View Full Version : Rupert hurt my brother.

11-06-2006, 11:00 PM
Rupert hurt my brother. It all began when I came home from school. My brother and sister were already home when I came home. I was in a hurry becuase I had to go across the street to help clean up horse poop today. Then after I had put on my boots, and my coat I told them to be quit ( My grandma was watching them and I didnt want her to have to get up and scream at them and get all worked up and get sick) I ran out the door and the second I was at the fence I heard a scream. It sent a message up my spine that made me run back into the house. My brother was on the ground screaming.I asked my sister what happened, and she was crying. She told me that they were playing with a whistal and Rupert had jumped up on his face. He had a huge cut above his eye. He was screaming at me when I put a band aid on it. It took awhile to stop bleading but it did. When I found Rupert he was lying on my bed. I took him down and put him infront of my brother.I told him that he was a bad dog and made him stay outside. I told my brother to take a nap becuase whenever he saw Rupert he would start to cry.
My mom said he has to sleep in the garage tonight.My mom said that if he did another thing like that that we would have to put him down.Are we being to hard on him? The reason I was so hard, was becuase I want him to be a good dog.

11-06-2006, 11:09 PM
Rupert probably has no idea what he did to cause you to tell him he was bad - his "punishment" was after the fact. Your brother and sister shouldn't play with that whistle around him ever again, as it is probably a painful sound for him. You now need to wrk with your brother and Rupert, how old is your brother? You'll need to be very diligent over the next few days to convince him that Rupert is not to be feared, that it was an accident, and the whistle is bad around him because doggies have far superior hearing to humans, and it probably hurt Rupert's ears.

11-06-2006, 11:11 PM
Was he provoked? Was it in play, and he just got too rambunctious? Perhaps he just didn't like the sound of the whistle, but I honestly think something else must have happened. He probably doesn't even realize anymore why he is sleeping in the garage. I'd never do that to my dogs. They'd be corrected and put in a 'time out' for a short while (simply to relax, and calm down), and that would be the end of it. I don't see why he should be put to sleep, just going by your description..

11-06-2006, 11:13 PM
I totally agree with Karen. that whistle probably startled him and he didn't know how to react. I hope your brother is okay and I sure hope it never happens again. and I don't think he should be pts just for an accident. It was an accident and accidents do happen and your mom shouldn't be so harsh on Rupert IMO anyways..and I would never ever punish my dogs just because of an accident. they do not know what they did wrong and therefore they shouldn't be punished for it.

11-06-2006, 11:15 PM
I wasn't there, but honestly it sounds like an accident to me. It sounds like the kids were playing and Rupert got excited (likely because of the whistling noise) and jumped up and scratched your brother accidentally with his nails. If it was a deep cut then I bet his nails are too long and sharp. I do not see ANY reason whatsoever to even consider putting him down for something like that.

I doubt Rupert even knew he did anything wrong, dragging a dog back to the "scene of the crime" doesn't do any good...if they are not caught in the act, they are not going to "connect" the reason they are being punished. I bet he didn't even have a clue why you were mad at him, and he certainly does not have a clue why he is now banished to the garage. :(

11-07-2006, 12:26 AM
I agree with the other posters. Rup doesn't know why you called him bad dog, it was after the fact. By your description it sounds like an accident. Teach the younger kids "saftey" around dogs. go over the basic rules. Since I'm knew I don't know if you're familier with them, if you need I can post. As an adult, I myself have had my share of "bleeders" just playing, and from no aggresion on the dogs part. I would watch them over the next couple days and see interaction and behavior. If there is a problem you can catch it and take care of it.

11-07-2006, 01:04 AM
I'll agree that it is most likely that Rupert was just over-excited, or got confused. The noise was probably driving him mad, and he had no clue why your brother was making it. For all Rupert knew, it could have been that your little brother was scared or hurt, or trying to hurt him, or playing or anything... too much stimulus that he just didn't know how to respond to. Doesn't sound like an aggressive reaction, so no need to even consider putting him down. Hopefully, in a worst-case scenario, your mom would at least give you time to try to rehome him some place without small children.

Maybe you could also work with Rupert and various noises? Nothing to torment or hurt his ears a lot, just make noises of all sorts around him, and soothe him if he starts to freak, reward him when he handles them well?

