View Full Version : Do your cats act out of sorts after vaccines??

11-09-2006, 11:55 PM
I took Potter in for his rabies, feline leukemia, and one other, I have to look up what the other was. Anyway he is very lethargic and cries when I pick him up, he got the shots two days ago, tonight he is better thankfully. I don't remember my rb gigi getting this out of sorts????

11-10-2006, 12:10 AM
Yes. My vet said that the vaccinations are stronger than they used to be. In fact she told me new studies show that the FVCRP or whatever it's called is strong enough to last up to three years but that yearly vaccinations are still recommended.

The rabies shot is the one that really wipes my guys out and makes them very sore at the site of the shot. Scout will limp for several days afterwards.

Hope Potter feels better soon but if he is still acting this way tomorrow you should probably call your vet and let them know. My vet always says to let them know if they are still feeling bad after 48 hours.

11-10-2006, 04:30 AM
Nope. None of my furbabes (cat or otherwise) have ever been affected by them. :)

I had one orangie, once, who had what my mom calls "tomcat skin". It was so difficult to give him the vacc because it wouldn't puncture his skin! :eek:

11-10-2006, 07:32 AM
Each cat reacts differently. Chestnut is bopping around, his old self, a few hours later, demanding food. :rolleyes: Vita takes a few days to recover and doesn't want to be bothered during that time. She has always been very sensitive to vet visits.

I would agree with the earlier post; over 48 hours, phone the vet to touch base.

11-10-2006, 11:39 AM
My oreo gets that way too. She cries when I pick her up, doesn't want to do much,etc... My vet always calls the next day or two days later to check on both kitties. 48 hours is all its supposed to last......

11-10-2006, 11:46 AM
Lily always doesn't seem to do well the day after her vaccination. She's tired and sort of lethargic, and sleeps all day.

Luna doesn't show any reactions.


11-10-2006, 02:06 PM
I couldn't find Potter all night, I was pretty frightened. He hid somewhere all night. He seems better today, he is mad at me because I am putting ointment in his eye for his eye problem and so he is avoiding me.

11-10-2006, 06:23 PM
I Cant Say That The Found Cats Have Ever Had A Really Bad Reaction To A Vaccine!
Knock On A Package Of Temptations!!!!

11-10-2006, 11:55 PM
Sky has a reaction but he doesn't have it until 1-2 weeks later. He starts sneezing and becomes sick. This is to the FVRCP vaccine and my vet uses the live virus. He now recommends that I wait longer to have Sky's done. Pearl will also become more lethargic.

All of my furkids are all up to date on their shots except baby Ziggy still needs her rabies shot and my vet recommends that she be at least 6 months old before she gets this. They also now use the 1 year rabies vaccine because there's less chance of cats getting sarcomas from the 1 year vs. the 3 year.

Since my cats are indoor only and don't go any where except to the vet, I'm going to start having them vaccinated for FVRCP shots every 3 years or so. I also think that my city doesn't require rabies shots so if this is the case I may also do this every 3 years or so. My cats will still receive their annual exams though.

11-11-2006, 12:06 AM
Krazyaboutkatz, What is a FVRCP? Just curious.

Well I am worried sick, potter has disappeared again today.

With my RB gigi I tried not to do all the vacinees because she was indoor only for the most part, she would go out on the back patio but she was much easier to contain that this boy.

11-11-2006, 12:12 AM
Here's a link that tells all about it: FVRCP Vaccine (http://www.chatvet.com/fvrcp.htm).

Also since my cats are indoor only, I don't give them the feline leukemia vaccine.

11-11-2006, 12:22 AM
I think that may be one of the vacinnes that they offered that I said no to just because the vet said it was most common in kittens.

11-11-2006, 01:06 PM
Halo gets seriously ill if she receives multiple innoculations in one visit. Her fever spikes (to 105) :eek: and we almost lost her once. So, now we space out her vet visits about a week apart when it's shot time.

Pepper had a bad reaction the last time she received multiple shots. She was sick and miserable for 2 days. She would lie in her bed and growl non-stop. She was FURIOUS that she didn't feel well. So, we'll space out her vet visits also.

Cammie has not had any reaction at all.