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11-07-2006, 05:04 PM
I was cleaning out the litter box tonight, and right after I was done, Butter came along to do his business. I figured I'd wait, and clean it up too. I bet he sat there for over 5 minutes. I was thinking wow, he must have really had to go! Then after he got up, I went to clean it but nothing was there.

Earlier he was sitting oddly on the kitchen floor, which his tail up like he was going to pee. I found a drop on the floor. Then after I saw him in the box, I found him in the dogs toy box. I found a few drops there too.

What's going on? Every now and then one of the cats pee on my clothes or bed...could it have to do with what Butter is doing now? Should I wait and see if he keeps doing it before taking him to the vet? I really can't have him dripping pee everywhere...

(update at the bottom of the page 4)

11-07-2006, 05:06 PM
I have no experience with this but from what I have read on here it sounds like it could be a urinary tract infection.

11-07-2006, 05:15 PM
Does sound like URI. Call your vet, explain to the vet tech and see what s/he says. Don't be surprised if they some in; straining is not fun!

11-07-2006, 05:23 PM
My oldest cat, Augustus, is prone to crystals and he has done the same thing a couple of times. He will leave little droplets of urine on the floor and strain in the litterbox for quite a while. He also walks around and squats like he is going to urinate - but only a drop comes out. It could be a blockage from crystals, I would take him to the vet ASAP. I adopted Auggy from a local vet - he was surrendered because of his crystals. He was almost dead when he came in because his previous owners ingnored the fact that he had been sleeping in his litterbox for a few days. He had a blockage and luckily the vet saved his life.

Cinder & Smoke
11-07-2006, 05:31 PM

Those are the classic indications of a BLOCKED Urinary Tract!

Butter is starining to urinate - but nothing (or very little) is relieved ...
he's possibly suffering from a painful Urinary Tract Infection; or
the more serious condition of Blockage by a stone or crystals.

A BLOCKAGE won't wait - the build-up of urine can cause serious damage
and/or death!
If he hasn't successfully *pee'd* in the next couple of hours ...
He needs to be seen by a Vet or trained technician tonight.

I speak from experience :( - Boots da Kat "plugged up" three times before we
surgically "fixed" the problem.

*WATCH* him like a hawk for a couple hours - if "no pee" - then find a Vet!

/s/ Phred

11-07-2006, 05:34 PM
I called the vet, but they're closed....I'm not sure what to do! I don't know how long he's been like this, but he's not himself. He almost seems to walk funny, but that's probably my imagenation. It's already 7:30pm. I was going to make an appointment at the vet tomorrow for him.

Laura's Babies
11-07-2006, 05:48 PM
I strongly suggest you find an emergency vet and get him there asap! This is life threantening and in the morning could be to late. I lost one to this and he didn't make it till the next morning.

(Your vet don't have someone on call to answer the emergency calls?)

11-07-2006, 06:06 PM
I got a hold of the vet.

He said it doesn't sound really serious, but he can't really tell over the phone. He said if he was blocked up, he would be in a lot of pain (like if I touched his belly) and I would be able to feel something fairly big in that area too. (which I couldn't) He said it sounds like it's irratated or something, but he should be fine for tonight. He said it would cost $90 if I took him in now. I told him I would leave it, and if he gets worse I'll call again. He laughed and said I guess I didn't explain it right, if it's in the middle of the night it iwll cost more. I felt like saying I really don't care how much it costs if it saves his life. :rolleyes:

Anyway, I'll call around 8 tomorrow morning and see if I can leave him with them for the day (I have to work) and hopefully they can check him out sometime in the day. I'll keep an eye out if he gets worse.

Laura's Babies
11-07-2006, 06:42 PM
OK... I will send a prayer on his behalf that he not be to miserable tonight and it is nothing serious..

11-07-2006, 07:01 PM
He is not himself...I hope I'm making the right choice in waiting till morning.

11-07-2006, 07:18 PM
If you start to feel something hard in his abdomen TAKE HIM IN. If he does have a urinary blockage it needs IMMEDIATE attention, as the bladder will burst if it is left alone.

11-07-2006, 07:27 PM
I would take him to the Emergency vet tonight! Think how painful urinary infections are for us! The misery of feeling like you have to go, but can't!!! :(

11-07-2006, 07:47 PM
That sadly doe sond pretty serious.
We are praying for Our Pal Butter that its nothing that the White Coats cannot take care of.

11-07-2006, 07:59 PM
Well the vet told me it doesn't sound that serious....I'm going by what he said. I'll take himin first thing in the morning

11-07-2006, 08:10 PM
What will they do to him? If I take himnow, will they just give him sometime that will work over a while? I don't know what to do. He won't eat and he meows if I pick him up. I'm afraid the vet will be angry if I call again...He seemed annoyed that I said I would call later if it got serious

11-07-2006, 08:18 PM
When you pick him up, you touch his tummy - or it stretches, and he meows.

I think the vet thought it WAS serious, which is why he sounded annoyed with you.

I think you should get that boy in now, hon!

Let us know how it goes!

11-07-2006, 08:20 PM
I'm sure it's nothing, but I'm going to take him in. I don't think I'll sleep otherwise.

11-07-2006, 08:41 PM
I wouldn't sleep either...we worried meowmies and all! I hope Butter is better soon!

11-07-2006, 09:40 PM
Let us know what you find out! I'm GLAD you're taking him in tonight. If it were me, I'd rather do that and have it not be serious, than NOT do it and wish later that I had!


11-07-2006, 09:53 PM
I just got back.

Sorry this probably won't make much sense cause I'm crying so hard. He has a blockage, and a heart murmur. They said the heart murmur could be some sort of heart problem. They said if I left it for a day or 2 he would have died.

They said it often comes back...unfortantly, I don't have 700-900 dollars everytime it does....so I can only pray it doesn't come back because I won't be able tp keep him.

I'm paying for it this time. I just couldn't stand not having him. God I hope it works and that it never comes back. I love him so much and there is no other cat like him. Everyone keeps saying ohi t's just a cat, put him to sleep and get a new one...but it's not like that.

I'm so depressed....they said with all his problems it makes it harder to do whatever it is they do...I just hope he will be ok...please god let him be ok.....

11-07-2006, 10:06 PM
Okay, hon - hugs hugs. What a horrid time you have had, and how terrifying!

First of all - you will hear from a lot of people here who have cats with heart murmurs - even "serious" ones - that are living long and happy lives!

Second - there are inexpensive ways to prevent a blockage from recurring. My Oscar had crystals AND an infection. He and his fur brother are on Royal Canin SO food, and it got rid of the crystals - and prevent them coming back! Cole never had a problem - and now he never will.

Ask the vet for other ideas on prevention.