11-07-2006, 06:45 AM
Rupert probably has no idea what he did to cause you to tell him he was bad - his "punishment" was after the fact. Your brother and sister shouldn't play with that whistle around him ever again, as it is probably a painful sound for him. You now need to wrk with your brother and Rupert, how old is your brother? You'll need to be very diligent over the next few days to convince him that Rupert is not to be feared, that it was an accident, and the whistle is bad around him because doggies have far superior hearing to humans, and it probably hurt Rupert's ears.
I totally agree. I know you meant well- but the dog had nooooooo clue what he was being punished for. As stated, it was after the fact, and second- dogs really have no clue their toenails might hurt. Having a dog sleep in the garage for such and acciden ( ACCIDENT..) is not like having a child go to their room as a child can reason what they did wrong. All the dog knows is that he was ostrocized out of his home by someone who is mad for "no good reason"...
I am sorry your brother got hurt. Things like that can happen. I was walking a puppy late last spring, he pulled me on the wet grass on the hang gliding ramp, I slipped- my feet went out from under me, and I slid down the hill with my toe catching the rock and breaking my left leg. Broke it sooooooooo bad I had to have a metal plate with 14 screws put in my leg.. The puppy ( Zubin) pulled me- I could have gotten mad at him- instead I was telling my husband over and over- get the puppy - dont let him get loose with my hands tightly gripping the lead ... My point is- he didnt mean to pull me down the hill- and he was a baby and didnt know his leash manners yet...

11-07-2006, 07:36 AM
Sorry about your brother. The best thing for him is to make sure he isn't afraid of Rupert or he'll end up being afraid of dogs for the rest of his life. Sounds like an accident. If I had a whistle blowing in my ear, I'd snap too. Also, Rupert probably had no idea why you punished him.

Has Rupert had obedience classes? I know a place in NH that has obedience classed for dogs & kids. Maybe there is something in your area and you & your brother can take him to obedience class. That may help your brother be more confident around Rupert & not cry everytime he sees him.

Good luck.

11-07-2006, 07:39 AM
I hope you have your mother read this. There are a lot of good opinions. Of course the kids aren't going to admit whether they were testing out that whistle in Rupert's ears or not. Labs are very exuberant dogs with strength they don't know they have. I know he didn't have a clue that he'd hurt your brother.

11-07-2006, 08:04 AM
I could see, if he sent your brother to the hospital with stitches, maybe your mom could say that. But not in this situation. Rupert was probably startled, and jumped up and hit your brother in the face. Irescue had a good point, they could have been bugging him with the whistle, but they would never say that.

Lori Jordan
11-07-2006, 08:14 AM
I'm really bad at answering these kinda threads,My husband gets mad i stick up for the dogs more than him,Ok a whistle.They are loud,probably hurt his ears and he was saying stop,We all know how young kids are right,My Rb Bandit,when i had him in obedience,I was standing watching the instructor with Bandit,There was 2 kids behind me the little boy was (shooting those plastic bo and arrows at this little girl)She was screaming Bloody Murder)Bandit lunged at him never touched the child,But it was like he was saying STOP IT!

Im sure Rupert will be fine,I have never seen a vicious chocolate Lab,He most likely got irrated,Im sorry about your brother how old is he?

11-07-2006, 11:12 AM
You need to remember that dogs are animals, they cant express their opinions the way we can by shouting at each other they react in different ways, I wouldn't leave my dogs in the company of kids on their own even though I believe my dogs wouldnt hurt a fly they are still animals and they can snap at any time, not necessary out of rage but out of fright or excitement. As others have said you did do the wrong thing by telling him off after and sending him to the garage but I wont repeat what others have said. Just remember you cant punish an animal for something they have done a while back, I hope your brother isnt too shook up and I doubt that Rupert meant any harm it sounds like he was more frightened than anything.


I just read about your mum having him put down? what happens if something else scares him? :eek: if your mum has him put down she doesnt deserve to own a dog or any other animal.

11-07-2006, 02:08 PM
Thunder "attacked" me too and bit my in my temple when I was younger.

But its because I startled him, he wasnt punished or anything. As soon as he herd me cry he came over and was licking me. Hes never done it again and he is the sweetest dog.

Dogs dont remember things liek that especially later in the day. So locking him in the garage did not but be cruel on your part. Also he wouldnt just attack while you all are sleeping so it was pointless..

I think it would be stupid to have your dog put down for that, its not like hes constantly attacking or anything.

