View Full Version : The Travelling Adventures of Remus and Spook *UPDATE with Pictures!*

11-09-2006, 06:29 AM
Well...Today was our offical move from Carson City to Reno....

I learned a very valuable lesson in transporting cats over distances longer than a block: Make sure the carrier is SECURE before travel! I got a couple of those carriers that pet stores use for adoptees and thought that would be enough containment (one per kitty of course). Remus was peachy with the whole idea...I think he went to sleep to be honest because I didn't hear a peep from him the whole ride. Spook was an entirely different story. I taped the carriers shut, just to make sure that Spook the escape artist wouldn't pull a fast one. Spook decided though that since the main exit was blocked, she would try another way...using her CLAWS! About four blocks away from our old house she proceded to claw THROUGH the box!! :eek: I couldn't stop anywhere, due to already being on the highway so I decided to stick it out and ride the rest of the way up with her loose in the car. She was a real good kitty once she got OUT of the box and clawed my legs a couple of times! After she got a good idea of what was actually going on she calmed down and decided to watch silently from the passenger seat untill I arrived at the new place. John was riding in the truck with our furnature so I was alone with the Spook cat. I think the adventure made us a bit closer, as I was petting her and consoling her as I drove. It helped her calm down, thats for sure. Once we got here though the kitties wasted NO time exploring. They seem to be comfortable and Remus has already taken over the bathroom. Tomorow I'm going to post a few pix of the happy pair in the new surroundings.

Sigh, its good to be in a place without roomates, and Remus and Spook seem to be a bit happier not being harassed by the mother in laws cats. Sadly, we can only have two kitties here, so we had to put Pandora back in the care of her original meowme. I don't feel too bad actually, her meowme has gotten herself into a much much MUCH better situation in life and Pandoras "Homecoming" as it were couldn't have come at a better time...Pandoras mom cat unfortuneatly had to be put down while in foster care, and the rest of Pandoras litter has all been adopted. I kind of knew with Pandora it was temporary, as she is her meowmes favorite out of the whole litter (she just couldn't keep any the kittens, as it was an oops litter but momcat was spayed after the litter was born and weaned) Pandoa does seem to LOVE her meowme and it's great to see them together once again. At least too, I can still visit and get pictures as her meowme is a very dear friend of mine.

*edit* Well here are some pictures of the social butterflies...they seem to be a lot more social here than at the other place

When I got up today, guess what I found...

I am COMFORTABLE thank you!

What do you guys think...
Is this a HAPPY kitty?

Attacking daddys foot

Showing off that Oh So Cute dish I found for them

MY Countertop!

Mr Regal

Thats it for now :D

Sara luvs her Tinky
11-09-2006, 07:12 AM
YAY!! I know you are glad that the move is over.... now on to unpacking.... :D

i'm glad Spook was able to settle down during your ride to the new place.. and *lol* that Remus didn't peep the whole way.. NOT my kitties!! anytime they are in the car *MEOW*MEOW*MEOW*!! ~*and poop too*~ :o

11-09-2006, 09:57 AM
Thats Great That Remus, Spook And You Are Relocated And That Everyone Loves Thier New Furr Ever Home.
I Have Read Very Nice Things About Carson City, And We Know That You Are Going To Be Very Happy There.
We Are Glad That Things Have Worked Out So Well.

11-09-2006, 10:07 AM
Tee Hee! Adventures in traveling! Mishi meows up a storm in the car and I will never forget traveling with Goldie after the Loma Prieta earthquake. Goldie was actually a very good traveler and just sat in the passenger seat or looked out the window. I'm glad you're safe in your new home - Reno is even closer to S.F.

11-09-2006, 11:49 AM
I'm glad to hear that both cats did well with traveling and I'm looking forward to seeing some pictures soon.:)

11-09-2006, 06:40 PM

I know you are glad to have moved so what else can ya say BUT finally? :D I think everything is looking up.


11-09-2006, 07:06 PM
Congratulations on the new home, and the easy transition! Give the kitties some "welcome home" scritches for me! ;)

11-09-2006, 08:34 PM
Well, I must say even humans don't normally settle in to a new place THAT quickly! These kitties were READY for a new place I guess, huh? When I bought my house and moved from my apt., a LONG travel of 1.5 miles, the (then) 4 cats sat huddled in one room with their food, water and litter boxes for THREE DAYS! AND we had been bringing them over one at a time during the month we were here painting, moving the easy stuff, and so forth!

I bet YOU are still waking up wondering, "what's that noise? Oh, the new fridge sound," but these two are just making this THEIR PLACE! You got that part of this move VERY easy, that is great to see.

11-10-2006, 04:02 AM
I hadn't thought about that...it DOES seem that they are settling in rather quickly! Earlier I brought over some of thier toys and they immediatly started to play.

11-10-2006, 07:46 AM
Glad to see those two happy kitties- that went really well :)