View Full Version : Adopting Older Dogs

11-08-2006, 01:46 PM
One By One...

One by One, they pass by my cage,
Too old, too worn, too broken, no way.
Way past his time, he can't run and play.
Then they shake their heads slowly and go
on their way.
A little old man, arthritic and sore,
it seems I am not wanted anymore.
I once had a home, I once had a bed,
A place that was warm, and where I was
Now my muzzle is grey, and my eyes slowly
Who wants a dog so old and so frail?
My family decide I didn't belong,
I got in their way, my attitude was wrong.
Whatever excuse they made in their head,
can't justify how they left me for dead.
Now I sit in this cage, where day after day,
the younger dogs get adopted away.
When I had almost come to the end of my
You saw my face, and I finally had hope.
You saw through the grey, and the legs bent
with age,
and felt I still had life beyond this cage.
You took me home, gave me food and a bed,
and shared your own pillow with my poor
tired head.
We snuggle and play, and you talk to me low,
you love me so dearly, you want me to know.
I may have lived most of my life with
but you outshine them with a love so much
And I promise to return all the love I can
to you, my dear person, as long as I live.
I may be with you for a week, or for years,
we will share many smiles, you will no doubt
shed tears.
And when the time comes that God deems I
must leave, I know you will
cry and your heart, it will grieve.
And when I arrive at the Bridge, all brand
my thoughts and my heart will still be with
And I will brag to all who will hear,
of the person who made my last days so

Author Unknown

11-08-2006, 01:51 PM
That is a beautiful poem, thanks for posting it. When the time comes and we have room for one more, I plan to adopt an older dog. This poem reinforces my decision!

11-08-2006, 03:24 PM
That is beautiful. We have given our home several times making the last few years enjoyable for not only them- but they have touched our hearts as well.

11-08-2006, 03:26 PM
Aww, that's beautiful... :)

11-08-2006, 03:29 PM
That is a beautiful poem, thanks for posting it. When the time comes and we have room for one more, I plan to adopt an older dog. This poem reinforces my decision!

Same, same. :(

11-08-2006, 03:33 PM
oh my....trying to see through the tears. I can say from experience that adopting older dogs is one of the most rewarding experiences one can have. It also reaffirms to me that I will always adopt instead of buy - and I usually prefer to adopt a dog at least 3-4 years old, if not older. Thank you for posting that.

11-08-2006, 04:26 PM
That's beautiful.. thanks for sharing :)

11-08-2006, 04:31 PM
Beautiful poem. :) Thank you for posting it.

11-08-2006, 06:47 PM
Very nice poem. I like older animals best. They are calm and wise, and have the cutest old-lady or old-man attitudes.

11-08-2006, 08:40 PM
Not only do the older dogs need help, but the ones with illnesses, black ones, discriminated breeds, ones with physical deformities, etc. It's so sad :(

Lori Jordan
11-09-2006, 08:05 AM
That was beautiful brought me too tears,It is a good point,All dogs need a home,regardless what there ages are,It is terrible how the older generation mostly die in these shelters,Not even having a chance,It breaks my heart.

11-09-2006, 08:18 AM
Adopting an older dog was one of the best experiences of my life. :) I would do it again in a heartbeat!

11-09-2006, 10:47 AM
that was beautiful. :) I love the seniors and they pull on my heart strings. :) I hope to adopt a senior for my next dog which will probably be years from now. :)