11-07-2006, 02:18 PM
Rupert had NO idea why he was being punished, and I can't believe someone would actually have a dog PTS for being startled!! That's just disturbing IMO...He didn't react aggressively.

11-07-2006, 03:44 PM
Honestly, this isn't directed at you, but if your mom can't handle having a dog than she shouldn't have one at all. God, if I put my dogs to sleep everytime they jumped on me or knocked my brother over on accident, I wouldn't have any left. Small children and excited large labs sometimes don't mix. Has he ever had obedience training? Why don't you fix the problem instead of just getting rid of the dog (or putting it to sleep :eek: )? The dog obviously thought the whistle was exciting, and it was his reaction to it. You even told the kids to be quiet.

Please do not put that dog to sleep. He was NOT in the wrong, your mom is. IF anything, please rehome him. Maybe you guys would do better being dog-less for a while. Did Max ever go the home with the girl? You never said anything more about that. Or did he go "somewhere else"?

And I say no more whistles, and definately obedience training.

11-07-2006, 11:32 PM
I took him down and put him infront of my brother.I told him that he was a bad dog and made him stay outside. I told my brother to take a nap becuase whenever he saw Rupert he would start to cry.
My mom said he has to sleep in the garage tonight.My mom said that if he did another thing like that that we would have to put him down.Are we being to hard on him? The reason I was so hard, was becuase I want him to be a good dog.

I don't mean to offend you in ANY way possible but dogs shouldn't be punished by sleeping outside he probably already forgot what had happend and you would technically be punishing him for nothing in his eyes. Take him to obedience classes and watch what you do around him. DO NOT TEASE HIM!!!! I learned that the hard way and I have the scar to prove that on my eyebrow. If your brother was teasing him don't punish the dog punish your brother. Imagine if you were a dog and some kid ran up to you right in the face what would do? First instinct is to attack. Make sure you get the TRUTH out of your brother and sister about what happend.
Dogs don't attack unless they have a reason. Someone might have accidentally taken his toy or food away from him or something.
If absolutley NO ONE was teasing him take him to obedience classes and explain to the "teacher" what had happend and what needs to be worked on. Best of Luck!

11-07-2006, 11:36 PM
Excellent choice of words areias!!! Of course the dog would attack if he heard a loud whistle. It's hurts their ears. Dogs have 10,000 times better hearing and smelling than we do. Why do you think dogs sometimes howl when they hear someone singing REALLY loud?

11-08-2006, 03:39 AM
You aren't getting any response because she's waiting for you all to get worked up. Just keep that in mind.

11-08-2006, 08:02 AM
You aren't getting any response because she's waiting for you all to get worked up. Just keep that in mind.
"Worked up ..how so?" Vela??

Lori Jordan
11-08-2006, 08:42 AM
You aren't getting any response because she's waiting for you all to get worked up. Just keep that in mind.
So true Vela,But i do feel bad for the pup being put in a situation like that.

11-08-2006, 09:15 AM
I do too Lori, I feel really bad for the poor dog. It's not his fault.

Lori Jordan
11-08-2006, 09:31 AM
I do too Lori, I feel really bad for the poor dog. It's not his fault.

I know it really turns my stomach when i hear about stuff like this,There are too many uneducated animal owners,And the sad thing is the animal looses in the end,Just devastating

11-08-2006, 09:34 AM
I gotcha vela-- thank you..

11-08-2006, 10:22 AM
warahgirl1995- clds???

Lori Jordan
11-08-2006, 11:31 AM
what is clds?

11-08-2006, 06:19 PM
You aren't getting any response because she's waiting for you all to get worked up. Just keep that in mind.
Oh my god that was a rather childish comment to make :eek: And rather rude, too! I cannot believe how rude you are in this thread.. :mad:

11-08-2006, 06:37 PM
I don't see why you guys think what Rupert did is not bad.

You aren't getting any response because she's waiting for you all to get worked up. Just keep that in mind.
That was rude and FYI I've been grounded. :mad:

11-08-2006, 06:47 PM
calm down and read what I sent you.

11-08-2006, 06:48 PM
I don't see why you guys think what Rupert did is not bad.

Because it seems like he acted just how every other startled dog would act.

11-08-2006, 06:48 PM
I don't see why you guys think what Rupert did is not bad....FYI I've been grounded. :mad:
Wait now - I am confused.. :confused: Now why would you be grounded? Did you "hit your brother" in the eye?

