View Full Version : Advice on quitting smoking????

11-09-2006, 02:11 PM
My dad recently learned that he has to quit smoking. Well he asked me to quit with him.He is on pills to help with his cravings. I told him that Iwould quit with him. My question is does someone have any helpful hints on quiting???

11-09-2006, 02:20 PM
Well I used those plastic coffee straw stirrers. You can bite them, play with them etc..
I had quit for over 12 years. I started ( I hate to say this) 8 months ago when I retired, and bored.. ( no excuse) but New Years is coming.. lol..
also drink lots of water and if you want a cig- get a drink of water. A doctor told me this would help flush the system out as the liver etc detox's..

11-09-2006, 02:38 PM
Please call 1-800-QUIT-NOW. My husband is a quit counselor, and they have centers across the US. They will counsel you and your father and give good tips, plus you can get free nicotine patches to help with cravings. I'd really encourage you both to do so- it's a free program and it can help you! :)

11-09-2006, 02:41 PM
Thank you , I will call them. My dad is doing good . His doctor prescribed him something stronger than what you get in stores.

11-09-2006, 02:44 PM
:) Well when I quit I just did what you call it Cold Turkey.. Now when I quit the was no such thing as patches & gum.. I of course had to sit on my hands alot, but I made it.. Have not smoked to 15 years now..

11-09-2006, 03:00 PM
Yay! Congratulations! Think of us cheering you on, every step of the way. Lollipops - sugarfree if you are worried about the calories and can tolerate them - are a good "I need to put something in my mouth" substitute, as they have that handy "handle" that just happens to be a white cylinder, and you take the lollipop in and out of your mouth in that familiar pattern.

11-09-2006, 03:34 PM
I quit about 30 years ago. I did it by substituting one habit for the other. I would drink coffee whenever I wanted a cigarette and probably ended up drinking too much coffee. If I were to do it now, I would substitute decaf tea for the coffee.

Good luck to both you and your dad. You are doing yourself the biggest favor ever in this endeavor.

11-09-2006, 03:46 PM
Lots and lots of gum -- just the regular kind. Don't substitute chocolate or chips (bad idea :|).

Originally Posted by Rachel:
I quit about 30 years ago. I did it by substituting one habit for the other.
Me too... except i substituted with biting my nails instead. The gum helps with that too though. I guess i'm just neurotic! :rolleyes:

Good Luck!

11-09-2006, 04:50 PM
Today is exactly 19 years since I quit. I don't miss it at all! What a nasty, dirty, smelly, expensive habit. UGH! I can't believe I did it for so long - 18 years! I used Nicorette gum to quit and then had to quit that stuff too. Nicotine is one dangerous drug! It's not easy, but it's doable. I switched addictions after that and started working out like a fiend. I did not gain weight when I quit smoking, It can be done.

Cinnamon helps too - I chewed tons of cinnamon gum. It helps lessen the cravings. Some people chew on cinnamon sticks. There's something in the spice that really does work.

11-09-2006, 05:29 PM
I quit cold turkey on January 31st 1982. No substitutions just didn't smoke any. I did take a puff of one six weeks later and I felt like I was going to die! Afer that none. This coming January 31st will mark 25 years without smoking. Good luck to you and your father in your efforts to quit.

11-09-2006, 06:07 PM
Sunflower seeds are good. Gum, candy, coffee ... I've done it all. The last time I quit (yes, I've quit three times, this time for good!) I got a prescription called Chantix. It is the latest aid to quit smoking, it binds to and blocks the nicotine receptors in your brain. It is very helpful. I killed no one! ;)

11-09-2006, 06:14 PM
My only advice is to make sure you really want to quit before actually doing it. If you want to quit, you will. Good luck!

11-09-2006, 06:19 PM
Please call 1-800-QUIT-NOW. My husband is a quit counselor, and they have centers across the US. They will counsel you and your father and give good tips, plus you can get free nicotine patches to help with cravings. I'd really encourage you both to do so- it's a free program and it can help you! :)
thank you! I wrote it down... I am not smoking much, but its there. Its mostly boredom ( yes excuses) but still. I have also decided, retired early or not, to go back to work. I just dont know what yet.

11-10-2006, 01:08 AM
I stopped smoking after my wrist surgery, to promote healing. Unfortunatly (sorry Rachel, my cheerleader) *hangs head in shame*, I do have one now and then. But, I stopped with the help of the Nicotrol Inhaler. It's very expensive, but luckily, my dentist gives out free samples, so he's helped me save money. It's almost like smoking a cigarette and worked great.

I'm just a weak person, who still needs a ciggie after a meal or with a drink. BUT, I went from a pack a day to a pack every 3 days.

Heather..if your dad is on Wellbutrin, I think it attributes to a weight gain. My primary doctor prescribed it but warned me of the side effects and I said no.

I'll keep trying...but it's really tough.

11-10-2006, 06:56 AM
I'll keep trying...but it's really tough.

That's enough to make me hopeful. I know you can do it. With all the things we don't have any control over healthwise, this and not being overweight are things we can do. You work on yours and I'll work on mine. :p

11-10-2006, 07:22 AM
I wonder if there is such here in Ontario to give free pill or patches?

11-10-2006, 08:34 AM
I also gave it up cold turkey about 10 years ago. The patch was around, but not really available and very expensive. I did as other did and replaced one habit with another. For me it was lip gloss. I put a slathering on everytime I wanted a cigarette and ended up with the nicest feelings lips ever. I didn't use the nasty chapstick stuff either. Nope, the nice smelling expensive stuff but I didn't feel guilty about it as it was still cheaper than smoking.

Best of luck to you!

12-21-2006, 07:42 AM
In two weeks, I will be in the hospital for a week. I am using this as the catapult to get a 7 days under my belt. I figure if I can make the first few, I got it. I could kick myself for starting again- dumb excuse boredom huh.
I wrote the number down Pembroke Corgi- . I told my doctor I wanted to do this, and he said it us usually successful as long as I have the mind set when I get home. Wish me luck..

12-21-2006, 08:49 AM
Colllapsed a lung, ended up in hospital with 2 foot tube in my chest (yes, it was 2 feet), hole wouldnt close and ended up with surgery to have a staple put in my lung.

This will make you stop instantly.
I also used the patch system once I got out of hospital.
The chance of doing it again was 50% ... Nope wasnt going to go through that again.

It's a NASTY habit.
I now realize smokers smell like a garbage can 24/7.
Being around smokers or in places were people smoke, I cant be there.

It's been 4 years smoke free, 1 more year to go when my body, lungs will be like a non smoker who hasnt smoked for life.

So what about weight gain, you go to gym and work it off.

12-21-2006, 08:56 AM
Keep up the efforts. Believe me or anyone else who has health issues that there will be a day when you wished there were something you could change to make a difference. Personally I believe quitting cold turkey is more successful than easing off a little at a time, but for whatever works for you...go for it. Good luck to you all. Please report in to let us know how you are all doing.

12-21-2006, 08:56 AM
Craftlady- man that story would do it.. As far as weight gain, I have already been told I would loose weight. The condition I have has affected my thyroid, causing 10 extra pounds from the same weight I was for well over 25 years. I also know after my surgery, I will be back to doing the things I enjoyed the most- walking with my dogs two miles a day etc, able to get a job as this early retirement stinks.. ( lol), and this spring I hope to finish Zubin and Galina so that will mean back to shows etc. Both are really maturing and I can NOT WAIT until the spring circuit to start! :D