View Full Version : Stress - some positive thoughts would be appreciated!!

Ally Cat's Mommy
11-06-2006, 12:41 PM
I feel awful asking for any prayers, or positive thoughts at the moment, as we are all still in shock from Corinna's passing :(

As most of you know, my family and I are in the process of relocating to West Africa - this is NOT a welcome move, and involves me leaving my furkids, my home (for the past 6 years), my friends and my beautiful house.

I HAD booked for packers to come in on the 20th November, and for me to leave Bahrain on the 27th. (I will be back in South Africa with Cali until December or January, Warren and Cameron are already in Lagos, Cheryl (Emily_The_Spoiled) will be fostering Connor, and Ally is being re-homed).

At the beginning of October, I thought I would be out of the house by the beginning of November, so I gave my landlord notice that I would be vacating my house. However due to delays with our visas, a few days later it became apparant that I would not be ready to leave until the end of November, so I cancelled my notice - this was acknowledged verbally by the landlord, and I confirmed by fax on October 15th, then followed up with a phone call, and the office worker confirmed that it was all ok - I could stay for as long as I needed, and re-submit my notice later.

On the 20th October my landlord changed the management company who administers my compound - he is STILL the owner, but a 3rd party company is in charge of admin and maintenance.

2 days ago, their manager rang my door bell and asked why I was still in the house, telling me that I had given notice and I should have been out on the 2nd November. I explained that I have cancelled my notice, but he told me they had never received my cancellation from the old management company.

Yesterday, their manager gave me a letter giving me 48 hours to vacate the property. You can imagine how I felt!! To pack up an entire lifetime of belongings and relocate in 48 hours, with hubby away and a baby in the house???

Warren is already in Lagos. He called the manager, and the manager yelled at him on the phone, eventually saying " I don't want to get rough with you, but you must get out of the house".

The landlord refuses to take my calls.
The OLD management agency (who processed my notice and subsequent cancellation) say that thay can't help as they no longer administer the property.
The NEW management company have signed a new tenant from December 1st, and say they will not be responsible for the mistakes of the previous admin company.
The new tenant says he does not care about MY problems, and refuses to change his lease to an identical property about 500m down the road.
There is NO property ombudsman in Bahrain.
I contacted a lawer, and he told me that it is not worth my time and money to try to fight it - the landlord is a member of one of the richest families here (they are basically above the law).

So I am trying to sort out all my stuff (totally on my OWN :() :
- one cat to re-home
- one cat to the states
- de-register our motorbikes
- close all my accounts
- some bikes and furniture into storage
- some stuff being shipped to Lagos
- the stuff I need for the next 6 weeks in South Africa
- everything else to either be donated to charity or sold if possible

PLEASE send some prayers that AT LEAST the landlord will give me another week to 10 days to move all my stuff into storage properly, and book my tickets out of here!

I am so sad that my happy times here in Bahrain have ended on such a bad note :(

Cinder & Smoke
11-06-2006, 01:02 PM

Landlord sounds like a real "gem" (NOT)! :mad:

You need to round up some of your 6-Year Friends and ask for some seroius HELP!

* Won't someone "loan" you a spare bedroom for a while?
* Rent a couple mini-storage rooms and ask Friends to help you haul your "stuff" there ...
* Then use the mini-storage rooms to sort and box the stuff
* The Movers can come to the mini-storage room to box and move out the "stuff" that goes

BEST of Luck to you that things will work out!


11-06-2006, 01:37 PM
Prayers on their way!

Ally Cat's Mommy
11-06-2006, 01:46 PM

Landlord sounds like a real "gem" (NOT)! :mad:

You need to round up some of your 6-Year Friends and ask for some seroius HELP!

* Won't someone "loan" you a spare bedroom for a while?
* Rent a couple mini-storage rooms and ask Friends to help you haul your "stuff" there ...
* Then use the mini-storage rooms to sort and box the stuff
* The Movers can come to the mini-storage room to box and move out the "stuff" that goes

BEST of Luck to you that things will work out!


Thanks Phred!

I have had several offers of help, but with so much personal property to go through and sort out, it's difficult to delegate to other people.

Cam's best friend Tom, who lives 2 houses away, has been a real sweetheart today - helping carry boxes etc. I think on moving day I will call a couple of Cam's friends to help out - some strong and energetic teenagers will be a great help!

