View Full Version : Question About Spaying

06-09-2002, 12:48 AM
First of all i tokk everyones advice and got a second kiten. I was going to get a boy and i was told this was a boy but it appears to be a girl. (it is going to the vet in a couple of weeks) So i am concerned my female will get pregnant. Both kittens are about 6 weeks. What age is ideal for this situation?
Thanks Danielle

C.C.'s Mom
06-09-2002, 01:37 AM
I'm happy that you got another kitten for you cat. It'll do him good. And you'll see, there's so much more love and fun when there are 2 of them.

I once had 2 kittens, sibblings. There's nothing to worry about as long as the female isn't getting in season. You'll notice it: she'll roll over the floor, and all the other signs of it.

Here's what I got from Emazing:

Early Spay and Neuter
How old should your cat be before it is spayed or neutered? Many humane societies have been doing spaying and neutering in cats as young as eight weeks for some time now. Many veterinarians like to wait until the animal is six months old to alter them. It is not necessary for a female to go through a heat cycle before she is spayed. The earlier you have a male neutered, the less likely it is that he will start spraying behavior

Why don't you talk it over with your vet?

Former User
06-09-2002, 04:42 AM
Our cats were done when Casper was 6 months and Kitty 8 months. The vet didn't want to do it before they were big enough. Like C.C.'s Mom said, ask your vet. In my opinion, 6 weeks is too young. But it's just my opinion.

4 feline house
06-09-2002, 10:53 AM
Hi, Max's Mommy.

You have two potential problems. First of all, a girl kitty living with an intact male can become pregnant before you even realize she's been in season.

Secondly, neutering males at too young an age is possibly partially responsible for later development of Feline Urological Syndrome.

But, you may have two boys, it's sometimes really hard to tell. I had a boy who was originally sexed a girl because he had undescended testacles. I had a girl who was originally sexed as a boy because she had two tufts of fur in the ahem, appropriate place.

When you take the kitty in for shots you can have the vet determine the sex and talk about what's best at that time.

For what it's worth, I had a kitty who was eleven months old when he was neutered and he was troubled with FUS his entire life. My big guy Big was done at four months, and even though he's not quite three he so far has had no problems.

06-09-2002, 09:56 PM
Yes, I agree that you should talk to your vet about this. I have three males and they were all neutered before I got them. I was told that Sunny was neutered at 6 months and Pepper was done at 8 weeks of age. I'm not sure when Storm was done. So far they are all fine and none of them have ever tried to spray. I've also heard that if a kitten doesn't weigh enough then they won't do it until they've gained enough weight. I guess they're afraid of them not coming out of the anesthesia. Good luck and please keep us posted. I'm so glad that you got your cat a playmate.:)

maxx's mom
06-21-2002, 12:41 AM
Maxx was spayed at as soon as she turned six months. I didn't want to hear that aweful yowling from a female cat in heat. We had no problems with her, even though she is a small cat, comparably. I agree with the others that you should speak with your vet, but I would be a little concerned about getting her done too young.
Good luck!:)