View Full Version : Pug Information please??

11-05-2006, 11:21 AM
Hi! My friend lives in an apartment with her mom and sister. They have 4 cats and are looking into getting a dog. April wants a pug... and she asked for my help if its the right dog for her. She has about 6 hours a day to interact with the dog but otherwise it would be home alone or with her mom. The health problems cannot be too high or expensive. Does this sound like the right dog for them or not? Or... should I give more information? Thanks.

11-05-2006, 11:25 AM
junescrater has a pug but she posted on dog breed- see pugs anyone? "

11-05-2006, 11:59 AM
Well, I own a Pug mix, though I do know a wee bit about Pugs in general.
I hear they do fairly well in apartments... though tend to get jealous if they don't get alot of attention.. They are very "people-oriented" dogs. They thrive on attention and normally want to be with their owners as much as possible.
Do encourage your friend to go to other websites such as HERE (http://www.dogbreedinfo.com/pug.htm) or others found through a search engine and learn every last bit she can. You can never be too careful when deciding which breed is right!

11-05-2006, 12:02 PM
6 hours a day when? I worked at night for 10 years but really the dog was only alone for a few hours in the morning.. During the day for an adult would be fine. Like 9am-3pm. Depends on teh age.. I need more info here ( sorry) but what time of day and how old is the caretaker?

11-05-2006, 12:22 PM
I have wanted a pug for a looooong time but just haven't been able to make the move. I have had poodles for 30 years now and have been sticking with a breed that I feel comfortable with. That said, I did a lot of research about pugs before I got Bella (my standard poodle). I found that they are wonderful little dogs, very people oriented and get along quite nicely with other dogs, cats (that was important to me) and children. The negatives were problems with their eyes (corneal abrasions and corneal ulcers) and breathing problems. They don't do well in extremely hot or extremely cold weather and can't take a lot of exercising. Some day I still hope to have a pug though. ;) I would suggest you visit a pug forum. I belong to a poodle forum and there is nothing quite as good as hearing it from the mouths (or keyboards ;) ) of those who own and love a particular breed. Good luck on your decision and I commend you for doing your homework ahead of time. :)

11-05-2006, 12:28 PM
I don't know a whole lot about Pugs, but from what Chilli and Pam are saying, they sound like great dogs. I also heard that the Shiba Inu can fit pretty much any lifestyle and make great pets, but they can be pretty hyper. I wish your friend luck with her decision.

11-05-2006, 12:29 PM
I thought they were charming as well as the French Bull dog as well.. Especially the brindles..

11-05-2006, 02:16 PM
Pugs are excellent dogs!!! They're actually more human than dog. A lot of people say pugs are soooo hard to take care of but they really aren't! The wrinkles only need to be cleaned when they start scratching at their face not weekly we tried that and it started to give him sores and stuff. They can tell emotions really well and they know when you are sad and thats when their "mushiness" kicks in. As for feeding we went through alot of brands of dog food before we found which one worked well for him (Thank you borzoimom!) they never need to be brushed but do need once a month baths and after that vacum them to get up any loose hair. (A brush won't work)
A lot of therapists tell their patients who are stressed to get a pug because they are the number one stress reliever!!!! Don't worry about getting a pug. If fall in love with one like you feel a strong bond between the two of you like we did thats the one to get. You don't just want to go out and buy one. Try bonding with it first!!!
Well, hope that helps!!! Good Luck with the Pug!!! :D

11-05-2006, 02:20 PM
The health problems cannot be too high or expensive.

Health problems and emergencies can happen with any dog, I suggest you tell your friend that they need to make sure they have some money saved for routine vet care as well as emergencies. Pugs are prone to a variety of health problems, your friend should do some research on that.

they never need to be brushed but do need once a month baths and after that vacum them to get up any loose hair. (A brush won't work)

I'm a groomer and I've bathed and brushed lots of pugs....a rubber curry brush like this http://www.petedge.com/shopping/product/detailmain.jsp?bFamily=false&itemType=PRODUCT&iMainCat=0&iSubCat=0&iSubSubCat=0&AS=1&itemID=3074 works great on their coat to get out the loose hair.

11-05-2006, 02:20 PM
If you have any questions you can email me. Private message me for my e-mail address k?

11-05-2006, 02:21 PM
oh really? huh. Curly doesn't much care for brushes he always wiggles around. lol we vacum him with the little attachments. It's really quick and he absolutely LOVES it.

11-05-2006, 02:50 PM
lollllllllllllllll he thinks its a massage huh?

11-05-2006, 02:55 PM
Is she highly opposed to shedding or does it not bother her? Pugs shed a lot (say the dog breed books).

11-05-2006, 03:00 PM
No actually they dont. Most short haired dogs do actually- sometimes more so than long hairs, but I have always witnessed they dont shed much as long as they are fed a good diet.

11-05-2006, 03:06 PM
My Neice has 2 pugs....George & Molly and they shed like crazy. They have many health issues as well including yeast infections in their ears and issues with their eyes and nasal passages. They're absolute dolls but with the health issues, that can be expensive to treat. They also hate having their nails cut and have to go to the Vets to get it done. Pugs can get fat, so it's important to walk them and give them enough exercise. Be careful in the summer because they can't stand the heat (because of their breathing issues). And in the winter you should be careful too. Is she getting a rescue pug? I know Vermont has a pug rescue organization. Perhaps she can look into rescuing a pug. Oh, and pugs snort like little pigs (at least George does). :D

11-05-2006, 03:19 PM
My Neice has 2 pugs....George & Molly and they shed like crazy. They have many health issues as well including yeast infections in their ears and issues with their eyes and nasal passages. They're absolute dolls but with the health issues, that can be expensive to treat. They also hate having their nails cut and have to go to the Vets to get it done. Pugs can get fat, so it's important to walk them and give them enough exercise. Be careful in the summer because they can't stand the heat (because of their breathing issues). And in the winter you should be careful too. Is she getting a rescue pug? I know Vermont has a pug rescue organization. Perhaps she can look into rescuing a pug. Oh, and pugs snort like little pigs (at least George does). :D
alot of pugs and other short haired dogs will shed heavy and have yeast infections in the ears and all if fed a food with high undigestable proteins and fats. I like Bil Jac but there are several... what does she feed them?

