View Full Version : :( Hank is going to the vet!

11-09-2006, 03:24 PM
This morning at around 3:00 my mom went down stairs and she saw Hank drinking and then picked him up and she said his one eye was closed shut and so she opened it and it had a clear white film over top of it. She was going to call the vet this morning to make a appointment but by the time she woke up again he was fine.

Just now my sister was holding Hank and said his eye was weaping and so my mom called our vet and we couldnt get in. They said it sounds like a upper respratory infection. We have to go to another vet (the only place who could fit us in tonight!) Maybe this is the reason why he had mushy poop. I will be sure to mention this to the vet.

His appointment is for 6:00 I will update when we get back. Hopefully its nothing serious and we will just get some antibiotics to clear it up.


11-09-2006, 04:14 PM
Hope all goes well at the vet and it's nothing serious.

11-09-2006, 04:24 PM
Awww. Poor Hanky, I will be praying for you and hope everything is ok.

11-09-2006, 04:25 PM
Yes, please let us know!! Lil Hank is my new wallpaper on my computer and I want him happy & healthy...............

11-09-2006, 05:06 PM
Sounds like little Hank is getting all the "normal" kitty crud! :( I'm sure the vet will give him some medicine and he'll be feeling better in a few days!
Huggies for little Hank!

11-09-2006, 05:49 PM
There will be Pet Angels with Hank all the way, and they will comfort him, and give Hank moral support.
The Found Cats and I are adding our prayers that Hank is well.

11-09-2006, 05:50 PM
The vet was a very nice lady and Hank was SO well behaved!
He just sat there will no fussing (other then when they took his temp. but I would be uncomfotable too)

She did a full eye examination and put freezing in his eyes , some brown stainer and then some lime green stuff wich made his nose go green and his tounge. Wich she said was good. She said he has upper respratory disease :( Wich will stick with him all his life.

He also had his rabies shot and second kitten shot. He didnt even meow or flinch. Such a brave boy.:)

Hes got some eye drops now to help clear this up.
My poor boy.

11-09-2006, 10:55 PM
I'm glad that you took him to the vet but I'm sorry to hear that he's sick.:( I don't understand why the vet said that he'll have this URI for life.:confused: I'm also very confused that the vet would give him his rabies and second booster shot if he was sick. I've always been told that if animals are sick then they shouldn't get their shots until they're healthy again.Am I wrong about this? I'm very confused here.:confused:

I sure hope that Hank will get better soon.:)

11-09-2006, 11:46 PM
Poor Hanky. :(:( At least it's treatable, though!

11-10-2006, 05:02 AM
Poor little Hank, I hope you get better soon, we are all thinking of you on Pet Talk, and you are one of our favourites! Get well soon little one.

11-10-2006, 05:57 AM
I'm glad that you took him to the vet but I'm sorry to hear that he's sick.:( I don't understand why the vet said that he'll have this URI for life.:confused: I'm also very confused that the vet would give him his rabies and second booster shot if he was sick. I've always been told that if animals are sick then they shouldn't get their shots until they're healthy again.Am I wrong about this? I'm very confused here.:confused:

I sure hope that Hank will get better soon.:)Yes thats right but he wasnt that sick to not have them. She said if he was too sick she wouldnt have give him them. But since he wasnt sneezing or showing any other signs of URI she said he wasnt too sick just his eyes were being effected.

She said the URI stays with him his whole life and shows up every so often. She said most kittens from shelters have it:confused:

11-10-2006, 10:17 AM
Maybe he has the herpes virus in his eyes. I think that my Starr may also have this. His eyes will run and he gets crusty stuff around them. I've given him the eye antibiotic ointment but it will come back again. I hope Hank will feel better soon.

11-10-2006, 10:32 AM
She said the URI stays with him his whole life and shows up every so often. She said most kittens from shelters have it:confused:
My Jazz came from a shelter with a horrible URI. It took her a long time to get over it and about 6 months later at about 10 months of age she got sick again but it wasn't as severe. My vet said the same as yours, that she would always be affected by it. She is over four years old now and mainly gets a weepy eye every so many months that will last for weeks to months. Same with Scout, she has a constant weepy eye that gets worse with stress. The vet said she must have had a URI/eye infection as a kitten.

The other big thing my vet said about Jazz is she probably will not have a severe case most of her adult life but then when she gets to be a senior it will be worse again like when she was a kitten.

11-10-2006, 02:00 PM
Maybe he has the herpes virus in his eyes. I think that my Starr may also have this. His eyes will run and he gets crusty stuff around them. I've given him the eye antibiotic ointment but it will come back again. I hope Hank will feel better soon.Ya thats what she said. Its like a coldsore and it will just keep coming back.