View Full Version : HELP------ aaaaaaahhhhhhh!

11-06-2006, 06:53 PM
My boy, Ringo, has been a resident in my home for about 2.5 months. He is a 5-y.o. male, neutered and of course he uses his box, HOWEVER- if it has "anything" in it, he thinks it's ok to do his business on the floor! I've never encountered this sort of this with my other cats and I am really upset- I can't have him ruin my house- it smells like cat pee in here :( ! I've tried gradually changing litters - to the clumping kind, which he seems to prefer and it worked for a while, but now he is doing it again. What can I spray around to deter this behavior? Citrus? Sage? I can't remember.... :confused: I work all day- I can't be here to scoop every time he goes, besides- that is silly- I don;t want him to get tht spoiled, then I'll have a bigger problem on my hands!

My husband (who is not nearly as attached as I am) is getting really angry :mad: , I have to do something fast!

11-06-2006, 07:27 PM
Have you heard of those automatic litter boxes?? I have heard that they are wonderful. He will do his duty and as soon as he is finished the sifter will remove the waste. So your kitty will think he has a clean box everytime. The only drawback is that they cost like 100.00. But for this case it might be a good investment.
Good Luck. I understand with the attached thing I have a hard time with that also!! ;)

11-06-2006, 08:27 PM
We feel your pain. Go to


and review their wonderful Unabridged Guide to Litterbox Problems.

One of my fosters was an exceptionally finicky cat. She got two litterboxes. :rolleyes:

You might also try posting in Cat Health--this forum is not visited as much by other members who have experience in this area.

Good luck to you and Ringo.

11-06-2006, 09:05 PM
Automatic box- why didn't I think of it? I knew I could ask here and get answers! Thanks a million! :D

11-06-2006, 09:06 PM
Hey- another great idea! I will try anything. Thanks for the link, also- I'll check it our right away! ;)

11-06-2006, 09:35 PM
Also, stop by any pet supply place and pick up "Nature's Miracle" - it is a cleaner that contains an enzyme that breaks down the cat pee - so not only does the smell go away, it also menas the stuff that says to a cat "this is a good spot" also goes away.

11-07-2006, 08:51 AM
Supposedly, cats do not like the smell of citrus; I never had any success that way, though.

I recently bought Feliway online for Sparkle, for car sickness. But it is also to help with this situation. I got the spray bottle. It is working for her car sickness. You may want to investigate that too.

Laura's Babies
11-07-2006, 09:39 AM
If all else fails, cage him when nobody is home to watch him... a cage big enough to hold food, water and a litter box... Sooner or later, he will get the idea.

11-07-2006, 09:47 AM
The Vet gave me that enzyme spray too, as a few of the Porch Cats are not as clean as they could be, and it really works well.
I hope it works for you too.