View Full Version : Earle and Anvik updates

11-08-2006, 05:46 PM
Earle went back to the vet today. He got sick exactly a week ago and his vet wanted to redo his bloodwork and make sure his pancreas was settling down. Earle announced his presence at the clinic by jumping up on the counter and ringing the bell! A little embarassing, but a vast improvement over last week when he was practically limp on the waiting room floor!

His lipase levels are half what they were last week. Unfortunately, that's still double what they should be! He goes back in next week for another test. Hopefully they will keep dropping and no permanent damage has been done.

He is doing much better. He's affectionate and silly again. He has no stamina. He plays for a few minutes and crashes, but at least he feels like playing. He is eating better and now we can add some low fat kibble to his hated rice-cottage cheese mix! He'd rather be outside eating frozen moose meat with the other dogs, but the vet says no meat for awhile yet.

Anvik also tagged along to the vet today. That poor creature has spent far too much time there in the brief time he's lived with us! He blew out a few stitches from his surgery and had a rather large hole in his side. It couldn't be resutured so he's been wearing a jacket and taking antibiotics. (You can see pics of his jacket in his other thread). The hole is much smaller today and there appears to be no infection. There is a large lump off just off to the side of the hole. My vet thinks it's "reactive tissue" from the trauma of surgery. If it's still there in a few weeks, we might have to biopsy/remove it too. The surgery was done to remove a couple lumps so I am hoping the vet is right and it hasn't regrown that fast! Anvik has no clue that he might be even a little bit sick. He's bouncy, happy and silly, silly, silly!

Cinder & Smoke
11-08-2006, 06:30 PM
Earle went back to the vet today.
Earle announced his presence at the clinic by jumping up on the counter
and ringing the bell!
A little embarassing, but a vast improvement ...

Anvik also tagged along to the vet today...
Anvik has no clue that he might be even a little bit sick.

Herrow, NURSE!! ... I'm HERE for my check-up! :p

Doc Mike has a "high counter" - no one has tried to *ding* the dingger (yet).
Cinder & SmokeMutt DO stand up and *paw* for treats, though.

But if the exam room door isn't closed & latched - they've been know to
*barge* right in and start searching for Doc!

THREE Mutts on a Y-thingy *charging* through the Clinic gets everyone's attention! :rolleyes:

Glad The Boys got good reports ... room for improvement to be sure ...
but they're both Better than they were!

11-08-2006, 06:34 PM
:D Yeah, good reports on both your handsome happy boys! I can just picture Earle ringing that bell - how sweet! I wish so much I could give them big hugs in person...please hug them both for me.

Queen of Poop
11-09-2006, 09:07 AM
Glad to hear things are getting better for Earle. Hopefully he continues to get back to his old healthy self in the next week. Prayers for his continued recovery. Anvik, buddy, you need to settle down a bit and let your body heal silly boy. I hope the current lump is something that will just go away and is of no concern. Hugs for all of you.