They will likely pass a wee catheter into him to unblock him and get the urine flowing. Their concern about the heart might be from them having to give him an anesthetic.

HUGS and PRAYERS for dear Butter!

And hugs to you...you did the right thing, and I think he will pull through. he is just too loved not to!

11-07-2006, 10:10 PM
Okay, hon - hugs hugs. What a horrid time you have had, and how terrifying!

First of all - you will hear from a lot of people here who have cats with heart murmurs - even "serious" ones - that are living long and happy lives!

Second - there are inexpensive ways to prevent a blockage from recurring. My Oscar had crystals AND an infection. He and his fur brother are on Royal Canin SO food, and it got rid of the crystals - and prevent them coming back! Cole never had a problem - and now he never will.

Ask the vet for other ideas on prevention.

They will likely pass a wee catheter into him to unblock him and get the urine flowing. Their concern about the heart might be from them having to give him an anesthetic.

HUGS and PRAYERS for dear Butter!

And hugs to you...you did the right thing, and I think he will pull through. he is just too loved not to!

Thank you. Yes they will use a catheter, and you're right about the heart/anesthetic.

I will be so happy if there is a way to keep it from coming back. I don't want to lose him...it's just so expensive....He's worth it...I just can't afford a 2nd/3rd time if it's in the close future

11-07-2006, 10:14 PM
When you get a chance, give your vet a call. There are diets available that can help bolster feline urinary health.

There IS a more permanent solution if it does recur. It's a surgery called perineal urethrostomy, and what is essentally does is make the urethra wider so things that would otherwise obstruct it can pass. I have no idea how much that costs though. :(

What grade was his heart murmur?

I'm really glad he's okay. He's probably feeling about a billion times better right now. How scary that must have been for both of you!

11-07-2006, 10:17 PM
When you get a chance, give your vet a call. There are diets available that can help bolster feline urinary health.

There IS a more permanent solution if it does recur. It's a surgery called perineal urethrostomy, and what is essentally does is make the urethra wider so things that would otherwise obstruct it can pass. I have no idea how much that costs though. :(

What grade was his heart murmur?

I'm really glad he's okay. He's probably feeling about a billion times better right now. How scary that must have been for both of you!

I honestly don't know that I can afford anything else like this for him, especially if it's going to keep coming. 700-900 is a lot of money to keep coming back.

I don't know what grade. They said it could be serious but maybe not. It could mean heart problems. That's one of the tests they'll do....I feel so sick to my stomach

11-07-2006, 10:24 PM
And of course, we panicked meowmies think the worst!

And it may be a lot better than that!

Just take a deep breath and feel all the PT prayers hugging you and Butter.

11-07-2006, 10:25 PM
Hang in there, Audrey, until you know exactly what is going on. I hope your precious baby is going to be just fine and not require long term care.


11-07-2006, 10:40 PM
Oh Audrey, I'm so sorry. I hope he'll be alright. I know how much it hurts to have our precious animals hurting. I hope it all works out ok. I'm learning that life can be very tough, myself. Hugs to you.

11-07-2006, 10:46 PM
I'm sorry to hear that poor Butter boy isn't feeling well. :( I know all too well how good vets are at scaring you, I'm in tears practically every time I go. I hope that everything will be ok with Butter, and this won't happen again, I know he means so much to you. {{hugs}}

11-07-2006, 11:30 PM
I am SO glad you took him in tonight! Is this the same Vet. who told you over the phone that it probably wasn't too serious, and could probably wait til morning? :eek: :confused: :mad: If so, I hope he ate his words when he actually examined the poor boy!! If it was a different Vet., GOOD JOB for taking him to someone else!

I will keep your precious boy, Butter, in my prayers, and YOU too! Hang in there, and know that you did the right thing by not waiting til morning to take him in!



11-07-2006, 11:56 PM
I'm so sorry Audrey. I hope everything turns out okay for Butter.

11-08-2006, 12:11 AM
Audrey,I'm so sorry to hear about Butter :( but I'm glad that you took him to the ER vet tonight. My cat Storm had this 2 times and he had developed scar tissue so they couldn't even catheterize him the 2nd time. He had to have the PU surgery by a board certified surgeon and it was very expensive but worth every penny because he's now a very happy and healthy boy. Now all of my cats except for my kitten Ziggy Stardust are on the Royal Canin Urinary S/O diet and are doing well. I hope that a change in food will be all that it takes to get Butter healthy again. Lots of prayers and positive thoughts are being sent his way.(((HUGS)))

11-08-2006, 05:02 AM
I'm so glad you took him in to the emergency vet. We lost one of ours years ago because at that time there weren't any emergency clinics in our area. Our other boy, Mikey, kept getting blocked and he had to have the surgery. At that time it was new, we had no $$, but we made arrangements w/the vet and after that he was fine.

I know you're scared, but there are more options now with the special food, which seems to work with a lot of cats.

Hang in there; we know how you feel and we are with you.

Keep us posted, please.


Laura's Babies
11-08-2006, 06:29 AM
I know how it feels when they tell you your baby has a heart murmer. For all the worrying I do over Amy, the last time I had them at the vets, while checking Giz, they found she had a gauge 3. (The are on a scale of 1 to 6, Giz's is 3) I was so upset!! I brought her home and got on PT here and the responses made me feel so much better about the condition. There are many here with babies that has this and they were quick to offer support. Giz is now on medicine daily and if you have kept up with my threads on my babies, she is STILL just her normal mischievous self. A refill on her meds is $16 and they last her 6 to 7 weeks.

There are also many here on those special diets for blockages. That can be managed! If I am not mistaken, the food for that is a bit more expensive but you don't give them as much so it comes out about the same in the long run. (?)

11-08-2006, 08:21 AM
It went smoothly last night. He said Butter is doing well this morning, but they're going to leave the catheder in for a little longer. He said Butters heart was big, and they're going to have a cardio person look at it. (could cost an extra $300...:() plus if it's bad, then he can eat the food that helps keep the blockage from coming back. If it comes back soon, then I just can't afford it again *sigh* Plus with his heart....I don't have this kind of money. Thank god I had some money saved...

And I called a different vet the second time. The other guy seemed more annoyed that I might call back when it's later in the evening.

This vet said they got it before it was life threatening and before it got too serious.

11-08-2006, 08:30 AM
Hon - you KNOW your fellow PTrs will help out....if your vet can't arrange payments, or this gets too much, just ask. You can PM me, ok? I can't do MUCH, but I will do what I can. A few more folks, and it'll all add up - maybe with some left over for "get-well" presents! :D

I am SO glad to hear it went well - Butter will be ready for your hugs soon!

When you find out more about his heart, you might want to post a separate thread on that and heart murmurs. I remember such a thread a while back, and there were TONS of stories (okay, quite a few! :) ) about cats with similar experiences.