11-08-2006, 06:49 PM
Rupert was not bad. Not at all should he be blamed, thrown outside, or called "bad." I'm pretty sure he did not mean to harm your brother, as if he really wanted to, he could seriously harm him. It was a mere accident.

Rupert needs guidance, training, and understanding. As his owners, you and your family are supposed to give him such. The way you responded to the incident will not make him understand nor will it train him. He probably didn't even know what he did wrong.

In no way should he be killed for jumping on someone. If anything, he'd probably do a lot better in a different home who is more set out to train and understand him.

11-08-2006, 06:50 PM
Yes, his behaviour was unacceptable and definitely shouldn't be tolerated. However, it was simply an accident and nothing more from the sounds of it. I don't believe confining a dog to the garage for the night did any good for him, nor do I think your mom should euthanize him the next time he does something like that (IF he even does it again). I believe your brother is the one to blame for doing something Rupert that he didn't like. Not that your brother is a terrible child. He sounds young and probably didn't realize he was bothering Rupert. If Rupert goes after him again, I think it would be a better decision to rehome him with somebody without young kids rather than to euthanize.

Not trying to be rude but what's with the "I've been grounded" comment, anyway? I doubt anyone really cares. You say that constantly. This thread is about Rupert and whether is punishment was justified, it doesn't have anything to do with you being grounded.

11-08-2006, 06:52 PM
Wait now - I am confused.. :confused: Now why would you be grounded? Did you "hit your brother" in the eye?
What do you mean by that? :confused: Sounds pretty rude to me.

11-08-2006, 06:54 PM
What do you mean by that? :confused: Sounds pretty rude to me.
Magic- I am trying to find out why she is grounded... for what? I dont get it..
I am also a parent, and I dont understand why she would be grounded if the dog hurt her brothers eye. I dont understand. Something else is in this or I totallllllllllly missed something..

11-08-2006, 06:54 PM
What do you mean by that? :confused: Sounds pretty rude to me.

I'm not sure who you are or who you think you are but, is there really a need for you to point fingers and call people rude?

11-08-2006, 06:57 PM
Gosh. arguments. lol

11-08-2006, 07:02 PM
I'm not sure who you are or who you think you are but, is there really a need for you to point fingers and call people rude?
I agree..
warah- Last year I was walking our new puppy Zubin in the grass- and he pulled me a little, I was on wet grass, and my feet slid in the wet grass, and down the hill I went. My toe area caught a rock, but my ankle and bone kept going, and SNAP I heard my leg break right above the ankle. Now- it wasnt Zubins fault I slipped and broke my leg. It wasnt Zubins fault I had to have emergency surgery, and ended up in a wheel chair for 6 weeks- .. Not his fault.. And the wholeeeeeeee time during the fall I was holding onto the leash to keep him from getting loose and lost. My husband fell trying to get to me and all I get saying to him was- get the puppy, poorrrrrrrrrrr Zubin as I knew my fall scared him to death.
AS a matter of fact- because I was in a wheel chair for 6 weeks, he learned to tolerate wheel chairs, and became a very good therapy dog because of this..
Allllllllll I am saying is- are you grounded because you are grounded for another reason- or did you get grounded because of what happened with your brother...

11-08-2006, 07:04 PM
Magic- I am trying to find out why she is grounded... for what? I dont get it..
I am also a parent, and I dont understand why she would be grounded if the dog hurt her brothers eye. I dont understand. Something else is in this or I totallllllllllly missed something..
Because school started and they don't want me on, so when I went on I got grounded since I already got warned not too... I wanted to tell you guys about this and obviously it was a mistake :rolleyes: School was out today because of the floods coming through, and that's why I'm on today.

11-08-2006, 07:04 PM
hmmmm, intresting. lol i'm just kind of the peanut gallery here.

11-08-2006, 07:06 PM
I'm not sure who you are or who you think you are but, is there really a need for you to point fingers and call people rude?
Well soorry I thought she meant something else, and I don't want to get myself a bad reputation here but some of the posts I have been seeing have been extremely rude..