I have had several offers of a bed / room, but the real problem is all our stuff - a 6500 square foot house takes a LOT of packing up. Also the company who are storing all my furniture will not inventory and insure it unless THEY personally pack it -and they aren't available until the 13th...

I have realised that this is not a time to be proud and independant - I'll be calling in favors wherever I can, to get enough helping hands to sort this mess out!!

Cinder & Smoke
11-06-2006, 01:55 PM
Also the company who are storing all my furniture will not inventory and insure it
unless THEY personally pack it -and they aren't available until the 13th...

But THEY don't have to "start" in the old house ...
they can sort, inventory, and pack from a neighbor's garage,
or a couple of mini-storage rooms!

http://petoftheday.com/i/our_smilies/wink.gif Phred

11-06-2006, 02:11 PM
Oh my word! *hugs* Good vibes going your way! :(

11-06-2006, 02:26 PM
Good Lord, Julie, I am so sorry about this mix up. :( (Proof positive that people only ever think of themselves. :mad: )
Prayers and best of luck with what you need to do. And remember, "This too, shall pass".


11-06-2006, 02:31 PM
Oh Julie!! It sounds beyond horrible, and is so stressful on you! :( No wonder if you're freaking out. I really hope you can get all your friends together to help, and find storage.

Just an idea, but could you possible rent the empty house down the road for the rest of the month?

Wishing you all the best of luck, and lots of hugs.

11-06-2006, 02:42 PM
ohhhhhhhhhhhh my goodness! Prayers with you, but you need a silly button.. Something to relieve stress- I know- make some dough.. after you get it going reallllllllllllllllllll good- start throwing it in the air.. lol. ( come on now- this will make you giggle a little...) seriously- it works- start tossing the dough in the air.. come on nowwwwwwwwwwwwww.. I see a smile... toss toss , opps- get it off the ceiling - toss toss... come on now .. I seeeeeeeeee you smiling... toooooooossssss toss...

11-06-2006, 06:39 PM
I'm so sorry things are so messed up right now.This is so wrong to be put in the middle of this without any help close by.If this were a company
move I would have your husband ask them for help extending your stay
until you get things sorted out.Prayers on the way & here's a big hug,((HUG))

Edwina's Secretary
11-06-2006, 06:44 PM
Julie...what terrible timing...wish I could give you a hand...but at least know I am thinking of you.....

11-06-2006, 08:54 PM
yeesh, they can't do that to you!! .......why you. :( I know that stressful grind as I went through like this a couple of times and you have all my sympathies!

do you have a friend who you trust could watch callie for you during your moving hours?? that would get things move faster, right?

I'm so sorry, this stress is no fun and hopefully things will move on better and less rocky than you think.


Laura's Babies
11-06-2006, 09:06 PM
It does suck that you have loved it there and have it end on such a bad note. I wish I was closer to help... I guess I will have to just pray and pray and pray for you!!!!

11-06-2006, 09:23 PM
Julie, I know you will get it all straightened out, but what a pain in the meantime. Hang in there, ask for help wherever you can. Wish we could help you.


11-06-2006, 10:46 PM
Julie, I'm so sorry to hear about this.:( I hope that everything will work out for you. You're in my thoughts and prayers. Please take care. (((HUGS)))

11-06-2006, 11:27 PM
Oh my, prayers going out for you. Even though you'd like to do all the packing & sorting, resist the temptation & call in those friends to just get it into boxes so it can be moved out. You can always sort later.
I don't understand why the management co. is being so obstinant, sounds like he's the type that would get ugly about this. So sorry it's turned out like this. this too shall pass...

11-07-2006, 09:09 AM
Eeks! That's horrible!

I'm thinking and praying for you. *HUGS*

Sara luvs her Tinky
11-07-2006, 09:16 AM

Prayers are on the way!! I sure hope that things settle down and your landlord will help you in any way you need!

Some people need to realize that what goes around comes around..... it isnt always so painful to help a person in need...

11-07-2006, 09:58 AM
Okay, you just put my minor stress into perspective.

I'm so sorry to hear you are dealing with all this. Good luck and I'm sending you good thoughts and prayers.

11-07-2006, 01:15 PM
Moving is hard enough, I am so sorry that you are having this happen. Please know that we are thinking about you (and can hardly wait for Connor to come ;) )