He was healthy enough to get through this emergency, so I think that bodes well!

HUGS to you and Better Butter!

(PS - I am sure all your cats can eat any new food that Butter goes on - it will be less expensive in the long run as they need to eat less to get all the nutrition).

11-08-2006, 08:47 AM
Oh Audrey I do hope that this works for him. I'll be keeping him in my thoughts and prayers.

11-08-2006, 10:01 AM
Oh no. :( I know how much your Butter means to you. Thank gosh you caught it and reacted in time that it wasn't life threatening.

I don't know much about kitty health so I don't have much advice to offer. I know that if the chance you need financial help I would be more than happy to help you the best I can. PLEASE PM/email/AIM me if you need help with anything, even if you just want to talk about it.

It sounds like he wasn't doing well at all and he's doing a lot better now - he is a pretty strong boy!

Silly pets always getting sick when the vets are closed.. :p :rolleyes: Seems like whenever one of my three get sick, it's Sunday or a holiday, or their just already closed.

Hugs to you and Butter (and Jo, Zeke, Kiba, and Smitten!)

11-08-2006, 10:19 AM
(edit: opps sorry, I just realized Cathy already mentioned this)

Hi Audrey,

As soon as I read your first post, I immediately thought he was blocked (I would have told you right away, but I am only just now seeing this). I am concerned that your vet told you that it didn't sound serious. I probably would've done exactly what you did and listened to him had I not worked in a clinic and seen a lot of blocked cats come in.

A lot of blocked kitties will continue to have problems and I really think a good solution is to get a PU (perineal urethrostomy - make him a girl :o ). It is a common surgery for boys with that problem. I actually just got one done on my 8 week old foster kitten (they generally don't need them so young, but my boy was having numerous problems all stemming from when he was starving as a newborn and nursing on his privates).

Anyway, I'm not telling you to run out and get the surgery soon or anything. Just keep it in mind if there continues to be problems. You can read about it on the internet and question your vet about it. Or even call a different vet to ask about it.

I have you and your boy in my prayers.

(gosh I haven't posted here in forever, missed you all!)

11-08-2006, 11:02 AM
I am so glad that you decided to go ahead and take Butter to the ER vet last night! I'm sorry you didn't get better news, but hopefully things will get worked out! Please keep us posted on dear Butter's progress! ;)


11-08-2006, 11:43 AM
I'm glad to hear that Butter is doing better today.:) When Storm had his first episode they kept the catheter in him for at least 24 hours if I remember correctly. I know he went in around 9pm on a Saturday night and I was able to pick him up and take him home on Monday morning.They tried to give him something to help relax his bladder but it didn't work so they had to then catheterize him. They want to fush out his system so the longer they have the catheter in the better. I sure hope he'll start feeling better soon. Please continue to keep us updated about him.

11-08-2006, 03:34 PM
Oh no. :( I know how much your Butter means to you. Thank gosh you caught it and reacted in time that it wasn't life threatening.

I don't know much about kitty health so I don't have much advice to offer. I know that if the chance you need financial help I would be more than happy to help you the best I can. PLEASE PM/email/AIM me if you need help with anything, even if you just want to talk about it.

It sounds like he wasn't doing well at all and he's doing a lot better now - he is a pretty strong boy!

Silly pets always getting sick when the vets are closed.. :p :rolleyes: Seems like whenever one of my three get sick, it's Sunday or a holiday, or their just already closed.

Hugs to you and Butter (and Jo, Zeke, Kiba, and Smitten!)

Thanks kay :) I like your sig, do you mind if I used it too? I really appreciate you thinking of him enough to do that. That made me feel really good to know people care :) *tears up*

Hon - you KNOW your fellow PTrs will help out....if your vet can't arrange payments, or this gets too much, just ask. You can PM me, ok? I can't do MUCH, but I will do what I can. A few more folks, and it'll all add up - maybe with some left over for "get-well" presents!

I thankfully had some money saved so I can pay for this. I imagen in the end it will be over $1000...that's fine. Money can be replaced, he can't. My problem is if it comes back soon, then I'm afraid I might have to give him up because I can't afford another $1000 or more. If it happens again, I would want to have the surgery...I imagen that will cost a lot more than $1000 *sigh* I pray that it doesn't come back. I'll do whatever I can for him...but unfortantly I don't have thousands of dollars to keep putting into something that will only come back. I just don't know that I could have him put to sleep...I honestly don't think I can...I don't know what will do.

I don't know what I would do without you PTs. The thought itself means more than you can possibly know. This has been very hard on me, and I constantly worry that something will happen to him. I wish I could show you guys how much you mean to me.

Anyway, I just went and visited him. he looks very well. He kept trying to get out of his cage and get to me. He kept rubbing against the cage for me to pat him. He was even purring a little! He still has the catheter in and he said they might take it out a little before the 24hr mark. The heart doctor didn't look at him yet, so I still don't know if he has a heart problem. I SO hope not!! I want to be able to feed him that food. He also said there was a lot of grainy stuff in the pee or something? He gave me a bunch of stuff to read so I'll see if I can answer some of my own questions with it.

He might be home tomorrow. The vet will call me in the morning to let me know how he is doing. Please pray that he doesn't have a heart problem!

11-08-2006, 03:42 PM
We will pray that his only "heart" problem is missing his mom and his home. Sending well wishes your way, Butter-boy!

11-08-2006, 04:00 PM
Coming into this a little late, but I am so happy to hear that your precious Butter is getting the care that he so needs.

Prayers on the way that Butter has a full and speedy recovery and that nothing serious is wrong with his heart.

((((((HUGS)))))) for his meowmie.

11-08-2006, 04:06 PM
It's amazing how many people say they wouldn't spend $700-$1000 on their cat. One guy said he wouldn't even spend $300! I know it's a lot, but I spent more on a stupid camera, so how can I not for a living thing that I love so much?

11-08-2006, 04:07 PM
haven't been around until I saw and wondered who's that butter in kfamr's signature! so sorry it's YOUR butter-boy! never knew he was the shadow I know.

so glad you had him being looked at sooner and it's not life threatening. when you find out more about heart murmur - maybe you could talk with callie's mom, one of her cats had heart murmur before, I think.

keep butter around, I'd like to know how he's doing .. is he not himself still? give gentle huggles to your boy for me, please? :)

edit ~ ahh, don't listen to that lacky guy! stick to US, WE are here for you! ;)

11-08-2006, 06:14 PM
I just got home from work a little while ago, and the first thing I wanted to do was to get on here and check for any updates on Butter! I am glad he is more comfortable, and that you took him to a DIFFERENT vet. than the one who told you it probably wasn't serious!