11-05-2006, 03:30 PM
Pugs can get fat, so it's important to walk them and give them enough exercise. Be careful in the summer because they can't stand the heat (because of their breathing issues).

Pugs only get fat if the owners fall for "the angel routine". The pug looks at the owner with it's big googlies and then the owner feeds him more because thats what the little pug wants. Curly used to do that but he stopped after we started ignoring him whenever he asked for food at 9 o'clock at night.lol

11-05-2006, 03:31 PM
Curly had an ear yeast infection but my parent's German shepherd had that too. Same with my dads first GS.

11-05-2006, 04:00 PM
I hear that pugs are fun and loving little dogs. They have breathing problems, though, because of their short snouts. My friend had a pug and he was such a sweet little guy.

I belong to a poodle forum and there is nothing quite as good as hearing it from the mouths (or keyboards ;) ) of those who own and love a particular breed.
May I ask what forum that is? I would love to belong to a poodle forum.

11-05-2006, 04:06 PM
My brother has one. His is a mis marked black meaning he has alot of white on his chest, but the dog is adorable! He is is a cherished household pet, but doesnt take heat well... but that works- he doesnt go outside much except for business... I love his expressions..

11-05-2006, 04:16 PM
alot of pugs and other short haired dogs will shed heavy and have yeast infections in the ears and all if fed a food with high undigestable proteins and fats. I like Bil Jac but there are several... what does she feed them?

I think IAMS...but I'm not too sure.

11-05-2006, 04:19 PM
I took Fenway for a walk in the woods today and some guy was walking his little pug. It was so cute...it had a little red bandana on. I think it was a puppy. I said to myself...my next dog will be a pug just because it will make me laugh. I think pugs are adorable and have character. They're like little people who snort.

11-05-2006, 04:22 PM
I really don't think that 6 hrs a day is enough time with a dog.I'd ask her
to chose another pet. Maybe another cat?

11-05-2006, 04:23 PM
I think IAMS...but I'm not too sure.
yup... that would do it...

11-05-2006, 04:23 PM
It depends if it's day or night in my opinion. About the hours per dAy

11-05-2006, 04:24 PM
My brothers is a riot. He loves fleese squeek toys.. and gets so excited he snorts too- so you hear " squeek squeek,, snort snort.. squeek squeek,, snort.."

11-05-2006, 04:26 PM
lolllllllllllllll!!!!!!!!! Oh so true borzoi!!! Curly is snoring on the couch right now.

11-05-2006, 04:28 PM
Does your brother's pug hate being picked up as well? Curly goes nuts sometimes. He bites! lol

11-05-2006, 05:49 PM
I have a pug named Nacey. Nacey is my right-hand dog, she is never too far from my side.

As others have said eye problems, breathing problems, yeast infections, and allergies are all issues with pugs. Others have also already mentioned it is VERY important with any pet to have money set aside for both regular vet visits and any emergency that may arise (most emergencies will costs hundreds of dollars, some can cost thousands).

Pugs are prone to obesity. Measuring their food is a must, never just put food down and fill the bowl whenever it's empty, they will over eat (pugs are pigs). Exercise is important too, but not during the hottest part of the day. The early morning or the evening are the best times to take walks. Nacey also LOVES to chase balls and play fetch.

Because of their breathing problems it's important to walk pugs on a harness. It's a bit more difficult to train a dog to walk properly on a harness, but it's well worth it for the dogs health. Going to a professional trainer is a very good idea too. Pugs are very willing to learn, but can be a bit bull headed sometimes. They are smart dogs, Nacey graduated top of her training class! Training classes are a lot of fun too, for both you and your dog.

They do shed a lot, even on good food (though they will shed less on good food). I use a rubber brush, like Wolf_Q mentioned- I use a Zoom Groom (http://www.petsmart.com/global/product_detail.jsp?PRODUCT%3C%3Eprd_id=84552444177 9169&FOLDER%3C%3Efolder_id=2534374302026088&ASSORTMENT%3C%3East_id=2534374302023689&bmUID=1162769024480&itemNo=0&Ntt=zoom+groom&In=All&previousText=zoom+groom&N=2) because I like the size of it.

11-06-2006, 10:52 AM
My sister has two pugs. She brushes them a lot and feeds them a high quality food. They shed A LOT!

But they are really fun dogs. They are about 1/3 cat, 1/3 dog and 1/3 human. She can't cut the nails on the one she got from a rescue, but the one she raised from a pup is fine. She hasn't had a lot of medical expenses that any other dog owner wouldn't have, just the normal stuff.

They love to be wherever 'mom' is, bring her their stuffed toys and bark at the neighbor kids.

She rarely takes them for walks but they have a yard and doggy door. They get their exercise chasing birds, squirrels, bugs and airplanes.

My only concern would be how the cats will feel. Those sharp nails could cause damage on a dog who's eyes protrude the way Pugs do.

11-06-2006, 06:00 PM
When my brother and i were growing up,, we used to have a Pug mix by the name of Brute...
he lived to be super old and died when i was 15.. i miss terribly. we had him through all my childhood.

im sure youve probably been to this website before,, but oh well..
pasting the link in anyway http://www.dogbreedinfo.com/pug.htm ;)