paw prayers for bowser. it's good that the dad guy is on top of the problem. here's hoping the stone dissolving food works. last summer, mojo had a big bladder stone too, and now she eats special food too.

01-06-2007, 08:13 AM
Oh Bowser, you would have thought that nasty stone would have dissolved by now. I sure hope the extra meds and the food work soon...we wouldn't want you to have sir jury:eek:

Lots of prayers headed your way boy (and some belly rubs too:)).

01-06-2007, 09:12 AM
Oh Bowser, it seems that you'll have to eat "Steak in a can" for while yet, but that's not the worst, is it? ;) To keep your dad from being grumpy, you'll have to swallow pills too. :eek: But I really hope they'll help dissolve the stone! You don't want surgery!

Bowser, it's good to hear you were such a good boy at the vets. :)

Sending lots of positive thoughts that you'll feel better soon, and that they'll be able to do something about your leg too!


01-06-2007, 09:19 AM
*Skritches* Poor Bowser :( Paws crossed & sending lots of healing prayers & vibes that the stupid stone will just dissolve already! You were such a good boy at the vet's, and you only have to take 1/2 pills...better than whole ones! At least you get to enjoy another month on steak in a can!

01-06-2007, 09:24 AM
Bowser I am sorry I didn't see your thread the first time as I nearly never go on the dog side.
That GSD blood is not too healthy- if it's not the hips then that MD.......
I hope you get over your stones and have fun for a long time to come.

01-06-2007, 09:29 AM
Aw Bowser - sorry to hear things are still not wurkin right :( You have all our prayers for better health and happier dayz :)

01-06-2007, 10:13 AM
Bowser, you sweet little boy, I sure hope the meds and special food can dissolve that stone and you are feeling tip-top again soon.

I think that everyone here has a very special place in their heart for you, Bowser. I know I sure do.

01-06-2007, 11:26 AM
Poor little guy. :( Bowser, we are saying prayers & sending good positive
vibes that you can get completely over this stone problem.It's no fun for
anybody. Get better quick sweetie.

01-06-2007, 01:04 PM
Lots of prayers are on the way from me too little friend. The cats all have their paws crossed too!!!

01-07-2007, 12:31 AM
Spare you a prayer???? Hell Yes, I sure can.

Hope the medicine works a treat BowsieBoy ..... *kiss*kiss*

01-07-2007, 01:17 AM
Hope the pills and steak in a can do the trick soon!