Keeping you and Butter in my prayers yet, for a positive outcome from all of this and from his heart tests...........


11-08-2006, 06:31 PM
Along with your research, see if IMOM.org would help with surgery, if it's needed. Might as well line up all your ducks now - and if and when you don't need them, great!

HUGS! So looking forward to Butter coming home. Give that beautiful boy some scritchies from me!

11-08-2006, 09:33 PM
I really miss him! I'm just so worried it will come back.

I'm going to do everything I can to reduce the change...like food change, water fountain, more play time, make sure litter boxes are ALWAYS fresh. (I should probably dump the whole litter more often?)
urg, I just don't know what I'll do if he has a serious heart problem. Or what I'll do if this problem comes back. I know it's horrible to think, but either he gets the surgery or I just can't keep paying all this money everytime it comes back :( I feel awful.

11-08-2006, 10:09 PM
Poor Butter. I'm glad he is doing better and praying that he doesn't have a serious heart problem.

11-08-2006, 11:34 PM
If you can find out what was blocking him - mucus, struvite, oxalate - that'll give you a better idea of how to keep it from happening again. Meanwhile, there's a vitamin called Cosequin that just strengthens the urinary system, and it even comes in chicken-n-fish flavor. You just open the capsule and sprinkle it over the cat's food. It's got glucosamine and chondroitin in it, which help strengthen the glycosaminoglycan layer to keep blockages from hurting your kitty's insides. Ask your vet about it, and also what showed up on urinalysis. Struvite's the most common, and foods rich in methionine help keep it from coming back.

Love, Columbine

11-09-2006, 09:50 AM
The vet said there was a lot of grainy stuff or something. I'm waiting for him to call and tell me how he is doing today

11-09-2006, 11:13 AM
If "grainy" means crystals, that can usually be controlled really well with diet. When Oscar had crystals AND an infection, the food change dissolved the crystals in about a week.

HUGS to you and your boy. Remember - if he is happy and eating and playing and purring and pooping and peeing - great stuff!

I don't think you have to change your boxes more often or anything.

Looking forward to hearing he is HOME and the rest of the news!

11-09-2006, 11:30 AM
I wish the vet would hurry and call me! They must be waiting for the heart specialist to look at him...I'm really dying to know if he does have any serious problems with his heart.

11-09-2006, 11:44 AM
I wish the vet would hurry and call me! They must be waiting for the heart specialist to look at him...I'm really dying to know if he does have any serious problems with his heart.
Maybe you should call them. Sometimes they just get so busy that they don't call you back when they say they will. I hope that you'll receive some good news about Butter's heart.

11-09-2006, 01:08 PM
I just got a call from them.

The heart specialist did look at him, and his heart is a little larger than it should be. He needs a ultrasound or something to see what is going on. (An extra $200+) She said it is important to have it done so they know what's going on with him, especially if he has another blockage. For now, he can't eat that special food as it may be bad for his heart.

On the plus side, he has been peeing just fine all day today and gets to come home in an hour! I'm frightened to see the bill though :( I already gave them 450, and they said it would be atleast 700. The girl just said it was like 300 to do whatever tests they did to his heart?? Ick...Plus another 200 for the ultrasound he needs. This is why he can't get it again because I won't be able to help him next time.

11-09-2006, 04:33 PM
He's home.

I set up his new water fountain which he seems to like. He went right to his food and inhaled it like he hasn't eatten at all. I took it away so he wouldn't get sick.

He went to the "box" and sat for a while and only made a tiny pee...then he keeps licking...I hope he's not getting blocked already!!

He seems happy to be home and was purring like mad. The vet said he was really funny and such a nice cat. He said some cats get really annoyed/angry when they do the treatments, but not Butter.

Kiba doesn't seem to like him right now. I figured she would act like this though.

I'm keeping them seperated for a day or 2 just to keep an eye on Butter using the litter box.

11-09-2006, 04:38 PM
He might be so used to going in the box that he goes in even if he doesn't need to. The water fountain will help; my guys drink more water with it running.

Feel better, Butter!

11-09-2006, 04:46 PM
We Are Praying That Butter Is All Right, And That He Has No Further Health Problems.
That Scraes Me As So Many Of The Found Cats Are Getting Older.
I Hope That I Will Always Be Able To Help Them The Way You Did Butter.
They Send Butter A Big Mmmmeeeeeeooooowww!!!

11-09-2006, 05:00 PM
Welcome home, Butter!
I hope he continues to improve! :)

11-09-2006, 05:39 PM
Aww poor Butter. Welcome home sweetness. He probably smells like *vet* so the others will treat him differently for a day or so.

11-09-2006, 06:01 PM
I'm just catching up on this news. SO HAPPY Butter is back home.

You seem to keep worrying ab out it (the blockage) coming back. Take one step at a time, at least for now. Not easy, we all know, have been through it with one medical issue or another. But try.

I think you are on the right track. Got a good vet (glad you called another one!). They are doing the tests to help define the problem. Then they will give you some instructions as to how to proceed, about both the heart issue and the blockage issue.

Best wishes to you and to Butter!

11-09-2006, 06:05 PM
He doesn't seem well...he has been in the same spot since he came home...I picked up him and he seems sluggish...like how he was the other night...I'm getting worried about him...I can't deal with him getting it again right now

11-09-2006, 06:45 PM
Maybe just give the vet a call and let him know abotu Butter's behaviour. He justmight be really exhausted having been through a lot, and without food.

They had a catheter in for a while, so he might be dehydrated - it might be a bit before he builds up enough extra fluid to pee.

See what the vet says...I can't see ANY cat getting it again this soon. Just call the vet, hon, for a consult. He can tell you what to check for.

11-09-2006, 07:00 PM
I'm going to the vet again tomorrow to get some stuff, I'll ask then...I'm sure he's just tired.

11-09-2006, 10:20 PM
I'm glad Butter is home, but I'm sorry to hear he still isn't acting well. :( I hope he is just tired. Was he sedated at the vet? Maybe it hasn't worn off yet.

11-09-2006, 10:23 PM
I'm glad to hear that he's home and I hope that he'll continue to do well. Lots more prayers and positive thoughts are being sent your way.

Do you know when Butter will have his ultrasound done? I hope that everything goes well. Take care.

11-09-2006, 10:42 PM
Still keeping you in my thoughts and prayers.............


11-10-2006, 08:51 AM
He didn't pee all night, but I heard him in the box this morning...another tiny pee :( He then licks his "area" after. Doesn't seem good. I'll ask the vet today

11-10-2006, 09:55 AM
Aw! are you going to take him with you? HUGS!

11-10-2006, 10:36 AM
Poor Butter, I hope the vet can give you some good news.

11-10-2006, 10:47 AM
I phoned the vet.