11-08-2006, 07:08 PM
Because school started and they don't want me on, so when I went on I got grounded since I already got warned not too... I wanted to tell you guys about this and obviously it was a mistake :rolleyes: School was out today because of the floods coming through, and that's why I'm on today.
Well honey- I hate to say this, but when my daughter was probably your age, the internet was supposed to be off at a certain time.
I am sorry, but you gave us the impression your were grounded because of something with this situation.
The dog did nothing wrong. No one really saw what happened, and it sounds like to me he jumped up either because of the whistle or whatever, and scratched your brothers eye.
When you have big dogs, and younger kids, constant supervision is necessary. All we have now is a confused dog, your brothers cut on his eye, you are grounded for getting on line where are arent supposed to- and that seems like the facts judging by the responses..
BTW- are you supposed to be on line now????

11-08-2006, 07:14 PM
Because it seems like he acted just how every other startled dog would act.

exactly! just because it was an accident does NOT make him a bad dog!!!

11-08-2006, 07:16 PM
hmmmm, intresting. lol i'm just kind of the peanut gallery here.
noooooooooooo junes you are not the peanut gallery.. roflll.. We were posting at the same time and didnt see you.. I am sorry junes.. lol..

11-08-2006, 07:19 PM
Well soorry I thought she meant something else, and I don't want to get myself a bad reputation here but some of the posts I have been seeing have been extremely rude..
Well lets not call each other names.. Nothing wrong with having a difference of opinion- but lets not call each other names and remember please- this is a discussion board.. If you dont want something discussed- dont post it.. okay???

11-08-2006, 07:20 PM

11-08-2006, 07:22 PM
I don't see why you guys think what Rupert did is not bad.

Did he bite your brother? NO. What he did was not bad. A LOT of dogs jump up and can easily knock a kid to the floor and injure them..on accident! IMO, it's your guy's fault for not having trained him to know it's unexceptable to jump up on people. And if he was startled, then perhaps leaving a dog unattended in a group of small children isn't the best thing. :rolleyes:

Your mom should seriously reconsider her thoughts on having him euthanized. Maybe it's in his best interest to be rehomed into a family that actually cares enough to get him trained and will not punish him for simply being what he is, a DOG!

11-08-2006, 07:25 PM
yes please re read what I wrote about Zubin- and a broken leg is much more serious than a scratch on the eye.. When I had shepherds and a small child etc I was like a hawk if the dogs were with my child. No because of any danger, but to prevent accidents.
As somebody said- when training a puppy, get a thick newspaper and roll it up real tight- take a rubber band and tie each end up and when the puppy messes up- hit YOURSELF ON THE HEAD WITH THE NEWSPAPER- YOU SHOULD HAVE BEEN WATCHING THE DOG... LOL..

11-08-2006, 07:27 PM
Heck I have a scar on my eye it's not that bad. and I have a PUG!!! lol Your brother will be fine I'm just worried about Rupert!

11-08-2006, 07:28 PM
I don't see why you guys think what Rupert did is not bad.

Hold on a minute? YOU just asked us if what Rupert did was bad. We gave you are opinions and then you come back and change your tune. First of all, Rupert needs training and you as an owner are supposed to give that to him. How the heck is locking him in a garage going to do anything? That might lead to worse problems. Did you ever stop and think this could have possibly been your brothers fault? I doubt it. If you know what you post is going to cause a problem then why would even post it? Putting Rupert to sleep for such a stupid thing is probably the dumbest thing I've heard in my entire life.

11-08-2006, 07:31 PM
Putting Rupert to sleep for such a stupid thing is probably the dumbest thing I've heard in my entire life.

Hey, folks, calm down. Keep in mind that it was her mother who talked about putting Rupert down, and that was in the heat of the moment. Do not attack warrahgirl for something her mother - who is of course, the adult, and ultimately the responsible party - said.

11-08-2006, 07:31 PM
Instead of titling it "Rupert hurt my brother" maybe it should be the other way around?

11-08-2006, 07:37 PM
wareh- I think Karen is right- it was said in the heat of the moment by your mother. As parents, sometimes we all say things we shouldnt at one time or another. Maybe you should sit down and talk to your mother about what she said. Maybe she didnt even realize you heard what she said- explain to her that scared you, and upset you.
One year I got mad trying to get a christmas tree up by myself. I was wrestling with the stupid thing for like 20 minutes, when I muttered to myself- "remind me to get a fake tree next year."" It took me about 20 minutes to realize my daughter had left the room. I thought she went to get some ornament boxes- I found her crying in her room. She thought I was serious, and I felt like an idiot to mutter something like that loud enough for my 5 year old to hear... I apologized to her seriously, and told her I didnt mean it at all and was very sorry. Parents forget that children take their words seriously- I mean sometimes we say things and they dont listen but we have to remember- they do listen when we dont think they would.. Maybe thats what happened here- .. why dont you go talk to her- if you can.. Start out with this " Mom- can I talk to you a minute-..."

