View Full Version : What can I do to get the kittens to eat yogurt?

11-07-2006, 10:45 PM
Moxie and Decker will not eat the plain non-fat yogurt the vet told me to feed them. It's only a little bit each day but they refuse to eat it and Moxie squints and runs from it. Is there something I could use to flavor it that won't make their diarrhea worse? Moxie won't eat can food so that is no use. Any suggestions? They are suppose to be on a bland diet, very low fat.

Thanks in advance.

Ally Cat's Mommy
11-07-2006, 10:55 PM
How much do they need to eat? When I have had to give Ally medicine or vitimin paste, I used to just dollop it on top of her front paws, and as cats HATE to be dirty, she used to lick it off. Maybe that would work?

11-07-2006, 11:12 PM
They only need about a teaspoon a day so maybe that method would work if I put a little on at a time so they don't sling it all over the place.

I sure wish they were just willing to eat it. I'm already having to force mecidine into them. They are going to hate me before it's all over.

11-07-2006, 11:46 PM
Mine will only eat yogurt if it's full fat and then they really go for it. Since you have to give them so little, and since it can work wonders, perhaps your vet won't mind if you use the full-fat. I buy the Brown Cow, cream at the top kind and only one out of 18 of my crew will turn up their nose at it.

11-07-2006, 11:53 PM
Lori, when Poppy & Willy were widdle and had diarrhea, I mixed baby rice cereal in with the baby gerbers chicken flavor and within a few days their diarrhea was almost gone. My vet recommended the baby rice cereal as it helps bind the stool. Maybe you could try this method. You mix about a teaspoon of the rice cereal in with a teaspoon of the baby food. I gave it to them for about a week, twice a day.

I pray that Moxie & Decker have a full and speedy recovery.

11-08-2006, 12:00 AM
Lori, I don't know how to make a cat eat yogurt if they don't like it except to mix it in with their food. When Starr had coccidia both his foster mom and I gave him canned pumpkin and he loved it. Since he liked wet food I would mix it in with it. You may want to try some canned pumpkin because this is also very good for diarrhea and it's also good for constipation too. I've never understood how it can be good for both things but that's what my vet has told me. Good luck.:)

11-08-2006, 12:00 AM
Diarrhea queen here -- remember my poop issues last spring?

None of my guys would touch yogurt. They either love it or hate it. Apparently all my guys hated it :rolleyes: Try putting it in a syringe and squirting it down their throats like liquid meds?

I must have missed something about diarrhea. Mind describing the color and smell of their poo? (oh the interesting things we delve into on PT) One thing my guys all had really bad last year was campylobacter --- and it went undiagnosed for months and months!

11-08-2006, 07:40 AM
My cats only eat vanilla flavored yogurt. Ask the vet if that is OK. OR if there is something you can put in it - catnip or peanut butter come to mind!

Good luck!

11-08-2006, 08:35 AM
Again, just smear it gently on their paws. As was said, cats hate being dirty. When you think of the things they clean off their fur, the yogurt ain't half bad! ;) And it restores the good flora to their digestive tracts, which the meds might kill off(along with the bad).

My only thought was to mix a teensy bit of broth with it. Chicken, or even beef or chicken flavoured baby food.

Oscar LOVES yogurt, and Cole won't touch it. Figures.

11-08-2006, 09:15 AM
I must have missed something about diarrhea. Mind describing the color and smell of their poo? (oh the interesting things we delve into on PT) One thing my guys all had really bad last year was campylobacter --- and it went undiagnosed for months and months!
Kim - the vet is treating this as coccidia even though she couldn't confirm with a fecal examine. Moxie had it first and gave it to poor Decker. She's been very sick.

I will try the baby food since my vet said we may have to start boiling chicken and rice for them. I'll try pumpkin too. You all have given me some good ideas, thanks.

11-08-2006, 09:41 AM
Sadly If A Cat Doesnt Not Like Something , They Wont Eat It.
Could You Substite Ice Cream?

11-08-2006, 11:02 AM
Hey, Gary - great idea! The vet wants them to have the "good bacteria" from yogurt - frozen yogurt they might find quite yummy. especially if it melts into nice "cream"! :)

11-08-2006, 11:10 AM
Hey, Gary - great idea! The vet wants them to have the "good bacteria" from yogurt - frozen yogurt they might find quite yummy. especially if it melts into nice "cream"! :)

Ice cream won't work .... milk products keep diarrhea going! :eek: I wouldn't think that frozen yogurt had enough yogurt in it, but I would certainly check with my vet first! ;)

11-20-2006, 03:12 PM
I take acidolpholis caps and pull them apart and sprinkle it on my kitty's food. It's the active ingredient in yogurt, and I take them also.

11-20-2006, 05:42 PM
I Should Have Said Frozen Yougurt, Not Ice Cream.
I Forgot That Some Cats Are Lactose Intolerant.

11-20-2006, 05:48 PM
My Vixen hates yogurt but she will eat the fat free yogurt mousse. Maybe that I really don't know though. Just a suggestion. Someone please correct me if this type of yogurt is not good. It is natural flavor fat free yogurt mousse.