He said it's good he's atleast peeing a little, and that his bladder just might be empty but still a little irratated which makes him want to pee. He said he could have been tired because he was up all day at the vet.

He said I need to keep an eye on him for the next few hours and make sure he's not straining to pee. Problem is I have to work tonight...

He just "peed" again...no luck, he's straining again and only dribbled a little pee...I think I'll take him in tonight with him to be sure...*bigsigh*

I'm at a loss here. I have NO idea what to do. i don't have 700 bucks everyday for this...whatever they do. Urg, he's doing it again now. He just went like 30 seconds ago with no pee, and he went right back. Again, just a tiny speck of pee.

What do I do if he is blocked again? Is it really fair to him to give him this surgery? What if it's too expensive? Will it still come back? I honestly don't know what I'll do if it costs too much. I don't know how I could even have him put to sleep...that's what will happen if I can't afford it, right? I'm so worried...plus I have to work tonight and I really don't want to. I just want to be with my Butter. What do you guys think is best for him?

(edit2) What I mean is, if the surgery helps it go away for good, then he's gonna need that, because ifI get him cathetered again and it just comes back in a day, then I definetly can't help him...so I guess I only have the money for one more thing...should I try the catheter again, and hope, or should I get the surgery and hopefully be done with it? But is that really fair/humane? Plus if he has a heart problem then that's hard to do...Why me? I can't handle this

11-10-2006, 10:56 AM
*sigh* hejust tried to pee on my clothes with no luck, and now back in the box....I'll definetly take him in when I go in a couple hours.

11-10-2006, 10:57 AM
I'm so sorry. I've not experienced this with a cat so I don't know what advice to give. What did the vet recommend?

I know several PT cats have had the operation with success. Maybe they can help you decide.

Prayers and good thoughts for you and Butter.

11-10-2006, 11:03 AM
I'm so sorry. I've not experienced this with a cat so I don't know what advice to give. What did the vet recommend?

I know several PT cats have had the operation with success. Maybe they can help you decide.

Prayers and good thoughts for you and Butter.

I haven't had him in yet, so I don't know for sure what's going on. I'm sure the vet would recommend the catheter again...but I don't think I can do that. I would rather have the surgery and know he'll be fine...They must think I'm rich or something

11-10-2006, 11:43 AM
I just read this entire thread, and I'm so sorry that you and Butter have to go through this.

First of all, let me say that I'm more than relieved that you brought him to the ER that weekend, and it's totally beyond me how the first vet you've called could tell you it doesn't sound serious! :mad: The symptoms you described in your first posts sounded VERY serious!!

I understand your worries about the financials. But I know, none of us here would give up on his cat for that reason! :)

I hope there will be a way to prevent further blockages, maybe a penis amputation would do? (I know they do that sometimes with male cats that are prone to blockages).

I know you cannot compare this as my Luna is a girl, but she's having problems with UTI/struvite crystals for years. Her urine needs to be regularily checked to make sure she doesn't develope a blockage. As soon as she has problems peeing, off to the vet we go.

This year, one vet recommended some homoepathic remedies (Berberis and Cantharis) as an addition to her diet food and her UROPET paste, and she's doing much better since. Maybe homeopathy would work for Butter as well? I think it may be worth a try, and it's not expensive.

I really hope that Butter's current behavior is still coming from an irritation of the bladder tissue. I'll keep him in my thoughts, hopefully he will feel much better soon!


11-10-2006, 11:44 AM
Is he drinking and eating?

If he is not drinking a lot, a much less expensive thing might be for the vet to give him sub-q fluids to fill his bladder quickly, and see how he does then. See what your vet says.

I am sure they must have known he could pee okay before they sent him home?

Also - TELL them how scared you are and that you don't have a ton of money. If the one vet is nice, I am sure something can be worked out.


11-10-2006, 01:10 PM
The vet said he WAS peeing fine...I saw him have a little to drink atleast. He was eatting last night. I think I would like the vet to check just to be sure..

11-10-2006, 02:13 PM
sweetie, I'm praying hard and harder!

I feel bad not having this experience with one of my cats so I don't really have much advices to share. I know one person who's really expert at this problem, who PMed me when I thought one of my cats had crystals...I'll have to find her right username! shoot, I forgot.

I think, well if I were you, by aly's description and experiences in basic vet's offices before - if nothing else more than blockages - a surgery probably would be better, especially less painful (and less expenisve) for your dear butter-boy going through this over again and again.

don't feel bad making a decision, I trust you love this boy with all your heart and I know you will find out the best for him soon! just give yourself some more time thinking on this while butter is being taken care of.

edit ~ curious.. do you feed butter RAW or what food?

11-10-2006, 02:41 PM
I took him out again, and the vet had a quick look. He said his bladder doesn't feel big or hard or anything which is good. But he did an x-ray or something and there is a lot of "grit" in there :( He said if he doesn't pee by tomorrow then it's a problem...and of couse, the vet is closed tomorrow so that will be another $100 just for the visit. He said they will have to do it all over again, and if it comes back yet again, then there is the surgery. I told him I really can't afford that. He just look sorta sympathetic. I really don't want to go through all this just to have to put him to sleep in the end. I know that's a mean thought, but...

11-10-2006, 03:03 PM
What do I do if he is blocked again? Is it really fair to him to give him this surgery? What if it's too expensive? Will it still come back? I honestly don't know what I'll do if it costs too much.

(edit2) What I mean is, if the surgery helps it go away for good, then he's gonna need that, because ifI get him cathetered again and it just comes back in a day, then I definetly can't help him...so I guess I only have the money for one more thing...should I try the catheter again, and hope, or should I get the surgery and hopefully be done with it? But is that really fair/humane? Plus if he has a heart problem then that's hard to do...Why me? I can't handle this

Unfortunately, I have tons of experience with this problem. My vet recommends the surgery after the third blockage. He told me that 30% of all male cats will block at some point in their lives. Of those cats, it happens to 10% more than once and about 5% of them will eventually need a PU surgery.

Pete blocked five times in four months. By the time I sent him for the surgery, he was blocking every 36 hours. My vet flat out told me, "you put him on a plane tonight, or bring him back tomorrow tonight and I"ll end this for both of you." My vet can't do the surgery and Pete had to travel to Saskatoon where it was done at the UofS vet school clinic.

The surgery does not solve the underlying problem. Whatever is causing the blockage will still be there. It does solve the lifethreatening problem though. A blockage is painful and can be fatal in a hurry. The surgery stops that entirely.

However, it does leave the cat more vunerable to infections. Pete gets on average 2 UTI infections a year. As he gets older, they seem to get less frequent. Twicket had the same surgery and lived to be almost 15. He had one infection in the 2 years I had him. Pete still has litterbox issues. He associates it with pain so sometimes he pees in the wrong spots(like the laundry basket!) He also still eats a special diet(Royal Canin Urinary formula).

