View Full Version : Looking pretty *pics*

11-04-2006, 08:02 PM
After 7 1/2 long weeks Jasmine is now cured from DM. http://petoftheday.com/i/our_smilies/biggrin.gif The vet has now cleared her as DM Negative as of Friday. Jasmine will be leaving Majestic Collies and going back to Sharon the director of TSCR tomorrow. Unfortunately after her last pill of daily Interceptor for the past 8 weeks her bodies Hormones where instantly stimulated and went into heat. I will not be able to have her spayed till she is out of heat. For obvious reasons with an intact male in the house she must leave us. Wish her luck in a new home with a loving family. Thanks for all the fun you gave us here Jasmine. We will miss you here at Majestic Collies. http://petoftheday.com/i/our_smilies/frown.gif



11-04-2006, 08:07 PM
She's just beautiful! You did a fabulous job with her, Tim. :)

Good luck in your new home, Jasmine!

11-04-2006, 08:22 PM
Awww! Jasmine sure is a gorgeous little Collie girl!

11-04-2006, 09:01 PM
Aww its going to be sad to see her go from our PT Collie family.
I hope she gets adopted into a family where they tale care of her as much
as you did and spoil her just as much too. Maybe they will bring her back
to you for some grooming seeing as you do such a lovley job:)
I think part of the adoption should be to agree to join PT and have tons
and tons of pictures:D

Good bye sweet Jasmine it was fun having you here. Good luck with your
new family. Be a good girl.

11-04-2006, 09:13 PM
Good luck, Jasmine! She's a beauty! Great job, Tim, she really blossomed under your care. :D

11-04-2006, 10:19 PM
Awww, we'll miss you Jasmine! Tim, you have done such an awesome job with her!

11-04-2006, 10:23 PM
You did fantastic with her, Tim! These Collies are so lucky to be rescued by such a wonderful person!

11-04-2006, 10:38 PM
Good luck Jasmine - she has really turned into a gorgeous girl!
She was before of course but now she doesn't have to be self conscious!

11-05-2006, 06:20 AM
What a beautiful baby and you should pat your self on the back Tim for all the work, and for getting her from where she was in the physical condition, to the pictures we see now!

Ginger's Mom
11-05-2006, 06:51 AM
Aww, she looks great. I hope she has as much luck in her new home as she did in her foster home. She is going to miss you and the gang.

Daisy and Delilah
11-05-2006, 07:02 AM
Goodbye sweet girl!! We'll really miss you and we know you'll miss Tim and the Majestic Collies. Again Tim, your work is to be admired by everyone!! It just shows us what love and TLC will do for these wonderful dogs. :)

11-05-2006, 08:13 AM
Jasmine has become such a Gorgious Collie under your Loving Care~

Thank-You so much for Sharing her "Story" and her "Pictures" with us, you've done such a fine job !!!!

Lori Jordan
11-05-2006, 09:08 AM
Wow Jasmine you are Beautiful!!! I wish you all the best in your new home,it's too bad to see you go,Best wishes for your Future Jasmine i know you will be well cared for!

11-05-2006, 11:01 AM
She's looking so gorgeous. :D
Great work with her, its obvious you have a great passion for helping out the fosters at TSCR.
Good luck in your new home, Jasmine! We sure will miss you here on PT.

11-05-2006, 01:13 PM
great pics! pretty pup! :D

4 Dog Mother
11-06-2006, 01:04 PM
What a wonderful job you did with Jasmine. She looks so much better than when you first got her. I hope that she finds a wonderful home with someone who will take as good care of her as you have.