View Full Version : To those of you with Children...Sad video

11-04-2006, 08:55 PM
Important Message. A car seat video about a three yr old, Kyle who died due to seat belt misfunctioning. VERY SAD. may not want to watch if you are sensitive.


Laura's Babies
11-04-2006, 11:13 PM
Hi Jods! That is a extreemly important message and I sent to a friend. Thanks for posting.

11-04-2006, 11:59 PM
Oh my gosh.. I never would have looked at that if I had known it concerned a child dying. Maybe it's just because I am pregnant and extra sensitive to things like this, but I know that that boy's face is going to haunt me....

As for the message, it is a good one. I had a seatbelt come undone on me in my very first car accident but thankfully I wasn't hurt....
Maybe put a warning that this is extremely sensitive??

11-05-2006, 01:22 AM
Oh my gosh.. I never would have looked at that if I had known it concerned a child dying. Maybe it's just because I am pregnant and extra sensitive to things like this, but I know that that boy's face is going to haunt me....
Maybe put a warning that this is extremely sensitive??

I was just thinking the same thing. I started crying when I watched it. As you said, that little guys face is going to haunt me now. I'm very sensitive as well, being pregnant and while it definitely was a good message, it just really hit me.

11-05-2006, 09:07 AM
I just sobbed, but it needed to be watched. Hubby and I are about to become first time parents and we both needed to watch it, regardless of how sad it was. It needed to be watched. This is how you prevent it from happening again.

Thank you very much for posting that. I really didn't know, but glad that now I do.

Rest in peace, precious boy Kyle.

Rie Rie
11-05-2006, 09:56 AM
Thanks for posting that. As sad as it was, people need to know these things. My daughter bought one of those booster seats like Kyle was in and I made her take it out and put the 5 point one back in. I am sending this to her to watch for herself, so she can see just how dangerous those booster seats really are.

11-05-2006, 10:51 AM
Thats so sad. :(
Thanks for posting it, though.
Though I, myself, don't have kids..two of my sister's friends just recently had babies, and this is something I'll pass on to them.

11-05-2006, 11:30 AM
That was so hard to watch. All I could think about was those parents...and the song just made me cry even more. Thank you for the message. I am so sorry that those parents had to go thru that. God bless that family please.

11-05-2006, 11:57 AM
My daughter is now 20 but we used a car seat before it was even law as far as mandatory. We lived in Pa. at the time, and it was still not a law, but was in our state.
Later I read about putting childrent in the front passenger seat- my daughter had always been center second seat..

11-05-2006, 12:28 PM
So sad, glad the parent posted that so more people know about it.

May her son rest in peace. :(

11-05-2006, 03:20 PM
I know it was hard to watch I thought the same thing, and thought I shouldn't have watched it but then I thought if I hadn't I would have never known. I will edit it to tell that its sensitive.

11-05-2006, 05:09 PM
It doesn't only apply to carseats. EVERYONE should be wearing a seatbelt properly. Maybe it won't work VERY good but it can prevent much more serious injuries and deaths. That video made me cry to and the music only made it harder. Kyle was such a handsome little boy. :( I went on the website at the end of the video and started sobbing when I looked at his photo album, especially the shots of the whole entire family. :(

RIP Kyle.