If you have a teaching hospital or a vet school near you, contact them about doing the procedure. Pete got truly exceptional care and the bill was about half of what it would have been at a private clinic. It was still very expensive, but at least is wasn't as pricey as it could have been.

I was very nervous about doing the surgery, but now I wouldn't hesitate. If my other boys develop the same problems, they are off to the surgeon! Pete came home happy, affectionate and his life expectancy is the same as any other indoor cat now. Worth every dime of the bill and the interest Visa charged me!

I hope you don't have to deal with any of that though and that Butter is back to health very soon!

11-10-2006, 03:08 PM
Poor Butter. :(

I'm sorry he's not feeling well. :(

11-10-2006, 03:45 PM
Is there a vet hospital anywhere? You are in the Maritimes, right?

Not to nit-pick - but did they make sure poor Butter was grit-free the first time they sent him home?

Although - his bladder isn't enlarged or hard...so something is getting thru.

Try this - get some good cranberry capsules. Put about 1/5 of the powder in one of them in wet food, yogurt, pumpkin, whatever he might eat. That will make the urine more acidic and will help.

Also, get more water into him. Add warm water to his wet food...having anough bladder pressure might be enough to get the rest of the grit out. The pH food for urine will do this also, help dissolve stuff, and fairly quickly.

Please try to not panic (I know), and get lots of water into Butter.

Poor baby Butter!

11-10-2006, 03:47 PM
Unfortunately, I have tons of experience with this problem. My vet recommends the surgery after the third blockage. He told me that 30% of all male cats will block at some point in their lives. Of those cats, it happens to 10% more than once and about 5% of them will eventually need a PU surgery.

Pete blocked five times in four months. By the time I sent him for the surgery, he was blocking every 36 hours. My vet flat out told me, "you put him on a plane tonight, or bring him back tomorrow tonight and I"ll end this for both of you." My vet can't do the surgery and Pete had to travel to Saskatoon where it was done at the UofS vet school clinic.

The surgery does not solve the underlying problem. Whatever is causing the blockage will still be there. It does solve the lifethreatening problem though. A blockage is painful and can be fatal in a hurry. The surgery stops that entirely.

However, it does leave the cat more vunerable to infections. Pete gets on average 2 UTI infections a year. As he gets older, they seem to get less frequent. Twicket had the same surgery and lived to be almost 15. He had one infection in the 2 years I had him. Pete still has litterbox issues. He associates it with pain so sometimes he pees in the wrong spots(like the laundry basket!) He also still eats a special diet(Royal Canin Urinary formula).

If you have a teaching hospital or a vet school near you, contact them about doing the procedure. Pete got truly exceptional care and the bill was about half of what it would have been at a private clinic. It was still very expensive, but at least is wasn't as pricey as it could have been.

I was very nervous about doing the surgery, but now I wouldn't hesitate. If my other boys develop the same problems, they are off to the surgeon! Pete came home happy, affectionate and his life expectancy is the same as any other indoor cat now. Worth every dime of the bill and the interest Visa charged me!

I hope you don't have to deal with any of that though and that Butter is back to health very soon!

The problem is, I cannot afford to do it again, THEN do the surgery. It's way to much money.

We have a very good vet collage here, which is where I took him. A lot of people come from different places to come to our vet collage.

11-10-2006, 03:50 PM
I am just wondering if it is possible that they didn't do everything right the FIRST time - like making sure he was peeing ok before being sent home - that might give you leverage on the price?

I'm not saying be a pain....just get the facts.


11-10-2006, 04:07 PM
quoted by slleipnir
I know that's a mean thought but..
:( .. but will you try out IMOM.org first before you end his life? just in case, since you would have time preparing for a surgery if possible, I'm sure they, the fundraisers can help you with billings. they've helped me with half of a couple thousands before.

ah, cranberry caspules was part what an expert PMed me about - I've heard good results about them and you should try 'em out.

what I don't understand here, did the vet cleared butter's tummy all way before he was sent back home? sometimes vet is a rip-off that way.

11-10-2006, 07:21 PM


11-10-2006, 08:31 PM
I was talking to my dad.

He said it doesn't make sense to keep paying 700 everyday for nothing. Then have a surgery which will cost like what, $2000? I mean if it costs 700 just to stick a tube in him, I can't imagen what the surgery will be. So I guess I will try this one more time, my dad said he could pay for half of it, but then I should not put anymore into it.

Has anyones cat actually had the surgery? how much did it cost compaired to being catertized?

What are the chances the second time being caterized will actually work? Especially when he never actually got over the first one? I mean, he was home for one day and already couldn't pee.

I'm really frightened. I honestly don't think I can have him PTS, but I honestly don't think the money thing is going to work. He might also need heart surgery...and that/s after a $200 ultrasound. I know you all think I should do that payment thing, but I have xmas coming up and 3 other pets with a lot of high payments for them. I honestly do not think I can pay for this. I'm sorry if I let you all down, but I don't know what to do. I can't stop crying thinking of it. He hasn't pee'd all day so if there is no pee by morning I'll have to take him in.

Cinder & Smoke
11-10-2006, 09:34 PM
The problem is, I cannot afford to do it again,
THEN do the surgery.

We have a very good vet collage here, which is where I took him.

Glacier gave you a good rundown on what to expect.

You need to be asking questions (Cost?, Success Rate?, etc) of the VETS at the College - not us!

The chances of the Catheterization "fixing" the problem permanently are very slim ...
the OPERATION is a more permanent "fix".

ASK if they can do the Operation tomorrow - they can relieve the urine buildup AND
make the "fix" at the same time.

The operation is a common one - not super expensive in most hospitals ...
I paid under $1,000 for Boots when he was re-plumbed.

I would NOT do just another Catheterization without the operation.

Good Luck to Butter - but don't *wait* to see what happens or try some
"remedy" ...
he's probably blocked again (not uncommon) and NEEDS the Operation quickly.

/s/ Phred

11-10-2006, 09:46 PM
You are in a very difficult situation, and you need to do what feels right in your own mind and heart. We all have to draw a line at times in our lives between what we desire and what is actually reasonable or practical!!! I support you in whatever you decide, and pray that you can find comfort in your choice! The only thing I would be most concerned with is letting it go on and Butter having to be in severe discomfort. I know it has to be a very sad time for you! :(

Kim ;)

11-10-2006, 09:51 PM
It sounds to me like getting the surgery would be a better idea then just having them do what they did before (which it sounds like it didn't really even work well). But I honestly do not know much about these problems with cats. I really hope you are able to find a solution for Butter!