11-08-2006, 10:29 PM
Explain to your mom that obedience training will cost less than euthanasia at a vet's office. :cool:

Chants: Obedience Training, Obedience Training, Obedience Training.... (hehe)

11-08-2006, 10:47 PM
No need to get all worked up about this and start arguments.

I believe how you corrected him was wrong. Dogs live in the NOW not the BEFORE. He doesn't know why your punishing him, he just knows your very upset with him for no particular reason. As others mentioned, Rupert probably got upset or excited from the wistle. From what it sounds like, he just scratched your brother by mistake. No reason to even consider putting him down. Just my two cents.

11-09-2006, 01:08 AM
Have you & your mom checkout/get a book called "Don't Shoot the Dog"
It about some training methods you can use, and understanding a dogs behavior. It's easy to read. Then you can take him for some classes as well. Dogs need teaching like a young child does. They need to know the limits & rules, but they have to be able to understand when you are teaching them. This book will help explain that.


you'll find great reviews of the book listed :)

11-09-2006, 01:21 AM
I just notice a lot of irresponsibility in your family. Honestly, that's the only problem I see here. Maybe not you... but it seems like your parents find dogs disposable and not worth training & spending time on. If my parents threatened to put my dogs to sleep, I would definitely re-home them where time was spent training. Actually, I'd move out, but that's not an option for you.

Furthermore... NO DOG, not even the most mild-mannered, should be left alone with little kids. Especially rowdy, misbehaved little kids as you describe your siblings to be. It sounds like your grandmother would not be able to handle or stop them from mistreating poor Rupert. I don't think that is acceptable at all. I would nevereverever leave my little brother alone with Gonzo OR Fozzie, even though they've never shown any aggression or over-excitedness with him, because the two cannot be trusted together, period. Only your parents/you/your grandmother are to blame for the whole thing, IMO.

Lori Jordan
11-09-2006, 07:42 AM
I'm not sure who you are or who you think you are but, is there really a need for you to point fingers and call people rude?
It is most likely one of her friends Kfamr,Remeber her last post about Max she has all her friends on here causing a rukas.

Lori Jordan
11-09-2006, 07:44 AM
Because school started and they don't want me on, so when I went on I got grounded since I already got warned not too... I wanted to tell you guys about this and obviously it was a mistake :rolleyes: School was out today because of the floods coming through, and that's why I'm on today.
Ok then your grounding had nothing to do with Rupert right?

11-09-2006, 08:29 AM
warah, have you tried whistle lightly (with your mother there) and see how rupert behaved? playful or vicious? you mentioned your brother only had a cut above his eye, I promise you it was a playful accident. or else, his face would'va been full of bite wounds, punctures down his chin, cheek and nose. just not a while ago, one of hyper labs I live with, couldn't wait patiently until I let go of a ball, she went ahead and tried to take it, she loves balls! her claw accidently scrrrraped down my kneeskin! we do get "playful" cuts sometimes and playful isn't bad, at all. that's why we think rupert is not bad. gosh, look at that sweet chocoboy in your picture, he looks so friendly.

my dog, crayola looooves whistle sounds, gets so excited, but doesn't jump. if my dog can learn that then your rupert absolutely can too. putting him in garage is like your father grounding you a week later.. you wouldn't understand, right? this is like to dog's mind, always discipline at the very moment of his incorrect behavior because dogs can't understand your descriptive words you speak after.

I hope he's out of garage by now, poor poor rupert. and how is your brother now?

11-09-2006, 11:01 PM
OK, I cant reply to everyone but I will try to answer it right here.
First of, My mom was mad, really mad, and she took it back. And I was pretty mad too, when he jumped up on him I was only think about my brother. i was scared for him. He is only 6 and he is half his size.... I'm so sorry for treating him like a 'bad' dog. He does have ear problems and he was just say "Shut up that hurts my ears" But I had to tell him that he cant do that again. I might have done that in the wrong way. And I'm sorry.
And I wasn't grounded for any reason... that had to do with Rupert. I really dont want to be rude,but you guys shouldn't be either. Could we just not fight over this anymore. I was mad at that moment, and it killed me to see my brother almost dead on the ground, it scared me. If anyone else was ever wiht a loved one when they were heart and you were doing things that you wished you hadn't done.
I hope that we ALL cool down a bit.Because its not really worth getting all mad about.......