11-10-2006, 09:58 PM
Audrey, you shouldn't worry about what people here think. You know what you should do and can do. None of us have unlimited amounts of money but you know we'd do anything we can for our sweet animals. I also know how your heart must be breaking. You need to decide what is right for you and for Butter. If Duke weren't sick right now, I'd even offer to help you but I think he's got pneumonia :( I know how sad and frustrated you must feel. It's horrible to have to put a pet to sleep but sometimes it's in their best interest too, you know? I had to do that with my Siamese a long time ago. Whatever you decide, we will back you.

11-10-2006, 10:32 PM
Audrey, If I were you I'd also have them do the PU surgery asap. Storm became blocked 2 times and they only recommended the surgery after the 2nd time because he had developed scar tissue so they couldn't even catheterize him. A lot of vets don't like performing the surgery unless they have to because the cats are at a greater risk of developing infections and some of them may also become incontinent if their bladder has become too stretched out.

I paid a lot more for Storm's surgery than I should have but I needed to have it done by a board certified surgeon because of his scar tissue. The surgeon told me that he had a very small urethra and that it was only a matter of time before he became blocked. She also said that the more times a cat is catheterized the greater the chance of developing very bad scar tissue. If this happens then sometimes even after the surgery, the cat will become blocked. She doesn't understand why most cats are put through so many catheterizations before even considering surgery.

Storm was 8 years old, almost 9, when he had the surgery and he'll be 11 in Jan. He developed some more cystals one time since the surgery but this was because I started feeding him a different food. I learned the hard way so now he's on Royal Canin Urinary S/O for life which helps both struvite and calcium oxalate crystals from forming. Now all of my cats except for baby Ziggy are on it so I hope to never have to go through these problems ever again. If Butter was my cat I would definitely have the PU surgery done. Hopefully his heart problems won't interfere with the surgery. Good luck.:)

11-10-2006, 11:20 PM
If it's only the money, hon....

Look, there will be other Christmases. There isn't another Butter.

Find out how much the surgery is.

I am sure you won't have to 'put him to sleep in the end'. The surgery works most of the time.

To take the pressure off you, ask the vet what THEY would do if Butter was THEIR cat.


11-11-2006, 06:34 AM
I'm sure it's easy for your all to say "it's only money"

but it's not? Ok? It is not that easy. The last thingI want is for butter to be gone. I cried all night thinkng about it...but the fact is, I just am not rich. I'm tyring my best. I'm only 21 yrs old, I don't have a great job, I have xmas coming in which i have gifts for my family, I have 3 other pets who need attention, food and vet visits, I have school to save for, my family does not have money to give either...I'm sorry but if it comes down to it, I just don't know what to do. And I will give leave PT if you all give me a hard time over it, and I already hate myself. I really don't need others hating too.

11-11-2006, 07:01 AM
They can't do the surgery till tuesday...so they need to caterter him...the surgery will cost between 1000-1600, ontop of 700 to catertierz and whatever for his heart....i cant do it....i just cant...

11-11-2006, 07:57 AM
I am very sorry to hear this. I think to myself, "If only Tenny could be fixed with a surgery. If only.". So, I guess I am just not a good person to relate to this right now. Christmas gifts? Christmas gifts? I can't think of a single gift I could recieve or give that would replace my pet. :(

11-11-2006, 08:46 AM
Just got caught up, and I'm so sorry you are going through this.

Many MANY hugs to you both!

11-11-2006, 10:40 AM
Sweetheart, I never for a minute meant "It's only money." All I thought is that if not getting Christmas gifts for others this year would help you take care of Butter, that you could do that and hope they understood.

And you know...maybe the catheterization will WORK this time!

What a horrid time you are going through!

You will make the right decision - but you know, from being here a while, that a few people are more than happy to send help, because we know what our furkids mean to us! Please don't be ashamed to ask. So many of us have been there!

I think you mentioned getting food the other day? Was that the urine food?

HUGS HUGS HUGS and PT Prayers that Butter's treatment today will WORK and he will be home and happy and WELL soon!

11-11-2006, 11:10 AM
You are in a very difficult situation, and you need to do what feels right in your own mind and heart. We all have to draw a line at times in our lives between what we desire and what is actually reasonable or practical!!! I support you in whatever you decide, and pray that you can find comfort in your choice! The only thing I would be most concerned with is letting it go on and Butter having to be in severe discomfort. I know it has to be a very sad time for you! :(

Kim ;)

Did you read this post from me? I am saying that some times we have to make decisions that are based on what is practical. In your case, it is not practical to spend money that you don't have ... right? I agree! I am sure you don't want Butter to keep being in discomfort and pain, because you love him so very much! :( I'm not judging you at all, sweetheart! I hope you understood that in my above post!!!! I'm so sorry that you are having to deal with this, plus having to feel that you are being judged as well!


11-11-2006, 02:21 PM
Some of you aren't really helping at all. My pets mean the world to me. I was going to ask for money for xmas instead of presents. I would feel extremely guilty not buying my family a present. My mom, I can draw her a picture or something...I don't know. I was also thinking about having a yard sale...I don't know if I could make any money there. I have a cat thing I think I can sell for close to $100.I'm going to cash in my "change jar" Nothing is more important than my pets, and when I saw I'm doing everything I can, I am. If I don't have the money then unfortunatly I just don't have it. I'm not going to rob a bank? I'm not going all out on nice xmas gifts this year, but I really need to get my family something...

You will make the right decision - but you know, from being here a while, that a few people are more than happy to send help, because we know what our furkids mean to us! Please don't be ashamed to ask. So many of us have been there!

I appreciate it...I don't really know how that would work though?

Please lay off me about the money thing...you all might have good jobs, I'm sorry, I do not.

11-11-2006, 02:22 PM
Did you read this post from me? I am saying that some times we have to make decisions that are based on what is practical. In your case, it is not practical to spend money that you don't have ... right? I agree! I am sure you don't want Butter to keep being in discomfort and pain, because you love him so very much! :( I'm not judging you at all, sweetheart! I hope you understood that in my above post!!!! I'm so sorry that you are having to deal with this, plus having to feel that you are being judged as well!


Yes, I appreciate it. I'm glad some people will support me...I can only do what I can do.

11-11-2006, 02:26 PM
And I can't spend EVERYTHING I have because I do have a couple bills I pay, plus I have 3 other animals I need to buy food and stuff for, along with their vet bills. Josie has epilepsy and needs pills everyday, Zeke has had an itch problem I've just spent a lot of money to get fixed...It just wouldn't make sense to spend everything and go "oh, sorry dogs, no food for you because I have no money" or Josie, too bad you don't get your meds...I hope you don't have a seizure. does that REALLY make sense? I'm sorry to get so worked up but it really p*sses me off to hear people make it sound like I don't care for my pets life enough. I'm hoping you can understand my situation a little better.