11-09-2006, 11:04 PM
So has the whistle been put away so your brother cannot use it again, I hope?

Glad Rupert's not in danger, I hope you have been working with both brother and Rupert so they can be friends, and your brother can learn more about what you can and cannot do around Rupert.

11-10-2006, 08:12 AM
Ok then your grounding had nothing to do with Rupert right? .. She said it was because she was on line when she wasnt supposed to be. Rupert didnt turn the computer on- he was in the garage..
Now wareh you are blaming rupert for being grounded.. which is it honey? Just trying to get a clear picture here... Your explanation changed in one page..
wareh" Because school started and they don't want me on, so when I went on I got grounded since I already got warned not too... I wanted to tell you guys about this and obviously it was a mistake School was out today because of the floods coming through, and that's why I'm on today"

Lori Jordan
11-10-2006, 08:56 AM
Ok,Now you are saying he was almost dead,You are totally turning your story around, :rolleyes:

11-10-2006, 09:40 AM
:confused: How was your brother almost dead? You said he only had a scratch above his eye?

11-10-2006, 09:43 AM
and no one saw it, and grounded for being on line- now that is ruperts fault too... I am soooooooo confused...

11-10-2006, 09:49 AM
I think it reasonable to assume that, since she is young herself, and her brother was knocked to the ground with some blood visible (from the cut), it would be a gut reaction to wonder how badly he was hurt. Might even flash thru the mind, 'is he dead'?

I thought Karen's response was apt, and the rest after that are picking nits.

Someone once said to me, "You can be right - or you can be happy."

And I am not right here...this is just my opinion.

hugs to all, and no more whistles around Rupert, ok? :)

11-10-2006, 09:53 AM
yea I could see that reaction in a child. You are right..

11-10-2006, 10:38 AM
:confused: How was your brother almost dead? You said he only had a scratch above his eye?

yeah really! :confused:

11-10-2006, 10:42 AM
Oh jeez this is going way too far from my point of view :rolleyes:
It's true that your brother couldn't be almost dead from a scratch above his eye, and I believe you are over reacting, which I do sometimes, but why does everyone have to get all worked up about it :confused:
And I thought you said Rupert bit your brother, not jumped on him. If he jumped on him that would be a whole nother story...
Also, if your sister was there, did she tell you the story? Your sister, being 8, could have been over reacting. Maybe the dog really was just playing, not viciously trying to kill your brother. Know what I mean?

11-10-2006, 01:30 PM
I think he just scratched her brother with his paw by accident.

Lori Jordan
11-10-2006, 01:37 PM
I think he just scratched her brother with his paw by accident.
You and i both know we will never hear the truth,But as of now and staying away from this post it is all lies,I reall do feel for Rupert and hope he is never put in any other situations.

Daisy and Delilah
11-10-2006, 02:06 PM
Warah Girl: I think it would be beneficial to you and everyone here if you try to think before you post on a public board. Calm down first and then open a discussion. Alot of confusion could have been avoided.
When reading something that is written, rather than said, things can be misunderstood and the situation spirals out of control in a very short time. Think before you speak. I would also recommend not posting statements that were made in anger.

I hope your brother is okay. Since the whistle obviously irritates Rupert, please put it away so this won't happen again. Please give Rupert some kisses and hugs from us. :)

11-10-2006, 03:29 PM
I agree! Later after typed in anger, it looks like lies.
I mean i worried about you wareh, and rupert and your mother and your brother.... I would rather not have such a rollercoaster of statements that dont add up at the time...
You are talking to real people- people that get concerned about you and your situation. Some of this is massively concerning... In allllllll directions- such as is the dog being treated fairly- are YOU being treated fairly- is the dog being put to sleep? is your brother seriously hurt with no medical care????
You must understand our concern... This isnt a chat- its real people that care... !

Daisy and Delilah
11-10-2006, 03:32 PM
Well said borzoimom. We are all real people with real feelings. Please consider that we will react to what we read. There's no need to cause unnecessary worry and frustration. :)