11-11-2006, 02:29 PM
I PM'd you, hon. {{hugs}}

11-11-2006, 03:05 PM
Heres the thing...

He gets catherized, again. It doesn't work so he needs surgery. That doesn't work, so then what? Another surgery? What about if it does work. He may get a lot of infections. How often? How much does that cost? How effective is the surgery? What are the chances of it coming back?

With all THAT aside, what about his heart? Will he need surgery for that too?

Come on now.....Lets be realistic here...That is a lot of stuff, a lot of money, and a lot for Butter to go through. Is it fair for him to be in the hospital all the time getting shots and tests? Surgery after surgery? I don't have the money to put him through all this stuff, and then $3000 down the road realize it's never going to end. Will it end? I don't know but I don't have the money.

If someone else thinks they can do a better job, then maybe you should adopt him...because I'm near the end of the line with it. I'm going to strongly consider having the surgery if this doesn't work. If that fails, then I'm afraid Ive done everything I can do. At that point, if someone wants to take over his care, that's great, if not, then you have no right to hate me for it.

11-11-2006, 04:16 PM
Audrey - the what'if's can really start running at a time like this, for any one of us.

Let's see what step two brings. One more Cath might do the trick!

Step at a time...and you will do the right thing, whatever it is!


11-11-2006, 04:21 PM
I got a call from the vet.

They gave him a shot of something to relax his urethra. He was able to pee a little this afternoon, but not anymore. The vet can empty his bladder by squeezing it, but it's not a solid stream. She said his bladder isn't as firm as before, which is good. They're going to give him the drug again and leave it over night. If, by morning, he is not doing well then they will cath him again.

If there is a god, then please, please help my boy!

11-11-2006, 04:27 PM
Prayers that this will work for dear Butter!

At least they are trying to spare him the cath procedure...hope the drug will work better! :)

11-13-2006, 12:35 PM
How's Butter?

11-13-2006, 05:05 PM
He's ok for now. I wasn't planning on updating anymore. I feel some of you are awful rude and don't seem to see how difficult this is for me.

Kimmy, thank you for asking about him. I'm holding off on either surgery or another cath for now. He is peeing little bits, and the vet said as long as he is peeing SOMETHING then it's good. If he stops peeing for more than 8hrs...take him in. He was pretty playful the other night, and acting more like himself...but that was just after he came back from the vet with an empty bladder. He's been going back and forth from the vet almost everyday. It's really stressing him out, but he's handling things really well. Things don't seem to bother him as much as it might for most cats. We're hoping he will continue to pee more and more. The vet said it's not uncommon for cats to not pee right after being unblocked. Butter, however, is more of an extreme case. So at this point, it can go either way. He has an appointment on thursday for his heart and a urine check.

Here are some pictures I took.
He sleeps a lot...

His eyes look funny cause I tried to fix them :o

11-13-2006, 06:27 PM
Awww...I didn't notice the shaved bit on his front leg before. Lots of get-better kisses from Meowmie?

Prayers for healing to continue, and for Butter to be as good as ever.

What a beautiful shiney boy! :)

11-13-2006, 10:00 PM
Thank you for the update, Audrey. It's great to see some pics of your Butter boy. He is such a handsome cat. I really hope everything will be ok with him, let us know how the appointment on thursday goes.

11-13-2006, 10:04 PM
Thanks for the update. I've been thinking about him and wondering how he was doing. He sure is a very handsome boy and I hope that he continues to pee. Lots of positive vibes are going out to him for Thursday's vet visit. I'll also continue to keep him in my thoughts and prayers. Please take care.

11-13-2006, 10:04 PM
I've been thinking about you and Butter a lot. I have been checking this thread but I just don't know what to say except that I'm very sorry that you are going through this. I know that you will do whatever you can for him and I'll support whichever decision you make.

11-14-2006, 10:36 AM
Thanks for the update and pictures Audrey. Handsome little Butter.

I hope his Thursday appointment goes well. :)

11-15-2006, 10:14 PM
How is Butter today?

I am sorry people are being rude to you...
Please know there are those of us who do care though and are willing to help you as much as possible.

I want to snuggle cute lil Butterboy!

11-16-2006, 03:11 PM
How is Butter today?

I am sorry people are being rude to you...
Please know there are those of us who do care though and are willing to help you as much as possible.

I want to snuggle cute lil Butterboy!

Yes, I know the majority are very kind people.

I took Butter out for his heart to be checked. He said Butter was excellent, and sat right where he was suppost to. Everyone keeps telling me how sweet he is. There was like 3-4 vet students today, and Butter went around and got his love from everyone.

I can't remember what the condition is called, but he said it is genetic, and unrelating to his bladder problem. Part of lining in his heart is larger than normal? Anyway, he said for now he is fine, but needs to be checked again next year and closely monitored. He may someday have problems with it...like trouble breathing, panting, stiffness, etc. He will need to go on meds for the rest of his life when that happens...but that is managable. Phew! I'm glad that part is done with.

As for his pee...They took a sample and I won't know until tomorrow what the results are. He said his pee looked clear to him (no grit etc) but the tests will say for sure. He still isn't peeing properly, but it could be taking him longer to get better. I'm afraid to feel releaved, as I know when I do he'll get sick again. Hopefully the tests come back good anyway.

He is being his normal very happy self lately.

11-16-2006, 03:29 PM
slleipnir, it's such a difficult situation you're in. I understand your money problem, if one of my girls would need a treatment that expensive, I'd be in the same dilemma.

I'll keep you and Butter in my thoughts, and I hope his bladder problems will get better without an expensive surgery that's also risky for him because of his heart condition. Maybe the test result of the urine sample will give you some answers.

BTW, thanks for posting his pictures, he resembles my RB Katz a lot!


11-16-2006, 03:38 PM
Butter is beautiful!!! And, I'm still praying that he will continue to improve and PEE nice ungrainy PEE (did you hear that, Butter?).

Let's hope things continue for the better. He is such a little sweetie; no wonder everyone at the vet's loved him!

11-16-2006, 06:47 PM
He is such a wonderful cat. I love him to death. I hope if the problem does come back that it's not for a while so I can save my emergency funds up again. I'm just glad I had the extra money.

I took him into my work after his vet visit. He just wanted to explore everything. I gotta try and get a picture of his big eyes someday...they are like saucers.

11-17-2006, 12:19 PM
I'm glad to hear that Butter is showing signs of improvement!! :D He sure is a handsome boy!!!

11-18-2006, 10:34 AM
He sure is a cutie!

I'm glad he is improving and pray he will continue.

11-25-2006, 01:40 PM
Have I missed updates on Butter.... what's the news ? :)